this image contains text
die a nonsoftly death, die like you would have k i l l e d
yourself, die li . ke a animal, suicide, b r i n g it
all tog heter : /.--------. and j u s t d ie
just di e.--: ijust b e your
own exei :// : / c u t or,
your o w n
wish / : / : / : be t h e
last :pOimp human
you see . alive, be lifeless, just d. :ie, just l ife-
less dr agged out into the open, wh y wont anyb ody
put an end t:o my suffering, why am i st:ill alive, j u st
use the hammer, use the needle, push it in, hard, make the
end, make me the higher power in hell, reunite me with m y
creator, im fucking suffering, im living in hell, throw me
out the window, blow my head off, inject me with poision ,
its time to reunite, its time to die, nobody took it th at
serious, cut my arms, cut my pulse, let it bleed, b l e ed
until all lifesigns are gone, gone, let me just die, i t s
my biggest wish, i cant live this way anymore, too h a r d
the easiest way, the best way, just let me die, he l p m e
die, take my lifesign, be my god, be my creator, just l et
me slowly fell to the grown and dont stand up again, j ust
let me die...
yourself, die li . ke a animal, suicide, b r i n g it
all tog heter : /.--------. and j u s t d ie
just di e.--: ijust b e your
own exei :// : / c u t or,
your o w n
wish / : / : / : be t h e
last :pOimp human
you see . alive, be lifeless, just d. :ie, just l ife-
less dr agged out into the open, wh y wont anyb ody
put an end t:o my suffering, why am i st:ill alive, j u st
use the hammer, use the needle, push it in, hard, make the
end, make me the higher power in hell, reunite me with m y
creator, im fucking suffering, im living in hell, throw me
out the window, blow my head off, inject me with poision ,
its time to reunite, its time to die, nobody took it th at
serious, cut my arms, cut my pulse, let it bleed, b l e ed
until all lifesigns are gone, gone, let me just die, i t s
my biggest wish, i cant live this way anymore, too h a r d
the easiest way, the best way, just let me die, he l p m e
die, take my lifesign, be my god, be my creator, just l et
me slowly fell to the grown and dont stand up again, j ust
let me die...
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