this image contains text
/ / / / korova
---- /-------- ---------------------------m-a-i-n--m-e-n-u------------------
off get out of there! boards list boards new new messages .
cookie cookiebot soul irc kernel.org.ar post post messages
finger CT stuff feedback mail operator status your status .
journal the journalite info RTFM read read messages
mail private mail list lastcallers users meet the family
plan change your info sc new mail scan
---- /-------- ---------------------------m-a-i-n--m-e-n-u------------------
off get out of there! boards list boards new new messages .
cookie cookiebot soul irc kernel.org.ar post post messages
finger CT stuff feedback mail operator status your status .
journal the journalite info RTFM read read messages
mail private mail list lastcallers users meet the family
plan change your info sc new mail scan
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