this image contains text
/ n7vasl /
l / / /
--- --- - --- --- ---- --l/- -----
.o pure pimpin /
i t s t w e n t y s e v e n t h i s s u e
// /pIX!pO!@ /---//
/ m E M B E R S !
pO pOGUE poguemon@thuglife.org - oldschool ascii
xz xZiP arakee@beer.com - oldschool ascii
bFR bEFEATER befeater@dlc.fi - oldschool ascii
slO pIX not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
bZ bLOOz not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
ab aCIDBRAIN not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
scr sCOUr not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
jp jACk phLASh not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
eld eLENd not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
sk sIMONKING not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
n/a n/a
greetz goes to our past members, who has began their journey into
a new scene, a new world or maybe just to a new group not in any
partically order: spitfire, befeater, dopedemon, dorm, quix, esc,
hex corrupt, the director, methane, skywalker, acidburn, cleaner,
the genocidal servantmagma, helter skelter, dark stalker, dwarf,
mystic rage, shyphtsagramore, dark entity, tekkrik-e, mOdium,
inphamilair, ansichrist, zimmer.
: : c O N T A C T ! : .
:/ / : . : : sCr/pO!
ftp :: woe.dhs.org /pub/woe/impure/ - anno login, port: 545454
irc :: impure or woe on irc efnet
email :: impure@thuglife.org
artflow :: send submits to pogue poshkii or mail it to our email
:: at impure@thuglife.org
:: b o a r d s ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
world hq :: blood island - +46 31918096 - xzip
swedish hq :: terraniux underground - +46 87777388 - tetsuoii
danish hq :: euphoric illusion - +45 58520573 - zubfatal
german hq :: the badlands - +499116959478 - bad peon
dutch hq :: voodoo lounge - not@available - vladimir
telnet hq :: insomnia - inso.darktech.org - silica
nfo design :: nfo designed by pOGUE, asciis by sCOUR, pIX, nATIVE and
:: pOGUE c impure ascii 2OO2.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: www . thuglife . org / impure
:: w w w . i m p u r e . t k
l / / /
--- --- - --- --- ---- --l/- -----
.o pure pimpin /
i t s t w e n t y s e v e n t h i s s u e
// /pIX!pO!@ /---//
/ m E M B E R S !
pO pOGUE poguemon@thuglife.org - oldschool ascii
xz xZiP arakee@beer.com - oldschool ascii
bFR bEFEATER befeater@dlc.fi - oldschool ascii
slO pIX not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
bZ bLOOz not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
ab aCIDBRAIN not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
scr sCOUr not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
jp jACk phLASh not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
eld eLENd not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
sk sIMONKING not@availabe.yet - oldschool ascii
n/a n/a
greetz goes to our past members, who has began their journey into
a new scene, a new world or maybe just to a new group not in any
partically order: spitfire, befeater, dopedemon, dorm, quix, esc,
hex corrupt, the director, methane, skywalker, acidburn, cleaner,
the genocidal servantmagma, helter skelter, dark stalker, dwarf,
mystic rage, shyphtsagramore, dark entity, tekkrik-e, mOdium,
inphamilair, ansichrist, zimmer.
: : c O N T A C T ! : .
:/ / : . : : sCr/pO!
ftp :: woe.dhs.org /pub/woe/impure/ - anno login, port: 545454
irc :: impure or woe on irc efnet
email :: impure@thuglife.org
artflow :: send submits to pogue poshkii or mail it to our email
:: at impure@thuglife.org
:: b o a r d s ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
world hq :: blood island - +46 31918096 - xzip
swedish hq :: terraniux underground - +46 87777388 - tetsuoii
danish hq :: euphoric illusion - +45 58520573 - zubfatal
german hq :: the badlands - +499116959478 - bad peon
dutch hq :: voodoo lounge - not@available - vladimir
telnet hq :: insomnia - inso.darktech.org - silica
nfo design :: nfo designed by pOGUE, asciis by sCOUR, pIX, nATIVE and
:: pOGUE c impure ascii 2OO2.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: www . thuglife . org / impure
:: w w w . i m p u r e . t k
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