this image contains text
/---/ /-----//.tSd! .
..sIMON..kING.. ::..: of tHElo0p and iMPURE1940
produly presents
an small ascii collection called
ascii request list!
hello dudes!
ive got this ascii request list from blackjack/mimic. i did an request
ascii, when i had all i started think about an ascii collections...
my new ascii colly i dedicated for the founder/ex.u-race. stay cool dude!
szymon grabinski
lets draw for...
Black Thursday, for skatter skatter@EFNET
telnet://blackthursday.net - currently online
b . l . a . c . k . t . h . u . r . s . d . a . y .
: : sK!imp1940
Biohazard, for empty empty@EFNET
currently offline
- -- -sK!-- ------------ -- - b i o h a z a r d
deadlock, for Black Jack blkjack@EFNET
telnet://deadlock.fagcore.com - currently offline
80x50 : ......:.......:...... :
: :.sK!l0p
d e a d l . o c : k
peepz, for Spinsane spnSLEIGH
currently offline
- sK! - -- -- -- ---- - -
.o0 peepz 0o.
melt, for chaos ch or ch@EFNET
currently offline
. sK!
------ --- - -- - + m e l t + - --
Retina Pleasure, for Fatal Sacrilege sarilege@EFNET
http://www.retinapleasure.com - currently online
seek, for cubeblue cubeblue@mediaone.net
currently offline
: sK!l0p
- ------------------------------ s e e k ------------- -
greetings fly to my friends in: thelo0p. impure. mimic. remorse. the usual
suspect. secular. dimentri. bafh. the crew and rest group of pc ascii scene.
/---/ /-----//.tSd! .
..sIMON..kING.. ::..: of tHElo0p and iMPURE1940
produly presents
an small ascii collection called
ascii request list!
hello dudes!
ive got this ascii request list from blackjack/mimic. i did an request
ascii, when i had all i started think about an ascii collections...
my new ascii colly i dedicated for the founder/ex.u-race. stay cool dude!
szymon grabinski
lets draw for...
Black Thursday, for skatter skatter@EFNET
telnet://blackthursday.net - currently online
b . l . a . c . k . t . h . u . r . s . d . a . y .
: : sK!imp1940
Biohazard, for empty empty@EFNET
currently offline
- -- -sK!-- ------------ -- - b i o h a z a r d
deadlock, for Black Jack blkjack@EFNET
telnet://deadlock.fagcore.com - currently offline
80x50 : ......:.......:...... :
: :.sK!l0p
d e a d l . o c : k
peepz, for Spinsane spnSLEIGH
currently offline
- sK! - -- -- -- ---- - -
.o0 peepz 0o.
melt, for chaos ch or ch@EFNET
currently offline
. sK!
------ --- - -- - + m e l t + - --
Retina Pleasure, for Fatal Sacrilege sarilege@EFNET
http://www.retinapleasure.com - currently online
seek, for cubeblue cubeblue@mediaone.net
currently offline
: sK!l0p
- ------------------------------ s e e k ------------- -
greetings fly to my friends in: thelo0p. impure. mimic. remorse. the usual
suspect. secular. dimentri. bafh. the crew and rest group of pc ascii scene.
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