this image contains text
::: --- / --- //----/pO!----+ .:::::
+---rETRO!mAGAZINE O1-/----tOPiC: intro something--aUTHOR: xZIP---+
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
rETRO!mAGAZINE O1-+-PageUP:-+-PageDOWN:-+-Quit:ESC--+--Code:Xzippo
+---rETRO!mAGAZINE O1-/----tOPiC: intro something--aUTHOR: xZIP---+
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
I bet you almost knew that already, but this year he done it again. He is simpl
rETRO!mAGAZINE O1-+-PageUP:-+-PageDOWN:-+-Quit:ESC--+--Code:Xzippo
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