this image contains text
x hellbeard aka xzippo of impure?
/ / / xz/imp
/ / t . h . i . s . . i . s . . i . m . p . u . r . e /
present a colly called
oO / / /
A i s l i n g /x
.. an Eric Lsskgge / Shane MacGowan production ..
o /O
welcome to another guinness-soaked colly by the / O
mighty hellb33r, uh, hellbeard... xzip! of the / /
mighty impure!ascii 1940 crew.
send bottlemail to xzip@asciiscene.org / / /
if you for some reason want to reach me / /
---- feel the bodhraniis haunting beats -//------------------------/ /--
: ,/ / / / / iNDeX
/ o1 bLOOD iSLAND / oO /
o2 gALM / /x
o3 wAREZ x o4 pOISE 1 x
o5 pOISE 2 ::: x
o6 7 pOUNDS x
o7 nEOTIC x
o9 sECULAR w.pOGUE x
10 rEMORSE w.pOGUE x
11 iDLE x
i didnt have time to 12 iMPURE w.pOGUE finish this part :Z
See the moon is once more rising
Above our land of black and green
Hear the rebels voice is calling
I shall not die, though you bury me
Hear the aunt in bed a-dying
Where is my Johnny?
Faded pictures in the hallway
Which one of these brown ghosts is he?
fare the well my black haired diamond
fare the well my own aisling
Thoughts of and dreams of you will haunt me
Till I come back home again
And the wind it blows
To the North and South
And blows to the East and West
Ill be just like that wind my love
For I will have no rest
Til I return to thee
Bless the wind that shakes the barley
Curse the spade and curse the plough
Waking in the morning early
I wish to Hell I was with you now
One, two, three, four telephone poles
Give me a drink of poitin
Madness from the mountains crawling
When I first met you my own Aisling
1,2,3 tANZ zUSAMMEN!! /
// / o1.Blood Island a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
.. home of real rebels, sharp withs
/ and GROG! GROG! GROG! ..
l xzimp
/ l /
// l / / l /
b L O O D i S L A N D
l l
// / o2.galm a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
/ oO /
g a l m / / /x
::: / // / x // xzimp
l 3 3 t !
// / o3.w4r3z a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
/ :::: xz . /
oO / : . / Oo
/ w 4 r 3 z!
hellcome to the - r e a l - world
// / o4.poise 1 a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
/ :::: :: xzimp
// / o5.poise 2 a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
/ // xzimp 0o /
:::: pOISE / iNNATE
// / o6.7 pounds a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
oO /
:::: /x x xzimp
7 p o u n d s x //
// / o7.neotic a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
.. . . ...:.. .. . / Oo . . .. ...:.. . . ..
: : x/ : xz :
. . . ..:.. . . : .. . n 3 o t i ccc cc. . .. ...:.. . . .
// / o8.message a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
// // xz/poimp
b l o o d i s l a n:d m e s s a g e b a s e
A Area Change J Join Group R Read Messages
-+ Post Message ---+-+N New Message Scan ----+-+F Find Messages ----+
Auto Signature V View Outbound E-mail Z Set Scanned Bases
-+O Offline Mail ---+-+C Check for E-mail ----+-+W Write E-mail -----+
Q Quit to Main
// / o9.secular a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
: oO / .
x-----. /o x.----- /
/ x / ::: / po/xz
x ::: s e c u l a r x :::
// / 1o.remorse a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
: : x .. oO / /
:: ::: :: :: x po/xzimp
r 3 m o r s e
// / 11.idle a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
oO / ....... /
xzimp ,/ / / / x
idLE drEAMS bBS : /
// / 12.impure a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
// BERMENSCH!! // / /
greets and stuff
- -- greetings to not including the ones i know not watching -- -
pogue, modium, thaione, dalton, jashiin, simonking, elend, acidbrain, spinsis,
ozzeth, pix all my argentinian friends :, scour, podsi, jack plash, luxur,
blooz, jojo, martigan, caphood, vertigo, tmowhrekf, alla xul, DA, coros,
zylone, rm, poise, moh, spinsane, zubfatal, ironfist, velocity, gemini etc..
everyone at blood island the thuglife forum
and oh.. thanks pogue for the ascii-seperator-bordie-thingie xD
fuck the yanks and drink their wives
the moon is clear, the sky is bright
im happy as the horses shite
up came the bottle of smoke
good night everyone!
* A i s l i n g *
asciicolly by xzip/impure!ascii
/ / / xz/imp
/ / t . h . i . s . . i . s . . i . m . p . u . r . e /
present a colly called
oO / / /
A i s l i n g /x
.. an Eric Lsskgge / Shane MacGowan production ..
o /O
welcome to another guinness-soaked colly by the / O
mighty hellb33r, uh, hellbeard... xzip! of the / /
mighty impure!ascii 1940 crew.
send bottlemail to xzip@asciiscene.org / / /
if you for some reason want to reach me / /
---- feel the bodhraniis haunting beats -//------------------------/ /--
: ,/ / / / / iNDeX
/ o1 bLOOD iSLAND / oO /
o2 gALM / /x
o3 wAREZ x o4 pOISE 1 x
o5 pOISE 2 ::: x
o6 7 pOUNDS x
o7 nEOTIC x
o9 sECULAR w.pOGUE x
10 rEMORSE w.pOGUE x
11 iDLE x
i didnt have time to 12 iMPURE w.pOGUE finish this part :Z
See the moon is once more rising
Above our land of black and green
Hear the rebels voice is calling
I shall not die, though you bury me
Hear the aunt in bed a-dying
Where is my Johnny?
Faded pictures in the hallway
Which one of these brown ghosts is he?
fare the well my black haired diamond
fare the well my own aisling
Thoughts of and dreams of you will haunt me
Till I come back home again
And the wind it blows
To the North and South
And blows to the East and West
Ill be just like that wind my love
For I will have no rest
Til I return to thee
Bless the wind that shakes the barley
Curse the spade and curse the plough
Waking in the morning early
I wish to Hell I was with you now
One, two, three, four telephone poles
Give me a drink of poitin
Madness from the mountains crawling
When I first met you my own Aisling
1,2,3 tANZ zUSAMMEN!! /
// / o1.Blood Island a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
.. home of real rebels, sharp withs
/ and GROG! GROG! GROG! ..
l xzimp
/ l /
// l / / l /
b L O O D i S L A N D
l l
// / o2.galm a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
/ oO /
g a l m / / /x
::: / // / x // xzimp
l 3 3 t !
// / o3.w4r3z a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
/ :::: xz . /
oO / : . / Oo
/ w 4 r 3 z!
hellcome to the - r e a l - world
// / o4.poise 1 a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
/ :::: :: xzimp
// / o5.poise 2 a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
/ // xzimp 0o /
:::: pOISE / iNNATE
// / o6.7 pounds a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
oO /
:::: /x x xzimp
7 p o u n d s x //
// / o7.neotic a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
.. . . ...:.. .. . / Oo . . .. ...:.. . . ..
: : x/ : xz :
. . . ..:.. . . : .. . n 3 o t i ccc cc. . .. ...:.. . . .
// / o8.message a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
// // xz/poimp
b l o o d i s l a n:d m e s s a g e b a s e
A Area Change J Join Group R Read Messages
-+ Post Message ---+-+N New Message Scan ----+-+F Find Messages ----+
Auto Signature V View Outbound E-mail Z Set Scanned Bases
-+O Offline Mail ---+-+C Check for E-mail ----+-+W Write E-mail -----+
Q Quit to Main
// / o9.secular a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
: oO / .
x-----. /o x.----- /
/ x / ::: / po/xz
x ::: s e c u l a r x :::
// / 1o.remorse a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
: : x .. oO / /
:: ::: :: :: x po/xzimp
r 3 m o r s e
// / 11.idle a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
oO / ....... /
xzimp ,/ / / / x
idLE drEAMS bBS : /
// / 12.impure a i s l i n g
+------//--pO!--// -----------------------------------------
// BERMENSCH!! // / /
greets and stuff
- -- greetings to not including the ones i know not watching -- -
pogue, modium, thaione, dalton, jashiin, simonking, elend, acidbrain, spinsis,
ozzeth, pix all my argentinian friends :, scour, podsi, jack plash, luxur,
blooz, jojo, martigan, caphood, vertigo, tmowhrekf, alla xul, DA, coros,
zylone, rm, poise, moh, spinsane, zubfatal, ironfist, velocity, gemini etc..
everyone at blood island the thuglife forum
and oh.. thanks pogue for the ascii-seperator-bordie-thingie xD
fuck the yanks and drink their wives
the moon is clear, the sky is bright
im happy as the horses shite
up came the bottle of smoke
good night everyone!
* A i s l i n g *
asciicolly by xzip/impure!ascii
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