this image contains text
pOimp/ /
serving the underground . . .
ascii scene - ascii search -
news - reviews - interviews - impure hq
ascii forums - 169 +/- groups - woezine hq
tutorials - ascii@thuglife.org retro hq
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g //3O/O3/O4
: // // impure :
: // remorse :
. P R E S E N T // :
/ C O L L E C T I O N / /
. I N D E X / .
1. Blood Island . ...thats why i am proud
2. Faces of Death to be ignorant... .
3. Dead Brain :
4. Rave Zoo /
5. Testament / / :
6. Evil Santa / / .
7. Total Immortal / .
8. Urban Legend / .
9. Impure Blocky / :
A. Impure / :
B. Noiware / / // /
by / // / / / / /
::::/ / / Blood Island / /
:::/ / / requested by: N/A / /
//i //./../
i /
/. . . . i . . /
. dbrn : . . . : impure .
::::/ / / / / Faces of Death / /
:::/ / / / / requested by: N/A / /
// dbrn! .. impure.
i / / / / / . // / / . / i
// i// // / / / . /./ .i /
faces of / / / : . // /
death // . . . . ./ : . ./. //
::::/ / / Faces of Death / /
:::/ / / requested by: N/A / /
. . . . dbrn .
3d!// // .
i// / / / /./ / / . /
/i / // / / . . / // / i/
. . : . . . remorse /
xxx ACiD . . . . . . super //xxx
xxx// / . stars xxx
: dead . . brain :
::::/ / / Rave Zoo / /
:::// / / requested by: N/A / /
. RAVE Z00 dbrn . /
impure /
iNTERMiSSiON! / / / / //iGNORANT!
.impure . : :
impure IMPURE: . :
impure . adj used of persons or behaviors not morally .
im pure . pure impure thoughts
just pure. . .
: B A S T A R D I S E D ! ! !
. .practice
makes remorse. .
: . : REMORSE:
. . nou the anguish, like gnawing pain, excited
by a sense of guilt compunction of conscience
. for a crime committed, or for the sins of ones
: past life.
::::/ // / / Testament / /
:::/ // / / requested by: wikman / /
/ T E S T A M E N T ! ! ! / ----- ---
::::/ // / / Evil Santa / /
:::/ // / / requested by: N/A / /
Notes: this piece ranked second at thuglifes
IRC compo on 21st December 2003 on
EFNETs channel asciicompo, i would
like to thank everybody that voted
my art work: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
.// evil santa .
3d : . . . . :
: /./ . / / / / / // dbrn!
/ i . : : . : : i/
. . . . ... . i /
// . i //
imp. :. . . . : :/ . .
::::/ / / / Total Immortal / /
:::/ / / / requested by: N/A / /
. . / . / / TOTAL
/ : . // IMMORTAL
/ dbrn/rmrs/impure!
::::/ // / / Urban Legend / /
:::/ / / requested by: N/A / /
URBAN // . dbrn/rmrs/impure!
::::/ / / / Impure Blocky / /
:::/ / / / requested by: N/A / /
dbrnimp! // / //
// / /. bl0cky bl0cky
// impure...
iNTERMiSSiON! / / / / //iGNORANT!
.You say . : :
your name DEAD: . :
is . adj no longer having or seeming to have or .
Death ?. . expecting to have life.
. .The Brains orchestra :
all known instruments . .
Harmony with no Discord : . :
: . : Hear all or any. :
. nou that part of the nervous system that includes
: all the higher nervous centers enclosed within
. within the skull. . : : . : .
::::/ // / / Impure / /
:::/ / / / / requested by: N/A / /
/ imp! / . //
/ :::: .iMPURe.
dbrn / .CLan.
::::/ // / Noiware / /
:::/ // / / requested by: N/A / /
dbrn/imp/rmrs! . / . .........
// nOIWARe!
i /
g // // // / / // /
n // / / / / // / / / / / FINAL
o // // / / / / / // / / // / WORDS
r //
a /
n / / // // / / // /
t / / / / / / / / / / / / / // / /
adj lacking general education or knowledge
U N L E T T E R E D !
Well, this is my first colly, its a bit short but i hope you liked
it, its composed of 2 months of work. i tried to put here all the
pieces ive done during this period.
I would like to thank many people so if your name isnt under here
its because i wasnt able to remember all the people who helped
me so you can blackmail me.
thank you very much i am proud to be a small little part of you, i learnt
much from you all and hope to learn everyday more and more.
Friends: Limo, digitalsign, freakazoid, Slashzero, Skizo, red-, Shirosaki,
blackpanther, Majestic, oscar, Chiara Guercia, Maril, Manu, Nonnaccio,
Spaghetto and all the others i forgot.
thank you for sharing with me all your spare time, for all your suggestions cigarettes and beers !
Brands: Camel, Heiniken, Becks, Cameo, Kelloggs, Kleenex, HP, Trust,
Lacie, Toshiba, Mirabilis.
Thank you for making me survive.
AND A VERY SPECIAL THANKS GOES TO CHIARA: thank you very much i cannot
imagine my life without you !
PS: i heard pogue is niggah... is it true?
for requests, blackmail, donations, free sex, porn links, porn movies, and
everything else please mail to: DBRAINATDBCDEMODOTCOM
,--------- / dc /---------,
Dead Brain presents: iGNORANT
-/ impure.tk /----------------/ 30-03-04 /-
serving the underground . . .
ascii scene - ascii search -
news - reviews - interviews - impure hq
ascii forums - 169 +/- groups - woezine hq
tutorials - ascii@thuglife.org retro hq
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g //3O/O3/O4
: // // impure :
: // remorse :
. P R E S E N T // :
/ C O L L E C T I O N / /
. I N D E X / .
1. Blood Island . ...thats why i am proud
2. Faces of Death to be ignorant... .
3. Dead Brain :
4. Rave Zoo /
5. Testament / / :
6. Evil Santa / / .
7. Total Immortal / .
8. Urban Legend / .
9. Impure Blocky / :
A. Impure / :
B. Noiware / / // /
by / // / / / / /
::::/ / / Blood Island / /
:::/ / / requested by: N/A / /
//i //./../
i /
/. . . . i . . /
. dbrn : . . . : impure .
::::/ / / / / Faces of Death / /
:::/ / / / / requested by: N/A / /
// dbrn! .. impure.
i / / / / / . // / / . / i
// i// // / / / . /./ .i /
faces of / / / : . // /
death // . . . . ./ : . ./. //
::::/ / / Faces of Death / /
:::/ / / requested by: N/A / /
. . . . dbrn .
3d!// // .
i// / / / /./ / / . /
/i / // / / . . / // / i/
. . : . . . remorse /
xxx ACiD . . . . . . super //xxx
xxx// / . stars xxx
: dead . . brain :
::::/ / / Rave Zoo / /
:::// / / requested by: N/A / /
. RAVE Z00 dbrn . /
impure /
iNTERMiSSiON! / / / / //iGNORANT!
.impure . : :
impure IMPURE: . :
impure . adj used of persons or behaviors not morally .
im pure . pure impure thoughts
just pure. . .
: B A S T A R D I S E D ! ! !
. .practice
makes remorse. .
: . : REMORSE:
. . nou the anguish, like gnawing pain, excited
by a sense of guilt compunction of conscience
. for a crime committed, or for the sins of ones
: past life.
::::/ // / / Testament / /
:::/ // / / requested by: wikman / /
/ T E S T A M E N T ! ! ! / ----- ---
::::/ // / / Evil Santa / /
:::/ // / / requested by: N/A / /
Notes: this piece ranked second at thuglifes
IRC compo on 21st December 2003 on
EFNETs channel asciicompo, i would
like to thank everybody that voted
my art work: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
.// evil santa .
3d : . . . . :
: /./ . / / / / / // dbrn!
/ i . : : . : : i/
. . . . ... . i /
// . i //
imp. :. . . . : :/ . .
::::/ / / / Total Immortal / /
:::/ / / / requested by: N/A / /
. . / . / / TOTAL
/ : . // IMMORTAL
/ dbrn/rmrs/impure!
::::/ // / / Urban Legend / /
:::/ / / requested by: N/A / /
URBAN // . dbrn/rmrs/impure!
::::/ / / / Impure Blocky / /
:::/ / / / requested by: N/A / /
dbrnimp! // / //
// / /. bl0cky bl0cky
// impure...
iNTERMiSSiON! / / / / //iGNORANT!
.You say . : :
your name DEAD: . :
is . adj no longer having or seeming to have or .
Death ?. . expecting to have life.
. .The Brains orchestra :
all known instruments . .
Harmony with no Discord : . :
: . : Hear all or any. :
. nou that part of the nervous system that includes
: all the higher nervous centers enclosed within
. within the skull. . : : . : .
::::/ // / / Impure / /
:::/ / / / / requested by: N/A / /
/ imp! / . //
/ :::: .iMPURe.
dbrn / .CLan.
::::/ // / Noiware / /
:::/ // / / requested by: N/A / /
dbrn/imp/rmrs! . / . .........
// nOIWARe!
i /
g // // // / / // /
n // / / / / // / / / / / FINAL
o // // / / / / / // / / // / WORDS
r //
a /
n / / // // / / // /
t / / / / / / / / / / / / / // / /
adj lacking general education or knowledge
U N L E T T E R E D !
Well, this is my first colly, its a bit short but i hope you liked
it, its composed of 2 months of work. i tried to put here all the
pieces ive done during this period.
I would like to thank many people so if your name isnt under here
its because i wasnt able to remember all the people who helped
me so you can blackmail me.
thank you very much i am proud to be a small little part of you, i learnt
much from you all and hope to learn everyday more and more.
Friends: Limo, digitalsign, freakazoid, Slashzero, Skizo, red-, Shirosaki,
blackpanther, Majestic, oscar, Chiara Guercia, Maril, Manu, Nonnaccio,
Spaghetto and all the others i forgot.
thank you for sharing with me all your spare time, for all your suggestions cigarettes and beers !
Brands: Camel, Heiniken, Becks, Cameo, Kelloggs, Kleenex, HP, Trust,
Lacie, Toshiba, Mirabilis.
Thank you for making me survive.
AND A VERY SPECIAL THANKS GOES TO CHIARA: thank you very much i cannot
imagine my life without you !
PS: i heard pogue is niggah... is it true?
for requests, blackmail, donations, free sex, porn links, porn movies, and
everything else please mail to: DBRAINATDBCDEMODOTCOM
,--------- / dc /---------,
Dead Brain presents: iGNORANT
-/ impure.tk /----------------/ 30-03-04 /-
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