this image contains text
l::::::::::::::::::::::::::P / / / / .
j: ,,,/,,,/,,,/,,,/ .
.::K .
: .+:::::::::: :::::::::. system: : .::.
: .-:::::::::::/ +::::::::. 79 columns : :.::
: .+:::::::::::::: :::::::: : :l::l
: .:::::::::::::::: ::::::::: operator: : :.:l
/::::::::::::::::: :::::::: haliphax : :l:l:
j:::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: : l.l::
/::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: username: : l:1ll
j:::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: : :1l:1
.::::::::::! ::::::::: :::::::::: : !:1!1
::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::: password: :
j::::::hX! :::::::::. .:::::::::: : 1!!1!
::::::. +:::::::::+:::::::::::j : 1!!!!
. .+:::+. ::::::::::: : !!1!!
I had to ruin a perfectly good 9 to trim this down into a login matrix. :
For posterity, Im pasting the original 79 below.
This is a piece for my x/84 BBS, 79 Columns. Many textmode games available.
telnet:// - ssh:// u: bbs, p: bbs
j:+. ..+
j:::::::::::::::::: :::::::::
j:::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::
j::::::::: :::::::::. .::::::::::
::::::. +:::::::::+:::::::::::j
::::::: j::::::
:::k .x::::+
j: ,,,/,,,/,,,/,,,/ .
.::K .
: .+:::::::::: :::::::::. system: : .::.
: .-:::::::::::/ +::::::::. 79 columns : :.::
: .+:::::::::::::: :::::::: : :l::l
: .:::::::::::::::: ::::::::: operator: : :.:l
/::::::::::::::::: :::::::: haliphax : :l:l:
j:::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: : l.l::
/::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: username: : l:1ll
j:::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: : :1l:1
.::::::::::! ::::::::: :::::::::: : !:1!1
::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::: password: :
j::::::hX! :::::::::. .:::::::::: : 1!!1!
::::::. +:::::::::+:::::::::::j : 1!!!!
. .+:::+. ::::::::::: : !!1!!
I had to ruin a perfectly good 9 to trim this down into a login matrix. :
For posterity, Im pasting the original 79 below.
This is a piece for my x/84 BBS, 79 Columns. Many textmode games available.
telnet:// - ssh:// u: bbs, p: bbs
j:+. ..+
j:::::::::::::::::: :::::::::
j:::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::
j::::::::: :::::::::. .::::::::::
::::::. +:::::::::+:::::::::::j
::::::: j::::::
:::k .x::::+
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