this image contains text
-- - ssh 0w.nz
Enter passphrase for key /home/xero/.ssh/0wnz:
xero@0w.nzs password: *******
Last login: Fri Jun 23 11:22:43 2017 from XXX.XXX.XXX.XX
thecloud-- - irc
join - -- x0 xero@0w.nz joined askee
topic - -- askee http://pc.textmod.es :: NEW! impure 65 - galza 26 - mistigr
- -- set by haliphax Mon Jun 26 13:32:42 2017
mode - -- +o x0 by sexrobot
.-------- users in askee
@Freud @hellbeard @nerv @B30W01f +einstein +spinsane
@GOO @iks @sexrobot +SoniCFL +kniffy +trn
@grisk @maze @Stalin +bizzyfunk +lordee
@haliphax @mdx @x0 +bOhEmE +spidy
--------. total: 13 ops, 0 halfops, 9 voices, 0 normies
@ grisk yeah its pretty neat :
@haliphax http://pc.textmod.es/pack/impure65/us-holi.ans
sexrobot Title: IMPURE65US-HOLI.ANS PC.TEXTMOD.ES at pc.textmod.es
@haliphax 3
@haliphax x0: i liked your colly, as well
@haliphax and the blood island piece
@ x0 thanx haliphax
@ x0 your nick is so damn long
@ x0 took all 79cols to fit it in the font
@ x0 :P
@ x0 fitting, lel
@haliphax haha
@haliphax i see you had to split hellbeard
@haliphax hell beard
@ x0 hehe. got me
@ x0 its easier w/ distinct words like jack phlash
@haliphax makes me think back to drawing a couple of hiro protagonist logo
@haliphax and thinking fuck, how is this going to work?
@haliphax ascii challenge: antidisestablishmentarianism
@ x0 rip
/ V
@ grisk just put it in a .txt in impure66/
@ mdx owsum asskey art m9!!!
@haliphax ha
@ x0 this is how irc should be
@ maze hehe
,--------- @x0+i 5:efnet/askee+lmnpst
--- - - /me loves irc
Enter passphrase for key /home/xero/.ssh/0wnz:
xero@0w.nzs password: *******
Last login: Fri Jun 23 11:22:43 2017 from XXX.XXX.XXX.XX
thecloud-- - irc
join - -- x0 xero@0w.nz joined askee
topic - -- askee http://pc.textmod.es :: NEW! impure 65 - galza 26 - mistigr
- -- set by haliphax Mon Jun 26 13:32:42 2017
mode - -- +o x0 by sexrobot
.-------- users in askee
@Freud @hellbeard @nerv @B30W01f +einstein +spinsane
@GOO @iks @sexrobot +SoniCFL +kniffy +trn
@grisk @maze @Stalin +bizzyfunk +lordee
@haliphax @mdx @x0 +bOhEmE +spidy
--------. total: 13 ops, 0 halfops, 9 voices, 0 normies
@ grisk yeah its pretty neat :
@haliphax http://pc.textmod.es/pack/impure65/us-holi.ans
sexrobot Title: IMPURE65US-HOLI.ANS PC.TEXTMOD.ES at pc.textmod.es
@haliphax 3
@haliphax x0: i liked your colly, as well
@haliphax and the blood island piece
@ x0 thanx haliphax
@ x0 your nick is so damn long
@ x0 took all 79cols to fit it in the font
@ x0 :P
@ x0 fitting, lel
@haliphax haha
@haliphax i see you had to split hellbeard
@haliphax hell beard
@ x0 hehe. got me
@ x0 its easier w/ distinct words like jack phlash
@haliphax makes me think back to drawing a couple of hiro protagonist logo
@haliphax and thinking fuck, how is this going to work?
@haliphax ascii challenge: antidisestablishmentarianism
@ x0 rip
/ V
@ grisk just put it in a .txt in impure66/
@ mdx owsum asskey art m9!!!
@haliphax ha
@ x0 this is how irc should be
@ maze hehe
,--------- @x0+i 5:efnet/askee+lmnpst
--- - - /me loves irc
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