this image contains text
. iMPURE aSCii! .
::, t h e z e r o . s i x . e i g h t e y e c a n d y ,::
:: ::::::::::: i n f o / ::
:: / :::: Buenos dias, ::
:: Welcome to the 68th release from your ::
::, favourite ascii group. What you see ,::
:: / / here is the result of a couple of ::
,:: / gRK entropic months within the groups with ::,
:: / / discussions about our future, ::
::, oncerning stuff like wheter or not we ,::
:: / ::: should make it legit to release pc block ::
,: / ansi art under the Impure label. It ::,
:: // ended up in us deciding to be liberal ::
::, and progressive and allow it to be ,::
:: / ::::: released in atleast this pack, which ::
,:: ./ has yielded in some nice pieces looking ::,
:: very different to whats being released ::
::, ::::::::::::: in groups that specialize in this type ,::
:: IIIIIIIIIII of art like Fuel and Blocktronics. ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX Who knows what the future holds for us ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX now? Unicode? petscii? ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX In time for this goodiebag 68 it seems ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX like another one of our old time ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX argentinian superstars has found his way ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX back into the group- Acidbrain. Hes ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX been missed and we are looking forward ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX to see more of his yerba mate fueled ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX stylistic olschool amiga art which seems ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX to only have matured with age. Bien ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX enido! ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX Also- A fellow called Prismate joined up ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX with us after having been hanging around ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX in our circles for a while and learning ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX the craft of the art. All respect to ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX this artistic minded fellow. ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX Guests in this pack is the argentinian ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX oldschool scener- Arlequin. ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX and H. The anonymous. ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX Also, make sure to check out Venams ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX amazing collection of dragons! ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX Until next time, ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX Yours truely, ::,
:: IIIIIIIIIXX The great leader. ::
::, :::::::::IX ,::
:: :::::::::IX ::
::, IIIIIIIIIXXl l: ,::
,:: ::::::::::: c o n t a c t / ::,
::, / :: FTP ftp://oddnetwork.org ,::
,:: WWW https://www.impure.nl ::,
::, / // :: BBS blackflag.acid.org ,::
,:: // iRC impure @ efnet ::,
::, / :: E-MAiL impure@thuglife.org ,::
:: / and eric@modermodemet.se ::
:: Our world headquarters is the legendary ::
::, / // :: Black Flag BBS run by Captain Hood. ,::
,:: // Want to guest release with iMPURE? ::,
:: E-mail us your submissions! ::
::, l: ,::
,:: ::::::::::: b o a r d s / ::,
::, / / ::: WORLD Black Flag ,::
:: // / HQ Master caphood ::
,:: blackflag.acid.org ::,
:: / port 23: Mystic ::
::, / ::: port 24: Searchlight ,::
:: / / port 2627: PCBoard ::
:: ACiD Underworld ::
::, / :::/ invite-only ,::
,:: // EURO Haciend ::,
:: HQ Master h7 ::
::, / :: haciend.bbs.fi ,::
,:: // GERMAN The Yard ::,
:: / HQ Master zANER ::
::, / :::: too-l33t-4-u ,::
,:: NZ Entropy ::,
:: HQ Master deathr0w ::
::, / ::: entropy.bbses.info ,::
:: / port: 23999 ::
:: MEMBER Blood Island/x ::
::, BOARD Master hellbeard ,::
:: ::::::::::::: bloodisland.ph4.se ::
::, :::::::::IX BOARD Master jP! ,::
:: .... :: d1st.org ::
:: XXXXXXXXXX : MEMBER 79 Columns ::
::, XXXXXXXXXX : BOARD Master haliphax ,::
:: /XXXXXX.: oddnetwork.org ::
:: :::::::::IX DiSTRO FlupH ::
::, IIIIIIIIIXX BOARD Master Skuz ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX fluph.zapto.org ::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Alcoholiday ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Zero Reader ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX alco.bbs.io ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master m00p ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX bbs.retrohack.se ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX port 6464: C*BASE ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX Use CGterm! ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX port 8484: x/84 ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master niter3 ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX clutch.darktech.org ,::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Dreamland ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Dream Master ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX dreamland.darktech.org ,::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Necronomicon ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Necromaster ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX necrobbs.strangled.net ,::
:: XI::::::::: BOARD Master Smooth ::
::, :: .... bbs.inktwo.com ,::
:: :.XXXXXX/. inktwo.acid.org ::
:: : XXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Xibalba ::
::, :./XXXXXX BOARD Master NuSkooler ,::
:: ::. . xibalba.l33t.codes ::
,:: XI::::::::: port: 44510 ::,
::, XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Error 404 ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Solaris ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX error404bbs.ddns.net ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX port: 404 ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Gryphon ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX cyberia.darktech.org ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master lobo ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX daliscat.synchro.net ::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Mythology ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Prometheus ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX mythology.darktech.org ::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX fortknox.bbs.io ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX port: 56500 ,::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO The Facility ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master themadtux ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX facilitybbs.darktech.org ,::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Pharcyde ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Accession ::
::, IIIIIIIIIXX bbs.pharcyde.org ,::
:: :::::::::IX ::
,:: .... :: DiSTRO fORCE9 ::,
:: .XXXXXX/.: BOARD Master RiPuk ::
::, XXXXXXXXXX : bbs.force9.org ,::
:: . ,:: Get in touch with us if you are a sysop ::
::, :::::::::IX and would like to host our art packs. ,::
:: ::::::::::: m e m b e r s / ::
:: / / ::: THE CLAN ::
:: pO pOGUE Norway ::
::, / xz hELLBEARD Sweden ,::
:: / :::/ grk gRISKOKARE Sweden ::
,:: / hx hALIPHAX U.S.A. ::,
:: // jp jACK pHLASH U.S.A. ::
::, mz mAZE Holland ,::
:: / // :: ldn lORD nIKON Germany ::
,:: / / grx gRMMXI Finland ::,
:: ch cAPHOOD U.S.A. ::
::, +l 2o! Cuba ,::
:: / ::: vnm vENAM Lebanon ::
,:: / x0 xERO U.S.A. ::,
:: // pix pIX Argentina ::
::, sp sPINSANE U.S.A. ,::
:: / ::: ab aCIDbRAIN Argentina ::
,:: / pmt pRISMATE Germany ::,
::, guests: ,::
,:: / / arl aRLEQUIN Argentina ::,
:: h h Cuba ::
:: / ::: ALUMNi Slumbering comrades from ::
,:: / our long legacy of the past ::,
::, spitfire, befeater, dorm, dopedemon, ,::
:: esc, hex corrupt, quix, the director, ::
,:: ::::::::::::: methane skywalker, acidburn, cleaner, ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX dark stalker, the genocidal servant ::
::, IIIIIIIIIXX magma, mystic rage, helter skelter, ,::
:: :::::::::IX dwarf, shypht sagramore, dark entity, ::
,:: .... :: tekk rik-e, zimmer, inphamilair, ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX blooz, ansichrist, pdz, dedchylde, ::
::, IIIIIIIIIXX devilangel, elend, simonking, ,::
:: :::::::::IX ozzeth, shadow lord, dead brain, tribe, ::
,:: .... :: noof, scour and curdon. ::,
,:: /XXXXXX.: Want to join up with iMPURE? Mail us and ::,
:: . ,:: include examples of your work - or visit ::
::, :::::::::IX us on our iRC channel. ,::
:: ::::::::::: g r e e t s / ::
:: Hello to our friends in ::
:: break . blocktronics . mistigris . dezign . dekadence ::
::, devotion . galza . divine stylers . red sector . fuel ,::
:: titan demo . pungas de villa martelli ::
:: + all of you old geezers still in the art scene ::
:: We dont believe in bad KARMA, we dont MiMiC, we ::
,:: have no REMORSE and we are not about to BREAK up. ::,
:: l: ::
::, : i M P U R E ,::
::, / // / / o/ / / / / / / ,::
:: / o/ / / / / / / / / ::
,:: / / / / / / / / / / o/ / ::,
::, sk!n ,::
::, r e l e a s e s / ,::
,:: 100 AMiGA ASCii COLLiES ::,
::, dwf-ttda.zip 4k time to draw again dwarf 31.07.99 ,::
:: po-weed.txt 5k weed! pogue 28.08.99 ::
,:: ns-famva.txt 26k family values ansichrist 07.01.00 ::,
:: dwf-wtf.zip 3k wtf?! dwarf 08.02.00 ::
::, po-souls.txt 39k gathered souls pogue 24.07.00 ,::
:: bfr-odsc.txt 5k ascii invasion befeater 05.10.00 ::
,:: po-cotu.txt 70k child of the pogue 27.01.01 ::,
:: universe ::
::, slo-abs.txt 119k absurd pix 27.02.01 ,::
:: po-unila.txt 67k universal language pogue 27.02.01 ::
,:: slo-btos.txt 251k back to school pix 27.03.01 ::,
:: ab-mdage.txt 89k middle age acidbrain 27.03.01 ::
::, po-ocean.txt 67k ocean pogue 27.03.01 ,::
:: slo-9th.zip 31k naked in la 9th of ::
,:: july on a monday pix 19.04.01 ::,
:: at 6pm ::
::, ab-asky.txt 83k asphalt sky acidbrain 19.04.01 ,::
:: po-aplan.txt 70k ascii planet pogue 19.04.01 ::
,:: imp-psyc.txt 120k psychedelic pogue/pix 24.05.01 ::,
:: scr-nbng.txt 56k new beginning scour 24.05.01 ::
::, xz-ska.txt 23k skadad xzippo 24.05.01 ,::
:: ab-diag.txt 25k diagonal tears acidbrain 24.05.01 ::
,:: xz-sl.txt 5k spotlight kid xzippo 01.09.01 ::,
:: po-cloe.txt 37k clouds of e pogue 01.09.01 ::
::, pix-lsd.zip 16k l.s.d. pix 21.11.01 ,::
:: imp-atgb.txt 50k as time goes by pogue/ 23.12.01 ::
,:: scour ::,
:: eld-shst.txt 211k shooting star elend 01.01.02 ::
::, ozz-nois.txt 75k noise ozzeth 07.04.02 ,::
:: scr-ots.txt 106k old tymers scour 30.06.02 ::
,:: eld-chab.txt 90k char abuse elend 24.09.02 ::,
:: dc-fts.txt 49k fuck the system dedchylde 20.12.02 ::
::, eld-egz.txt 165k ehrgeiz elend 20.02.03 ,::
:: po-ignos.txt 40k ignosia pogue 10.08.03 ::
,:: imp-fs.txt 40k funky shit podsi 06.09.03 ::,
:: po-prfct.txt 45k perfecto pogue 20.09.03 ::
::, xz-aisli.txt 25k aisling xzip 20.09.03 ,::
:: imp-xxx.txt 43k the ultimate xzip/pogue 02.11.03 ::
,:: search f ::,
:: imp-wms.txt 55k wicked monkey podsi 01.01.04 ::
::, style ,::
:: db-ignrt.txt 35k ignorant dead brain 30.03.04 ::
,:: imp-sp.txt 12k sneaker pimps tribe 20.05.04 ::,
:: imp-8yl.txt 26k eight years later pogue 15.04.06 ::
::, imp-aww.txt 31k All we want pogue 12.01.09 ,::
:: imp-nh.txt 80k new horizons xzippo 12.05.14 ::
:: ansichrist 01 tribe 01 xzip 05 ::
,:: befeater 01 dbrn 01 elend 03 ::,
:: acidbrain 03 dwarf 02 ::
::, dedchylde 01 pogue 14 ,::
:: ozzeth 01 scour 03 ::
,:: podsi 02 pix 05 ::,
::, PACKS ,::
,:: Heres a list of the packs weve released from the early ::,
:: days until the most recent one IMPURExx.ZIP: ::
:: 1998 - 001 006 2005 - 051 051 ::
,:: 1999 - 007 011 2006 - 052 052 ::,
:: 2000 - 012 017 2014 - 053 055 ::
::, 2001 - 018 026 2015 - 056 059 ,::
:: 2002 - 027 033 2016 - 060 063 ::
,:: 2003 - 034 043 2017 - 064 067 ::,
:: 2004 - 044 050 2018 - 068 ::
::, l: ,::
,-, 12 ,-, /
9O / /
/ 41 // /
/ O7 / //
i m p . u ..r.. e / / /
........ a ... s... c: i i / /........
iiiiiiiii /iiiigRK
7777777777 / / / 7777777777
8888888888 // / / / // // / 8888888888
8888888888 / 8888888888
7777777777 / / 7777777777
iiiiiiiii/ / / iiiiiiiii
/ // 12 /
/ / / 9O /
/ / 41
/ - O7 -
,:: * 1 9 4 0 - 2 0 1 8 * ::,
:: seventy-eight years of ascii art and counting! ::
::, .nfo by gRISKOKARE of iMPURE!aSCII 1940 ,::
:: l: ::
::, t h e z e r o . s i x . e i g h t e y e c a n d y ,::
:: ::::::::::: i n f o / ::
:: / :::: Buenos dias, ::
:: Welcome to the 68th release from your ::
::, favourite ascii group. What you see ,::
:: / / here is the result of a couple of ::
,:: / gRK entropic months within the groups with ::,
:: / / discussions about our future, ::
::, oncerning stuff like wheter or not we ,::
:: / ::: should make it legit to release pc block ::
,: / ansi art under the Impure label. It ::,
:: // ended up in us deciding to be liberal ::
::, and progressive and allow it to be ,::
:: / ::::: released in atleast this pack, which ::
,:: ./ has yielded in some nice pieces looking ::,
:: very different to whats being released ::
::, ::::::::::::: in groups that specialize in this type ,::
:: IIIIIIIIIII of art like Fuel and Blocktronics. ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX Who knows what the future holds for us ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX now? Unicode? petscii? ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX In time for this goodiebag 68 it seems ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX like another one of our old time ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX argentinian superstars has found his way ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX back into the group- Acidbrain. Hes ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX been missed and we are looking forward ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX to see more of his yerba mate fueled ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX stylistic olschool amiga art which seems ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX to only have matured with age. Bien ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX enido! ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX Also- A fellow called Prismate joined up ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX with us after having been hanging around ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX in our circles for a while and learning ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX the craft of the art. All respect to ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX this artistic minded fellow. ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX Guests in this pack is the argentinian ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX oldschool scener- Arlequin. ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX and H. The anonymous. ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX Also, make sure to check out Venams ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX amazing collection of dragons! ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX Until next time, ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX Yours truely, ::,
:: IIIIIIIIIXX The great leader. ::
::, :::::::::IX ,::
:: :::::::::IX ::
::, IIIIIIIIIXXl l: ,::
,:: ::::::::::: c o n t a c t / ::,
::, / :: FTP ftp://oddnetwork.org ,::
,:: WWW https://www.impure.nl ::,
::, / // :: BBS blackflag.acid.org ,::
,:: // iRC impure @ efnet ::,
::, / :: E-MAiL impure@thuglife.org ,::
:: / and eric@modermodemet.se ::
:: Our world headquarters is the legendary ::
::, / // :: Black Flag BBS run by Captain Hood. ,::
,:: // Want to guest release with iMPURE? ::,
:: E-mail us your submissions! ::
::, l: ,::
,:: ::::::::::: b o a r d s / ::,
::, / / ::: WORLD Black Flag ,::
:: // / HQ Master caphood ::
,:: blackflag.acid.org ::,
:: / port 23: Mystic ::
::, / ::: port 24: Searchlight ,::
:: / / port 2627: PCBoard ::
:: ACiD Underworld ::
::, / :::/ invite-only ,::
,:: // EURO Haciend ::,
:: HQ Master h7 ::
::, / :: haciend.bbs.fi ,::
,:: // GERMAN The Yard ::,
:: / HQ Master zANER ::
::, / :::: too-l33t-4-u ,::
,:: NZ Entropy ::,
:: HQ Master deathr0w ::
::, / ::: entropy.bbses.info ,::
:: / port: 23999 ::
:: MEMBER Blood Island/x ::
::, BOARD Master hellbeard ,::
:: ::::::::::::: bloodisland.ph4.se ::
::, :::::::::IX BOARD Master jP! ,::
:: .... :: d1st.org ::
:: XXXXXXXXXX : MEMBER 79 Columns ::
::, XXXXXXXXXX : BOARD Master haliphax ,::
:: /XXXXXX.: oddnetwork.org ::
:: :::::::::IX DiSTRO FlupH ::
::, IIIIIIIIIXX BOARD Master Skuz ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX fluph.zapto.org ::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Alcoholiday ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Zero Reader ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX alco.bbs.io ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master m00p ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX bbs.retrohack.se ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX port 6464: C*BASE ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX Use CGterm! ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX port 8484: x/84 ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master niter3 ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX clutch.darktech.org ,::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Dreamland ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Dream Master ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX dreamland.darktech.org ,::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Necronomicon ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Necromaster ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX necrobbs.strangled.net ,::
:: XI::::::::: BOARD Master Smooth ::
::, :: .... bbs.inktwo.com ,::
:: :.XXXXXX/. inktwo.acid.org ::
:: : XXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Xibalba ::
::, :./XXXXXX BOARD Master NuSkooler ,::
:: ::. . xibalba.l33t.codes ::
,:: XI::::::::: port: 44510 ::,
::, XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Error 404 ,::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Solaris ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX error404bbs.ddns.net ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX port: 404 ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Gryphon ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX cyberia.darktech.org ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master lobo ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX daliscat.synchro.net ::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Mythology ::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Prometheus ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX mythology.darktech.org ::
:: XXXXXXXXXXX fortknox.bbs.io ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX port: 56500 ,::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO The Facility ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master themadtux ::
::, XXXXXXXXXXX facilitybbs.darktech.org ,::
,:: XXXXXXXXXXX DiSTRO Pharcyde ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX BOARD Master Accession ::
::, IIIIIIIIIXX bbs.pharcyde.org ,::
:: :::::::::IX ::
,:: .... :: DiSTRO fORCE9 ::,
:: .XXXXXX/.: BOARD Master RiPuk ::
::, XXXXXXXXXX : bbs.force9.org ,::
:: . ,:: Get in touch with us if you are a sysop ::
::, :::::::::IX and would like to host our art packs. ,::
:: ::::::::::: m e m b e r s / ::
:: / / ::: THE CLAN ::
:: pO pOGUE Norway ::
::, / xz hELLBEARD Sweden ,::
:: / :::/ grk gRISKOKARE Sweden ::
,:: / hx hALIPHAX U.S.A. ::,
:: // jp jACK pHLASH U.S.A. ::
::, mz mAZE Holland ,::
:: / // :: ldn lORD nIKON Germany ::
,:: / / grx gRMMXI Finland ::,
:: ch cAPHOOD U.S.A. ::
::, +l 2o! Cuba ,::
:: / ::: vnm vENAM Lebanon ::
,:: / x0 xERO U.S.A. ::,
:: // pix pIX Argentina ::
::, sp sPINSANE U.S.A. ,::
:: / ::: ab aCIDbRAIN Argentina ::
,:: / pmt pRISMATE Germany ::,
::, guests: ,::
,:: / / arl aRLEQUIN Argentina ::,
:: h h Cuba ::
:: / ::: ALUMNi Slumbering comrades from ::
,:: / our long legacy of the past ::,
::, spitfire, befeater, dorm, dopedemon, ,::
:: esc, hex corrupt, quix, the director, ::
,:: ::::::::::::: methane skywalker, acidburn, cleaner, ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX dark stalker, the genocidal servant ::
::, IIIIIIIIIXX magma, mystic rage, helter skelter, ,::
:: :::::::::IX dwarf, shypht sagramore, dark entity, ::
,:: .... :: tekk rik-e, zimmer, inphamilair, ::,
:: XXXXXXXXXXX blooz, ansichrist, pdz, dedchylde, ::
::, IIIIIIIIIXX devilangel, elend, simonking, ,::
:: :::::::::IX ozzeth, shadow lord, dead brain, tribe, ::
,:: .... :: noof, scour and curdon. ::,
,:: /XXXXXX.: Want to join up with iMPURE? Mail us and ::,
:: . ,:: include examples of your work - or visit ::
::, :::::::::IX us on our iRC channel. ,::
:: ::::::::::: g r e e t s / ::
:: Hello to our friends in ::
:: break . blocktronics . mistigris . dezign . dekadence ::
::, devotion . galza . divine stylers . red sector . fuel ,::
:: titan demo . pungas de villa martelli ::
:: + all of you old geezers still in the art scene ::
:: We dont believe in bad KARMA, we dont MiMiC, we ::
,:: have no REMORSE and we are not about to BREAK up. ::,
:: l: ::
::, : i M P U R E ,::
::, / // / / o/ / / / / / / ,::
:: / o/ / / / / / / / / ::
,:: / / / / / / / / / / o/ / ::,
::, sk!n ,::
::, r e l e a s e s / ,::
,:: 100 AMiGA ASCii COLLiES ::,
::, dwf-ttda.zip 4k time to draw again dwarf 31.07.99 ,::
:: po-weed.txt 5k weed! pogue 28.08.99 ::
,:: ns-famva.txt 26k family values ansichrist 07.01.00 ::,
:: dwf-wtf.zip 3k wtf?! dwarf 08.02.00 ::
::, po-souls.txt 39k gathered souls pogue 24.07.00 ,::
:: bfr-odsc.txt 5k ascii invasion befeater 05.10.00 ::
,:: po-cotu.txt 70k child of the pogue 27.01.01 ::,
:: universe ::
::, slo-abs.txt 119k absurd pix 27.02.01 ,::
:: po-unila.txt 67k universal language pogue 27.02.01 ::
,:: slo-btos.txt 251k back to school pix 27.03.01 ::,
:: ab-mdage.txt 89k middle age acidbrain 27.03.01 ::
::, po-ocean.txt 67k ocean pogue 27.03.01 ,::
:: slo-9th.zip 31k naked in la 9th of ::
,:: july on a monday pix 19.04.01 ::,
:: at 6pm ::
::, ab-asky.txt 83k asphalt sky acidbrain 19.04.01 ,::
:: po-aplan.txt 70k ascii planet pogue 19.04.01 ::
,:: imp-psyc.txt 120k psychedelic pogue/pix 24.05.01 ::,
:: scr-nbng.txt 56k new beginning scour 24.05.01 ::
::, xz-ska.txt 23k skadad xzippo 24.05.01 ,::
:: ab-diag.txt 25k diagonal tears acidbrain 24.05.01 ::
,:: xz-sl.txt 5k spotlight kid xzippo 01.09.01 ::,
:: po-cloe.txt 37k clouds of e pogue 01.09.01 ::
::, pix-lsd.zip 16k l.s.d. pix 21.11.01 ,::
:: imp-atgb.txt 50k as time goes by pogue/ 23.12.01 ::
,:: scour ::,
:: eld-shst.txt 211k shooting star elend 01.01.02 ::
::, ozz-nois.txt 75k noise ozzeth 07.04.02 ,::
:: scr-ots.txt 106k old tymers scour 30.06.02 ::
,:: eld-chab.txt 90k char abuse elend 24.09.02 ::,
:: dc-fts.txt 49k fuck the system dedchylde 20.12.02 ::
::, eld-egz.txt 165k ehrgeiz elend 20.02.03 ,::
:: po-ignos.txt 40k ignosia pogue 10.08.03 ::
,:: imp-fs.txt 40k funky shit podsi 06.09.03 ::,
:: po-prfct.txt 45k perfecto pogue 20.09.03 ::
::, xz-aisli.txt 25k aisling xzip 20.09.03 ,::
:: imp-xxx.txt 43k the ultimate xzip/pogue 02.11.03 ::
,:: search f ::,
:: imp-wms.txt 55k wicked monkey podsi 01.01.04 ::
::, style ,::
:: db-ignrt.txt 35k ignorant dead brain 30.03.04 ::
,:: imp-sp.txt 12k sneaker pimps tribe 20.05.04 ::,
:: imp-8yl.txt 26k eight years later pogue 15.04.06 ::
::, imp-aww.txt 31k All we want pogue 12.01.09 ,::
:: imp-nh.txt 80k new horizons xzippo 12.05.14 ::
:: ansichrist 01 tribe 01 xzip 05 ::
,:: befeater 01 dbrn 01 elend 03 ::,
:: acidbrain 03 dwarf 02 ::
::, dedchylde 01 pogue 14 ,::
:: ozzeth 01 scour 03 ::
,:: podsi 02 pix 05 ::,
::, PACKS ,::
,:: Heres a list of the packs weve released from the early ::,
:: days until the most recent one IMPURExx.ZIP: ::
:: 1998 - 001 006 2005 - 051 051 ::
,:: 1999 - 007 011 2006 - 052 052 ::,
:: 2000 - 012 017 2014 - 053 055 ::
::, 2001 - 018 026 2015 - 056 059 ,::
:: 2002 - 027 033 2016 - 060 063 ::
,:: 2003 - 034 043 2017 - 064 067 ::,
:: 2004 - 044 050 2018 - 068 ::
::, l: ,::
,-, 12 ,-, /
9O / /
/ 41 // /
/ O7 / //
i m p . u ..r.. e / / /
........ a ... s... c: i i / /........
iiiiiiiii /iiiigRK
7777777777 / / / 7777777777
8888888888 // / / / // // / 8888888888
8888888888 / 8888888888
7777777777 / / 7777777777
iiiiiiiii/ / / iiiiiiiii
/ // 12 /
/ / / 9O /
/ / 41
/ - O7 -
,:: * 1 9 4 0 - 2 0 1 8 * ::,
:: seventy-eight years of ascii art and counting! ::
::, .nfo by gRISKOKARE of iMPURE!aSCII 1940 ,::
:: l: ::
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