this image contains text
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ixxu!
::::::::::::::: bouncing around since 2009 :::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::: if you read this, you are privileged :P ::::::::::::::
some rules:
1 dont share port/ip or anything :
2 dont abuse the bnc for smth shady -!-..oO..-!-
3 dont use it for your rented shit
4 do drugs
5 do 3 illu
!---------- available bindhosts: ---------------!
* ohsrsly.wtf ipv4 + ipv6
to set/clear bindhost do:
/znc ClearBindHost
/znc ClearUserBindhost /
/znc SetBindHost bindhost see above /
if you have any problems, just do
/join help
as in 2o2! /
-.-.-.-.-.-.- / .o-.Q
::::::::::::::: bouncing around since 2009 :::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::: if you read this, you are privileged :P ::::::::::::::
some rules:
1 dont share port/ip or anything :
2 dont abuse the bnc for smth shady -!-..oO..-!-
3 dont use it for your rented shit
4 do drugs
5 do 3 illu
!---------- available bindhosts: ---------------!
* ohsrsly.wtf ipv4 + ipv6
to set/clear bindhost do:
/znc ClearBindHost
/znc ClearUserBindhost /
/znc SetBindHost bindhost see above /
if you have any problems, just do
/join help
as in 2o2! /
-.-.-.-.-.-.- / .o-.Q
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