this image contains text
/. ,P ? ::
?bdP? :: .. .
. P .,yd ! by. ..
.,d/ .dP/b. ,dS /. *?
/,,,. /./. .yy.
?P*?*?P* /P .,,.
.,y, ? , b,..,d .,.
,d */.?
?. . y . .y.,.
?P,yy. / . , P..
, i /, ,. . y .
?P,P *, . ../.
/,,/,, .?P/ . /.!* . .
P /..,* *y
/?P* / / .
i n d e p e n d e n t /. *?P*
a s c i i 1 . mp./rm
Section 1 - Just hwhat in the HELL do you think this is, sir?
This is independent ascii, an ascii group made up of me and possibly some othrpeople whod like to be guests. a loosly related group of people, a federationof people.
each month there will be a couple new guests, a few different joints, maybe evena competition! like batman:sotb or lotdk, theres always different artists, andalways different writers.
the reason for this group is that ive gone many moons w/o a group, and after a
few talks with other scenesters cool word!, ive come to the conclusion that
being independent of a group is the way to go...
this will be my personal outlet for art and lit even... sure, ill even let litin with this group!
another thing is: this group has no attitude. i vow to BE, and to CONTINUE to
be, a nice guy on IRC, in my .NFO files, in my ASCIIs... I wont put someone
down unless they do it first, and even then, i can usually take it... im sick
of the elite and frankly, sexually weird way the ansi scene has turned, and thisis my stand against it.
Section 3 - To join in on the Fabulous Fun!
If you would like to do a joint/guest for independent, please /msg me on IRC, i
am rumish. or mail me at: rumish@hotmail.com
For requests, once again, /msg rumish or mail rumish@hotmail.com about it, you
are 100 guaranteed you will get your ascii, but whether it looks like this:
Spam BBS
+o rumish
or not is your call, when it comes to how you ask and if i dont have too many
ok, thanks!
?bdP? :: .. .
. P .,yd ! by. ..
.,d/ .dP/b. ,dS /. *?
/,,,. /./. .yy.
?P*?*?P* /P .,,.
.,y, ? , b,..,d .,.
,d */.?
?. . y . .y.,.
?P,yy. / . , P..
, i /, ,. . y .
?P,P *, . ../.
/,,/,, .?P/ . /.!* . .
P /..,* *y
/?P* / / .
i n d e p e n d e n t /. *?P*
a s c i i 1 . mp./rm
Section 1 - Just hwhat in the HELL do you think this is, sir?
This is independent ascii, an ascii group made up of me and possibly some othrpeople whod like to be guests. a loosly related group of people, a federationof people.
each month there will be a couple new guests, a few different joints, maybe evena competition! like batman:sotb or lotdk, theres always different artists, andalways different writers.
the reason for this group is that ive gone many moons w/o a group, and after a
few talks with other scenesters cool word!, ive come to the conclusion that
being independent of a group is the way to go...
this will be my personal outlet for art and lit even... sure, ill even let litin with this group!
another thing is: this group has no attitude. i vow to BE, and to CONTINUE to
be, a nice guy on IRC, in my .NFO files, in my ASCIIs... I wont put someone
down unless they do it first, and even then, i can usually take it... im sick
of the elite and frankly, sexually weird way the ansi scene has turned, and thisis my stand against it.
Section 3 - To join in on the Fabulous Fun!
If you would like to do a joint/guest for independent, please /msg me on IRC, i
am rumish. or mail me at: rumish@hotmail.com
For requests, once again, /msg rumish or mail rumish@hotmail.com about it, you
are 100 guaranteed you will get your ascii, but whether it looks like this:
Spam BBS
+o rumish
or not is your call, when it comes to how you ask and if i dont have too many
ok, thanks!
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