this image contains text
// o31oo3: / /
/ //an
/ / -INNATE-ZEROTHREE----------
words -----
yeah. weve third innate pack. what can i
say? we still presentin to ya part of the
polish and finnish artscene.
any new members in this pack. weve one guy
with few guests - kempy/aerosol. thx. nice
arts. good luck with new crew
besides, weve our first collection by annie.
minus two degrees inn-m2dg.txt. ya must
check it.
good shit? we got it
members ---
pOs! poise ...................... nkr@wp.pl
an annie ..... janne.toivanen@kolumbus.fi
krs krs .................... krs@netbox.pl
zw szwagier .... szwagiero@poczta.onet.pl
tG! thung ................ thung@cyb3r.org
twr twister .............. twister13@wp.pl
uif with ..................... with@go2.pl
km! kempy/aerosol .................. guest
join us ----
if you want to be a part of innate, send your
example asciis to leaders mail at nkr@wp.pl
guest arts are welcome.
remember! were pure oldschool ascii group,
so we accept only that kind of art.
credits ----
all ascii design by annie/innate.
copyright by innate ascii c 2oo3.
/ //an
/ / -INNATE-ZEROTHREE----------
words -----
yeah. weve third innate pack. what can i
say? we still presentin to ya part of the
polish and finnish artscene.
any new members in this pack. weve one guy
with few guests - kempy/aerosol. thx. nice
arts. good luck with new crew
besides, weve our first collection by annie.
minus two degrees inn-m2dg.txt. ya must
check it.
good shit? we got it
members ---
pOs! poise ...................... nkr@wp.pl
an annie ..... janne.toivanen@kolumbus.fi
krs krs .................... krs@netbox.pl
zw szwagier .... szwagiero@poczta.onet.pl
tG! thung ................ thung@cyb3r.org
twr twister .............. twister13@wp.pl
uif with ..................... with@go2.pl
km! kempy/aerosol .................. guest
join us ----
if you want to be a part of innate, send your
example asciis to leaders mail at nkr@wp.pl
guest arts are welcome.
remember! were pure oldschool ascii group,
so we accept only that kind of art.
credits ----
all ascii design by annie/innate.
copyright by innate ascii c 2oo3.
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