this image contains text
Hi there, its me, voice, writing here. First of all,
you should say: What? VOiCE? Insomnia? Whats this all
about? - Well, now it goes public: Black Maiden Phat
joined, and created iNSOMNiA! Yeah, thats it. Now, why?
Well, to put it the easy way: we both wanted to grow,
and show the big daddies in the states that there are
some dudes in Europe that can be as cool if not cooler
than they are :. We want to rock! Were not here for
mere fun, were gonna kill! As of writing this, we
are thirty-one members, compared to fourteen when pack 5
was released. By the way, if this document seems some- VOiCE says: Aaaa
how written in a hurry, this is due to the fact that it aaaaaaaaaaaa....
was written in a hurry. Its past 10pm, Ive got to
attend school tomorrow, and Im dead tired. Nevertheless, Ill finish this.
I hope the sacrifices I do for this group, are being noticed : Look at the
info file for a list of the members and boards. There are several changes
concerning our boards, but youll find all that stuff in the info file. I want to apology to all the members whose works didnt get in this pack - we are
still re-structuring. Your work will be in the next pack. Btw, if youre are
member and not yet connected with our net then get in touch with one of our
seniors. For those who are curious about what net Im talking: be a great
artist, apply, find out. : Now here comes a little further stuff...
Everything started in spring 95, Blackknight me and Masterbeat thought
about a ppe/pex crew. We called it pHaT in fact - its a name with ripping
flames on it. Our aim was to create phat doors! But we finally recognised
that we would need ansi artists to design the ppes/pexes. At this point
Blackknight found his inside talent for ansis. He had never tried it before.
After we had found many artist in a short time, phat became more an art
crew than a ppe/pex crew. We only kicked out one pack and got a very good feedback from the scene. To reach our aim we needed much more members
so weve made a fusion with black maiden, sailormoon and paranoia.
Nobody has thanked the foodproviders on wheel yet for their excellent support!
So well be the first like always :.
Their fries, or better yet, their mitraillettes were cheap and great, and got shot in tons by us . Furthermore they were our moral supporters, who
told us jokes, even in the middle of the night. Or should I say morning??
So here it is: A BiiiG greeting to the Foodprovider par excellence of the
Wired 95!
First all of, the next Insomnia-News will feature
more, better, and larger articles. As I have already mentioned, Im in a hurry, as Ive got to
gather the rest of the artpieces from about any-
where, and compile the pack to send it throughout
our o so beloved world. Did you get the joke?
t Well, as I dont want to end this file like that, R Ive just decided to include a poetry section herein. If you want to submit a piece, send it to
me. Grab my address somewhere in the ansis :.
Drawer tRiCYCLe Btw, there are some hidden parts in this pack, so
He reinforces Black it might be worth to have a closer look at each
Maiden since pack no.5 file.... yes, I admit it, Ive included pieces in the dividers. You got me, so shoot me. :
Well, well, well, Im tired, gosh, I must not think about the days to come. Oh
yeah, christmas is great, but Ive got some tests to take before that make me
shiver hidden greeting. Maybe Ill pour some acid over the papers, or call
a teklord to exterminate the teachers. Or call for a legend, Baron Senghir, for instance? No, you know what? Im gonna walk straight into my Fischbrat-
kueche, and devour a disc of Venom, or Mercyful Fate. Or maybe Monster Magnet?
The Doors? Led Zeppelin? Iron Maiden? Manowar? Blind Guardian? Helloween?
Savatage? Type O Negative? Bach? Beethoven? Wagner? Mozart? Depressive Age?
Celtic Frost? Paradise Lost? My Dying Bride? Judas Priest? Black Sabbath?
Infernl Mjesty? Slayer? Iced Earth? All those I forgot? Or Ill stomp
over to the library and dive hi ld! into the realms of Edgar Allan Poe...
or Baudelaire? De Sade? Keats? Shelley? Byron? Coleridge? Wordsworth?
Shakespeare? Again all those I forgot? : Alright, I guess youve had enough
of that, so Ill stop here. Btw, sorry for all the mistakes, but Im too
exhausted to correct em.... : Enjoy the pack! Merry Christmas!
THE SOLiTARY MiND ............................................................
Beauty pale! Gift from heaven! ............................................... By what demon are thy thoughts driven! ....................................... Where is the fire in thine eyes? ............................................. Why are there now nowt but sights? ........................................... What immortal hand stilled thy hearts beating, .............................. Quenched thy love, then fled, retreating? .................................... Why did thou fly o so far away? .............................................. Hath thou not a word more to say? ............................................ What hath thou done with all my lore, ........................................ Why hath thou left me sole on this shore? .................................... Empty wastes cover up all the spaces, ........................................ Flood each gap, inmidst a myriad of faces. ................................... The chasm is filled now, by the beast, Manticore, ............................
And I wait for thee, o Nevermore! ............................................
.................................... -- VC 95 ...............................
- Id like to apology Lord Jazz, for my header-font is somewhat inspired by
the one he once did for acid. I just liked it so much! :
- I forgot mentioning SailorMoon and Paranoia, who also took part in the
- Thanx go to CoKe, whithout whom this pack would not have been.
- No application generator, but thatll come. Just email for application.
Hi there, its me, voice, writing here. First of all,
you should say: What? VOiCE? Insomnia? Whats this all
about? - Well, now it goes public: Black Maiden Phat
joined, and created iNSOMNiA! Yeah, thats it. Now, why?
Well, to put it the easy way: we both wanted to grow,
and show the big daddies in the states that there are
some dudes in Europe that can be as cool if not cooler
than they are :. We want to rock! Were not here for
mere fun, were gonna kill! As of writing this, we
are thirty-one members, compared to fourteen when pack 5
was released. By the way, if this document seems some- VOiCE says: Aaaa
how written in a hurry, this is due to the fact that it aaaaaaaaaaaa....
was written in a hurry. Its past 10pm, Ive got to
attend school tomorrow, and Im dead tired. Nevertheless, Ill finish this.
I hope the sacrifices I do for this group, are being noticed : Look at the
info file for a list of the members and boards. There are several changes
concerning our boards, but youll find all that stuff in the info file. I want to apology to all the members whose works didnt get in this pack - we are
still re-structuring. Your work will be in the next pack. Btw, if youre are
member and not yet connected with our net then get in touch with one of our
seniors. For those who are curious about what net Im talking: be a great
artist, apply, find out. : Now here comes a little further stuff...
Everything started in spring 95, Blackknight me and Masterbeat thought
about a ppe/pex crew. We called it pHaT in fact - its a name with ripping
flames on it. Our aim was to create phat doors! But we finally recognised
that we would need ansi artists to design the ppes/pexes. At this point
Blackknight found his inside talent for ansis. He had never tried it before.
After we had found many artist in a short time, phat became more an art
crew than a ppe/pex crew. We only kicked out one pack and got a very good feedback from the scene. To reach our aim we needed much more members
so weve made a fusion with black maiden, sailormoon and paranoia.
Nobody has thanked the foodproviders on wheel yet for their excellent support!
So well be the first like always :.
Their fries, or better yet, their mitraillettes were cheap and great, and got shot in tons by us . Furthermore they were our moral supporters, who
told us jokes, even in the middle of the night. Or should I say morning??
So here it is: A BiiiG greeting to the Foodprovider par excellence of the
Wired 95!
First all of, the next Insomnia-News will feature
more, better, and larger articles. As I have already mentioned, Im in a hurry, as Ive got to
gather the rest of the artpieces from about any-
where, and compile the pack to send it throughout
our o so beloved world. Did you get the joke?
t Well, as I dont want to end this file like that, R Ive just decided to include a poetry section herein. If you want to submit a piece, send it to
me. Grab my address somewhere in the ansis :.
Drawer tRiCYCLe Btw, there are some hidden parts in this pack, so
He reinforces Black it might be worth to have a closer look at each
Maiden since pack no.5 file.... yes, I admit it, Ive included pieces in the dividers. You got me, so shoot me. :
Well, well, well, Im tired, gosh, I must not think about the days to come. Oh
yeah, christmas is great, but Ive got some tests to take before that make me
shiver hidden greeting. Maybe Ill pour some acid over the papers, or call
a teklord to exterminate the teachers. Or call for a legend, Baron Senghir, for instance? No, you know what? Im gonna walk straight into my Fischbrat-
kueche, and devour a disc of Venom, or Mercyful Fate. Or maybe Monster Magnet?
The Doors? Led Zeppelin? Iron Maiden? Manowar? Blind Guardian? Helloween?
Savatage? Type O Negative? Bach? Beethoven? Wagner? Mozart? Depressive Age?
Celtic Frost? Paradise Lost? My Dying Bride? Judas Priest? Black Sabbath?
Infernl Mjesty? Slayer? Iced Earth? All those I forgot? Or Ill stomp
over to the library and dive hi ld! into the realms of Edgar Allan Poe...
or Baudelaire? De Sade? Keats? Shelley? Byron? Coleridge? Wordsworth?
Shakespeare? Again all those I forgot? : Alright, I guess youve had enough
of that, so Ill stop here. Btw, sorry for all the mistakes, but Im too
exhausted to correct em.... : Enjoy the pack! Merry Christmas!
THE SOLiTARY MiND ............................................................
Beauty pale! Gift from heaven! ............................................... By what demon are thy thoughts driven! ....................................... Where is the fire in thine eyes? ............................................. Why are there now nowt but sights? ........................................... What immortal hand stilled thy hearts beating, .............................. Quenched thy love, then fled, retreating? .................................... Why did thou fly o so far away? .............................................. Hath thou not a word more to say? ............................................ What hath thou done with all my lore, ........................................ Why hath thou left me sole on this shore? .................................... Empty wastes cover up all the spaces, ........................................ Flood each gap, inmidst a myriad of faces. ................................... The chasm is filled now, by the beast, Manticore, ............................
And I wait for thee, o Nevermore! ............................................
.................................... -- VC 95 ...............................
- Id like to apology Lord Jazz, for my header-font is somewhat inspired by
the one he once did for acid. I just liked it so much! :
- I forgot mentioning SailorMoon and Paranoia, who also took part in the
- Thanx go to CoKe, whithout whom this pack would not have been.
- No application generator, but thatll come. Just email for application.
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