this image contains text
Integrity Rips? More like Figure 1a. ----------------------------- Integrity rips the Competition
to shreds.
Integrity does not rip Ansi. Like all
groups, we cannot be 100 safe from
new members or even old ones stealing
work. In THIS case, however, Cold and
Ugly is a LEGITIMATE artist, who has
worked too hard to be slandered the way
he has been.
NOTE: To accentuate the effect, try
using Acidview, turn on wide mode,
and dual mode. Load CU-BS.ANS and Figure 1b. -----------------------------INT-RIPS.ans and use your fucking eyes! Figure 1a is a section of the Valiant Ansi in question. Below is the exact
same section, from Cold and Uglys. Sorry to say this CU, but the older
ansi is nicer:... the bands of hair start large, and end small, while CUs starts small and ends large. The only
thing CU is guilty of here is not following hair rules.:
Figure 2a. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Here is the other half of the
hair in question... the bands
of hair are totally different,
the shading style used are
totally different, fuck, its
Today with so many ansi artists
drawing, and groups releasing,
its difficult to avoid overlap
Figure 2b. ----------------------------- when drawing Ansi. How can you
be accountable for hundreds of
other people, living thousands
of kilometers away?
Before accusations of ripping
are made, its important to
actually do a STATISTICAL
comparison of the ansis in
Figure 3a. -----------------------------
Figure 3b. -----------------------------+---------------------------------------
----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------For these two heads, there are some statistical discrepencies...
in width, 3a is 73 lines at the base, while 3b is 78. In height, 3a is about
20 lines long, while 3bs is approximately 17. The shaping is noticeably
different also. What the fuck is up?
----------Figure 4b. -------------------+-----Figure 4a. ----------------------- cu
Figure 5a. Figure 5b.
7b. 7a. 6a. 6b.
Cus Cus..
Nose.. Nose... everyone knows... Integrity does not rip..
Do you need your hearing checked? Check out these fucking ears...
Figure 8a. ----------------------------+-------Figure 8b. --------------------- The faces are also all wrong.
The forehead is HUGE on the Valiant
ansi but the Integrity one is much
smaller. I had a hard time trying
to align these two faces!
Figure 9a. -----------------------------+---------------------------------------
Figure 9b. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do these two guys need any clarification at all? I dont think so....
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These two are the final Figure 10b. comparisons ill bother with. I dont want to make this thing 500 lines long which i easily could. CUs ansi is on the top, and the shading is much
messier. The Ansi below is
neater. The rim of the purple
cloaks also go down in the
opposite angle, and are about
3 lines off from alignment.
People can do the same picture.
In the same month. Even the fucking
same pack! Look at Int-0495! Two
Spawns! Surely Grimlock didnt rip -Figure 10a. ---------------------------from Questor!
Cold and Ugly came to
Integrity with a large load of
Ansi. Many of them were not that
great, but are consistent with his
style of large, blurrily shaded
Ansi. We here at Integrity were
really happy when we picked up this
gem. In a time when new artists
often produce poor work, purely
to get an affiliation, CU bucks the
trend. It would be a terrible loss
to ostracize him from our community.
11b. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is the last comparison,
a cut off of the top one..
Cus is on top. The cloaks
are shaded differently. The
Valiant ansi is much more
defined, and youll notice the
interpretation of the light
sourcing is totally different.
there is also an absense of
hair in Cus.
Well, this big explanation
makes up for my lack of writing
the Integral, I guess :.
11a. ----------------------------------- Thanks to whoever did this, you
wasted 4 hours of my time, a
lot of alka-seltzer, and gave
me a fucking headache.
Not to mention more grey hairs.
Well, Im open to comment. Ill
leave it up to you, the viewer
to decide for yourself. At any
rate, for now, we defend Cold
Ugly wholeheartedly.
O Darkforce
to shreds.
Integrity does not rip Ansi. Like all
groups, we cannot be 100 safe from
new members or even old ones stealing
work. In THIS case, however, Cold and
Ugly is a LEGITIMATE artist, who has
worked too hard to be slandered the way
he has been.
NOTE: To accentuate the effect, try
using Acidview, turn on wide mode,
and dual mode. Load CU-BS.ANS and Figure 1b. -----------------------------INT-RIPS.ans and use your fucking eyes! Figure 1a is a section of the Valiant Ansi in question. Below is the exact
same section, from Cold and Uglys. Sorry to say this CU, but the older
ansi is nicer:... the bands of hair start large, and end small, while CUs starts small and ends large. The only
thing CU is guilty of here is not following hair rules.:
Figure 2a. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Here is the other half of the
hair in question... the bands
of hair are totally different,
the shading style used are
totally different, fuck, its
Today with so many ansi artists
drawing, and groups releasing,
its difficult to avoid overlap
Figure 2b. ----------------------------- when drawing Ansi. How can you
be accountable for hundreds of
other people, living thousands
of kilometers away?
Before accusations of ripping
are made, its important to
actually do a STATISTICAL
comparison of the ansis in
Figure 3a. -----------------------------
Figure 3b. -----------------------------+---------------------------------------
----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------For these two heads, there are some statistical discrepencies...
in width, 3a is 73 lines at the base, while 3b is 78. In height, 3a is about
20 lines long, while 3bs is approximately 17. The shaping is noticeably
different also. What the fuck is up?
----------Figure 4b. -------------------+-----Figure 4a. ----------------------- cu
Figure 5a. Figure 5b.
7b. 7a. 6a. 6b.
Cus Cus..
Nose.. Nose... everyone knows... Integrity does not rip..
Do you need your hearing checked? Check out these fucking ears...
Figure 8a. ----------------------------+-------Figure 8b. --------------------- The faces are also all wrong.
The forehead is HUGE on the Valiant
ansi but the Integrity one is much
smaller. I had a hard time trying
to align these two faces!
Figure 9a. -----------------------------+---------------------------------------
Figure 9b. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do these two guys need any clarification at all? I dont think so....
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These two are the final Figure 10b. comparisons ill bother with. I dont want to make this thing 500 lines long which i easily could. CUs ansi is on the top, and the shading is much
messier. The Ansi below is
neater. The rim of the purple
cloaks also go down in the
opposite angle, and are about
3 lines off from alignment.
People can do the same picture.
In the same month. Even the fucking
same pack! Look at Int-0495! Two
Spawns! Surely Grimlock didnt rip -Figure 10a. ---------------------------from Questor!
Cold and Ugly came to
Integrity with a large load of
Ansi. Many of them were not that
great, but are consistent with his
style of large, blurrily shaded
Ansi. We here at Integrity were
really happy when we picked up this
gem. In a time when new artists
often produce poor work, purely
to get an affiliation, CU bucks the
trend. It would be a terrible loss
to ostracize him from our community.
11b. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is the last comparison,
a cut off of the top one..
Cus is on top. The cloaks
are shaded differently. The
Valiant ansi is much more
defined, and youll notice the
interpretation of the light
sourcing is totally different.
there is also an absense of
hair in Cus.
Well, this big explanation
makes up for my lack of writing
the Integral, I guess :.
11a. ----------------------------------- Thanks to whoever did this, you
wasted 4 hours of my time, a
lot of alka-seltzer, and gave
me a fucking headache.
Not to mention more grey hairs.
Well, Im open to comment. Ill
leave it up to you, the viewer
to decide for yourself. At any
rate, for now, we defend Cold
Ugly wholeheartedly.
O Darkforce
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