this image contains text
. iVV d i
i. ,. ., .,s : i
s .. i : :
i i : b s : i .
. . : i
b,. .,db,. .,ds. .. s. ,d .b, .,d
b:db:b. .sSbs. .sdb.
Ascii by inphamilair, dedicated to the world of techno in 1997
1 hour of phun did i have when i drawed this little sthungythungy-thing.
Sunday morning, a gray day is shining trought the windows at my keyboard.
The techno-rave-progressive-style are running in a quite low volume. A whole
bunch of books are laing at my desktop not w95 my christmas lights are on,
though its not christmas jet...
some thoughts by iNPHAMiLAiR iPH 1997 v0d@hotmail.com
. iVV d i
i. ,. ., .,s : i
s .. i : :
i i : b s : i .
. . : i
b,. .,db,. .,ds. .. s. ,d .b, .,d
b:db:b. .sSbs. .sdb.
Ascii by inphamilair, dedicated to the world of techno in 1997
1 hour of phun did i have when i drawed this little sthungythungy-thing.
Sunday morning, a gray day is shining trought the windows at my keyboard.
The techno-rave-progressive-style are running in a quite low volume. A whole
bunch of books are laing at my desktop not w95 my christmas lights are on,
though its not christmas jet...
some thoughts by iNPHAMiLAiR iPH 1997 v0d@hotmail.com
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