this image contains text
. i. .i : : ii ..ii:.. .i :. .ggg ggg :
:i:: i. ii ii: ::i.: i. ii - ggggggggggg :i i:
ii: i: i.iS:i: :i - i i i ii:
:ii. ,.. :. :. :ii :ii:
.., : ,diis.i. i: i ii :i ii ii ::ii:
.,s:i:ii:, ,i:i:::iibdi: ii :i ii: i :ii ii:
:bsiii:iiiTii: : .i iigggggii iigggggggg
,s ,s iTii: : : .i
g ,ss, .ggg: d .. - ii: :ii ii
, ,ii, ,Ti P iii i: inphamilair rrr
, ,d:ib, ,:iTii.sd ttt
iii:,.. ,:i:iP 4i:, ..,:iiTT::
:ii:iiiii:ii iii:::iiiiTTii:
::.i:i: :iissssii.:ii:ii.Ti:i: welcome to iph-ascii seven
.:.ii :i::iTTTTTiT:i.::i.ib
iiii:iii press arrow-down for intro!
:ii sss ii: - in stereo...
i:. i g,ggggggg,g ii :i
:i , ii , i: - yo d00d, wanna smell something weird?
iiii., ,,, . ,,.ii.
iphMTTiii:: :: :.iiTTi:
pre-words and some thoughts...
what can i say, im here... still here! drawing thoose damn ascii
pixx for my self and d00dz all-around...
...i must say i got really good doing ascii n stuff the latest time
mostly becouse i think ascii - i am ascii you cant draw a pixxie
and think characters you must see it like a real picture and then
you see all the misstakes youve done... i takes some time but...
your learn, everyone one else did..
pack intro and...
tjopp!! this pack ofcourse is my best pack ever with the best
youve ever seen from iph-ascii
...just sit back, and let the motion characters flow by your mind
oh btw... i draw ascii mush faster nowadays so i get alot more
done on less time, but i dont do so mush ascii nowadays anyway :
you know the usual thing is there a life outside the screen?
im not sure... im about to find out :
anyway, all pixx are from 98, enjoy...
misc info other stuff...
yeah well, heres some greetings in no chronological order
and ofcourse those i forgot and everyone in the ascii scene...
group greetz.spIn-prod.arc.fl0pp.infidels.woe.rmrs.uprise.tol
iph can be contacted via:
modem...: vOD BBS +46-042-160700 sweden - soon telnet!!
e-mail..: iph-ascii@mail.bip.net / iphascii@hotmail.com
homepage: http://www.i.am/iph http://home.bip.net/iph-ascii
irc.....: efnet sweascii spin ahha sweart ascii woe ...
icq-...: im elite i dont use this shit! join me!
badlands bbs: 49-911-6959478 28k8 german hq
sysop: bad peon
homepage: http://www.i.am/badlands
other boards in sweden: area51.blood red skies.and sum other
yeah right, im evil, im big and im strong but that dosent help me
from rippers, so the only thing i can do is to rely on the moral
the scene holds... ehh??
rips from my asciis small as big ones is stricly forbidden.
you may contact iph if this happends...
you may look, you may learn but thats all...
... signing off
:i:: i. ii ii: ::i.: i. ii - ggggggggggg :i i:
ii: i: i.iS:i: :i - i i i ii:
:ii. ,.. :. :. :ii :ii:
.., : ,diis.i. i: i ii :i ii ii ::ii:
.,s:i:ii:, ,i:i:::iibdi: ii :i ii: i :ii ii:
:bsiii:iiiTii: : .i iigggggii iigggggggg
,s ,s iTii: : : .i
g ,ss, .ggg: d .. - ii: :ii ii
, ,ii, ,Ti P iii i: inphamilair rrr
, ,d:ib, ,:iTii.sd ttt
iii:,.. ,:i:iP 4i:, ..,:iiTT::
:ii:iiiii:ii iii:::iiiiTTii:
::.i:i: :iissssii.:ii:ii.Ti:i: welcome to iph-ascii seven
.:.ii :i::iTTTTTiT:i.::i.ib
iiii:iii press arrow-down for intro!
:ii sss ii: - in stereo...
i:. i g,ggggggg,g ii :i
:i , ii , i: - yo d00d, wanna smell something weird?
iiii., ,,, . ,,.ii.
iphMTTiii:: :: :.iiTTi:
pre-words and some thoughts...
what can i say, im here... still here! drawing thoose damn ascii
pixx for my self and d00dz all-around...
...i must say i got really good doing ascii n stuff the latest time
mostly becouse i think ascii - i am ascii you cant draw a pixxie
and think characters you must see it like a real picture and then
you see all the misstakes youve done... i takes some time but...
your learn, everyone one else did..
pack intro and...
tjopp!! this pack ofcourse is my best pack ever with the best
youve ever seen from iph-ascii
...just sit back, and let the motion characters flow by your mind
oh btw... i draw ascii mush faster nowadays so i get alot more
done on less time, but i dont do so mush ascii nowadays anyway :
you know the usual thing is there a life outside the screen?
im not sure... im about to find out :
anyway, all pixx are from 98, enjoy...
misc info other stuff...
yeah well, heres some greetings in no chronological order
and ofcourse those i forgot and everyone in the ascii scene...
group greetz.spIn-prod.arc.fl0pp.infidels.woe.rmrs.uprise.tol
iph can be contacted via:
modem...: vOD BBS +46-042-160700 sweden - soon telnet!!
e-mail..: iph-ascii@mail.bip.net / iphascii@hotmail.com
homepage: http://www.i.am/iph http://home.bip.net/iph-ascii
irc.....: efnet sweascii spin ahha sweart ascii woe ...
icq-...: im elite i dont use this shit! join me!
badlands bbs: 49-911-6959478 28k8 german hq
sysop: bad peon
homepage: http://www.i.am/badlands
other boards in sweden: area51.blood red skies.and sum other
yeah right, im evil, im big and im strong but that dosent help me
from rippers, so the only thing i can do is to rely on the moral
the scene holds... ehh??
rips from my asciis small as big ones is stricly forbidden.
you may contact iph if this happends...
you may look, you may learn but thats all...
... signing off
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