this image contains text
. i. .i : : ii ..ii:.. .i :.
:i:: i. ii ii: ::i.: i. ii :i i
ii: i: i.iS:i: :i :i i ii
:ii. ,.. :. :. i:
.., : ,diis.i. i: i ii ii i
.,s:i:ii:, ,i:i:::iibdi: ii :i i: :i :i ii i:
:bsiii:iiiTii: : .i i i i :i i
,s ,s iTii: : : .i i
g ,ss, .ggg: d ..
, ,ii, ,Ti P s
, ,d:ib, ,:iTii.sd yo!stats board!name
iii:,.. ,:i:iP 4i:, ..,:iiTT::
:ii:iiiii:ii iii:::iiiiTTii: dl... fx...
::.i:i: :iissssii.:ii:ii.Ti:i: ul... ansi.
.:.ii :i::iTTTTTiT:i.::i.ib axx.. nic..
.:i.ii::iS**:i.i:::. cmt.. cmt..
.ib.,ssSSsii ratio elite
iiii:iii stuff msg..
:ii sss ii:
i:. i g,ggggggg,g ii :i
:i , ii , i: - yo d00d, wanna smell something weird?
iiii., ,,, . ,,.ii.
iphMTTiii:: :: :.iiTTi: why not? lamer - press enter...
well, at the first it look quite weird, like fuckin homo..
well, when i fuckd some stats shit n quotes it looked better...
but it suxx anyway, so if you wanna use this, use it!! but please
do not remove tag, alittle credits wouldnt be bad either
elitenon-color ascii-telnet boards it should work just fine??
// inphamilairiph silicon!
:i:: i. ii ii: ::i.: i. ii :i i
ii: i: i.iS:i: :i :i i ii
:ii. ,.. :. :. i:
.., : ,diis.i. i: i ii ii i
.,s:i:ii:, ,i:i:::iibdi: ii :i i: :i :i ii i:
:bsiii:iiiTii: : .i i i i :i i
,s ,s iTii: : : .i i
g ,ss, .ggg: d ..
, ,ii, ,Ti P s
, ,d:ib, ,:iTii.sd yo!stats board!name
iii:,.. ,:i:iP 4i:, ..,:iiTT::
:ii:iiiii:ii iii:::iiiiTTii: dl... fx...
::.i:i: :iissssii.:ii:ii.Ti:i: ul... ansi.
.:.ii :i::iTTTTTiT:i.::i.ib axx.. nic..
.:i.ii::iS**:i.i:::. cmt.. cmt..
.ib.,ssSSsii ratio elite
iiii:iii stuff msg..
:ii sss ii:
i:. i g,ggggggg,g ii :i
:i , ii , i: - yo d00d, wanna smell something weird?
iiii., ,,, . ,,.ii.
iphMTTiii:: :: :.iiTTi: why not? lamer - press enter...
well, at the first it look quite weird, like fuckin homo..
well, when i fuckd some stats shit n quotes it looked better...
but it suxx anyway, so if you wanna use this, use it!! but please
do not remove tag, alittle credits wouldnt be bad either
elitenon-color ascii-telnet boards it should work just fine??
// inphamilairiph silicon!
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