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hello ascii scene.
the jasper project has been on my mind since legacy past away, way back god
knows when.
similarly, after the demise of system2, i think zerostar joined mimic and
releases art with them. system2 wouldve been my favourite group but since
that went kaput ive been stuck with only remorse to release with.
as far as i know remorse doesnt really release like it used to so ive
decided that ill release any art that i draw within a period of either a
month or two dependant on whether or not i gather enough.
im not really releasing this stuff as a solo project type thing to get
you to think im good or anything, its just a place i can release all my
work which i do over time.
so far, i aesthetic are currently the only member of the group. if anyone
would like to join the jasper project, by all means you can too. i dont
care if youre as shit as me, or as good as discyple, you can release any
old crud in my packs :.
id like to send my thanks to all of the groups of drawn for in the past,
and similarly greet the guys i never got to draw alongside, due to talent
or lack of on my behalf. hello to
Remorse, Mimic, The Usual Suspects, The Loop, and anyone else who draw!
well ive treated it like a group so what the hey :.
aesthetic davekinz@hotmail.com
as i said before, if youd like to join, feel free.. just email me at that
address and ill add you to the list.
jasper 02 will hopefully be out january 17/2002 as im releasing pack 1 on
december 17/2001. as i said if i can do around about 10 peices per pack ill
release it.
y, y.. sS .t5
.s@ . 5y. @2y. 2y. .y@@y. .y@@y.
.j . .s22s. .y yy yyy*.*y y*QQ:
. .yS@y.
,. yyyyy .
yyyy yyyy
yyyyyyy yyyyyy
y yyyyyy n
/ yyy yyyy
. .S @ . . @
Q. j@ ,., .,7 j.,l: !! !
. j7 .y*.,, ..,, . ,,,, :! :@@!
j * .. . !.
y jaSper.onethe last man standing. .
: thanks for viewing this pack..
. till next time, bye. 43
hello ascii scene.
the jasper project has been on my mind since legacy past away, way back god
knows when.
similarly, after the demise of system2, i think zerostar joined mimic and
releases art with them. system2 wouldve been my favourite group but since
that went kaput ive been stuck with only remorse to release with.
as far as i know remorse doesnt really release like it used to so ive
decided that ill release any art that i draw within a period of either a
month or two dependant on whether or not i gather enough.
im not really releasing this stuff as a solo project type thing to get
you to think im good or anything, its just a place i can release all my
work which i do over time.
so far, i aesthetic are currently the only member of the group. if anyone
would like to join the jasper project, by all means you can too. i dont
care if youre as shit as me, or as good as discyple, you can release any
old crud in my packs :.
id like to send my thanks to all of the groups of drawn for in the past,
and similarly greet the guys i never got to draw alongside, due to talent
or lack of on my behalf. hello to
Remorse, Mimic, The Usual Suspects, The Loop, and anyone else who draw!
well ive treated it like a group so what the hey :.
aesthetic davekinz@hotmail.com
as i said before, if youd like to join, feel free.. just email me at that
address and ill add you to the list.
jasper 02 will hopefully be out january 17/2002 as im releasing pack 1 on
december 17/2001. as i said if i can do around about 10 peices per pack ill
release it.
y, y.. sS .t5
.s@ . 5y. @2y. 2y. .y@@y. .y@@y.
.j . .s22s. .y yy yyy*.*y y*QQ:
. .yS@y.
,. yyyyy .
yyyy yyyy
yyyyyyy yyyyyy
y yyyyyy n
/ yyy yyyy
. .S @ . . @
Q. j@ ,., .,7 j.,l: !! !
. j7 .y*.,, ..,, . ,,,, :! :@@!
j * .. . !.
y jaSper.onethe last man standing. .
: thanks for viewing this pack..
. till next time, bye. 43
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