this image contains text
newsy news
what a tremendous response weve received after pack 3 was released not
too long ago. id personally like to thank everyone whos supported the
group and to all the people putting in the effort to make this one kick
also we arent accepting guest artists from *other* groups. what i mean is
if lets say you are in revival, and you want to do a guest ansi in jasper,
i will not accept it. however, people just like catch22, who are no
longer in a group anymore, but want to draw one for the sake of it and
release it, can do so right here. thanks to cath22 for the guest.
ansi all nuns suck it
you might notice that this pack is dominated by files with the .ans
extension. i guess that youve gathered that we are primarily an ansi group
from now on. sorry to all the ascii artists, you have homes in a dozen
other groups. jasper is now ansi only.
roster changes
well, we havent had a member leave yet so i suppose thats a good figure.
on the plus side, weve gained a wealth of brand-spanking new members. to
see exactly who they are, youre going to have to feast your eyes on the
memberlisting JMEMB.NFO file.
..if youd wish to apply to the group, contact aesthetic@phatchicks.com
wed all personally like to encourage people entering the chat channel.
here you might find exciting information on the group, be able to request
a peice of art from one of the members, join in a simultaneous ansi-drawing
joint between many people etc.
you can still find our packs at the following site:
alternatively, contact either of the following distribution boards:
oasis.demonic.net Oasis BBS, operated by ESC
blackthursday.net Black Thursday, operated by Skatter
if you would like your board to become a distribution site just contact
any of the members with your boards details.
jasper 5, around abouts May 1st, 2002.
thanks to Simon King for the news header.
written by aesthetic aesthetic@phatchicks.com
newsy news
what a tremendous response weve received after pack 3 was released not
too long ago. id personally like to thank everyone whos supported the
group and to all the people putting in the effort to make this one kick
also we arent accepting guest artists from *other* groups. what i mean is
if lets say you are in revival, and you want to do a guest ansi in jasper,
i will not accept it. however, people just like catch22, who are no
longer in a group anymore, but want to draw one for the sake of it and
release it, can do so right here. thanks to cath22 for the guest.
ansi all nuns suck it
you might notice that this pack is dominated by files with the .ans
extension. i guess that youve gathered that we are primarily an ansi group
from now on. sorry to all the ascii artists, you have homes in a dozen
other groups. jasper is now ansi only.
roster changes
well, we havent had a member leave yet so i suppose thats a good figure.
on the plus side, weve gained a wealth of brand-spanking new members. to
see exactly who they are, youre going to have to feast your eyes on the
memberlisting JMEMB.NFO file.
..if youd wish to apply to the group, contact aesthetic@phatchicks.com
wed all personally like to encourage people entering the chat channel.
here you might find exciting information on the group, be able to request
a peice of art from one of the members, join in a simultaneous ansi-drawing
joint between many people etc.
you can still find our packs at the following site:
alternatively, contact either of the following distribution boards:
oasis.demonic.net Oasis BBS, operated by ESC
blackthursday.net Black Thursday, operated by Skatter
if you would like your board to become a distribution site just contact
any of the members with your boards details.
jasper 5, around abouts May 1st, 2002.
thanks to Simon King for the news header.
written by aesthetic aesthetic@phatchicks.com
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