this image contains text
- ------------------t h
e j o i n t . . 0
ok .. first off, i want to thank everyone who took part in t
his, the second
joint. it started dragging along at the end, i know, but th
e following should
fix all the problems we had.
the joint - 07/26/96, 8pm est:
at the last minute, i found out that crayon was gone, away o
n a trip, so i had
to run this one by myself. it was pretty tough, yet fun. i
f you werent there,you really missed out.
the ansi didnt turn out as well as i thought it would, but
there are reasons
for that. first off, there were too many people participati
ng, which made it
take much to long. secondly, people didnt seem to grasp th
e fact that they
were supposed to add to/do whatever to what was there, not j
ust paste stuff on like stickers. there are some mo
re reasons, but these are the major ones..
here are some rules for the NEW joint i kno
w rules suck, but they are needed:
1 everyone gets 10min ONLY .. if you go ove
r the time limit, you will be
skipped and either put at the end of the list, or just r
emoved .. no matter
WHO you are.
2 you MUST *try* to incorperate anything you do
into the ansi that is there,
not just paste it onto the bottom ..
3 there will be a limit of 9 people per joi
nt. the first 9 people in the
channel will be able to participate, no more 9 + cheeze
and crayon .. the
reason for this is so that the joint doesnt go past 2 h
ours, and so that
it doesnt get boring/start dragging on like 02 did.
if we have about 9 MORE people than we need, then i ch
eeze will host one
joint in joint, and crayone will host another in joint
1 .. this way, we
dont turn away too many people..
4 have fun.. do whatever you want as long
as you follow these simple rules ..
hopefully these new rules will make things more organized an
d more fun.. if theybecome a pain/have no use, then t
hey will be removed for later joints..
also, we will be moving the joint to another day of the week
, at least during
the summer, because having it on saturday was, well, a bad i
dea. it will nowbe on tuesday nights at 7pm e
astern 4pm pacific - figure out yours ..
in case you didnt know, this is how it works:
either crayon or i will choose a between 1-100
, and will then ask
everyone to /msg us with their guess. the person who comes
closest to our
will get the privledge of starting the ansi, and picking the
board it will be
for. this person will then be given 10 minutes to s
tart on the ansi. once he
is done, he dccs the ansi in this format: brd abbriv
01.ans to either crayonor myself. then, the next
person in the list that has been compiled will begin
their segment. you can do a pic, a font, chang
e something, do shadding, add a
backround, move stuff around, whatever you want.
. as long as it isnt just pastedon.. as long as it fi
ts into the 10 minute time limit.. then, you dcc
crayon or
i the file in the correct format and the next person will re
cieve it. this
continues until everyone participating has done 1 10 minute
wow.. that sounds complicated! well, its really not.. just
show up, and crayonand i will take care of things g
i crayon was gone held joint 02 on saturday night
07/26. turned out prettygood i guess, but
was a bit unorganized, and many things went wrong..
what can
i say? if they HADNT gone wrong, we would have no way to i
mprove it erm.. the people who took part this tim
e were flame, psk?, msd, megadose, dieznyik, bl
atz, outkast, mighty mouse, misfit, widowmaker, axiom,
and i. some people
went over the time limit, a buncha stickers were added ins
tead of intigrationsand it had to be moved due to som
e channel errors, but otherwise it went pretty
well.. there were originally about 15 people who were going
to be working on it,but it came out to be about 12..
the ans final02.ans is included, as well a
the different ansis saved after each persons segment.
despite all the things that seemed to go wrong, it was reall
y fun, and im sure
everyone who was there would love to do it again.. so join u
s, tuesday 07/29 at
7pm eastern in joint for the joint 03.
itll be a blast.
this infofile is a bit fucked up, so if you have any questio
ns, write me mail atyar1@cris.com, or give do
ink a call at 407-783-1522. i hope to see yo
u all
there on the 29th!
before i conclude this, i want to mention some messups in jo
int01. first off, somehow a file doink6.ans got i
n there. all it is is doink5.ans .. secondly,crayon
wanted me to make sure people know that this was his
idea g dunno why
he got so crazy, but oh well .. there were prolly some o
ther things, but it doesnt matter.. the fact is, thi
s is fun no matter WHAT happens
infofile: cheeze .. the joint original idea: crayon /
also: look for the joint to have a new name soon.. if you
have any suggestions let us know.. the joint jus
t isnt creative g
e j o i n t . . 0
ok .. first off, i want to thank everyone who took part in t
his, the second
joint. it started dragging along at the end, i know, but th
e following should
fix all the problems we had.
the joint - 07/26/96, 8pm est:
at the last minute, i found out that crayon was gone, away o
n a trip, so i had
to run this one by myself. it was pretty tough, yet fun. i
f you werent there,you really missed out.
the ansi didnt turn out as well as i thought it would, but
there are reasons
for that. first off, there were too many people participati
ng, which made it
take much to long. secondly, people didnt seem to grasp th
e fact that they
were supposed to add to/do whatever to what was there, not j
ust paste stuff on like stickers. there are some mo
re reasons, but these are the major ones..
here are some rules for the NEW joint i kno
w rules suck, but they are needed:
1 everyone gets 10min ONLY .. if you go ove
r the time limit, you will be
skipped and either put at the end of the list, or just r
emoved .. no matter
WHO you are.
2 you MUST *try* to incorperate anything you do
into the ansi that is there,
not just paste it onto the bottom ..
3 there will be a limit of 9 people per joi
nt. the first 9 people in the
channel will be able to participate, no more 9 + cheeze
and crayon .. the
reason for this is so that the joint doesnt go past 2 h
ours, and so that
it doesnt get boring/start dragging on like 02 did.
if we have about 9 MORE people than we need, then i ch
eeze will host one
joint in joint, and crayone will host another in joint
1 .. this way, we
dont turn away too many people..
4 have fun.. do whatever you want as long
as you follow these simple rules ..
hopefully these new rules will make things more organized an
d more fun.. if theybecome a pain/have no use, then t
hey will be removed for later joints..
also, we will be moving the joint to another day of the week
, at least during
the summer, because having it on saturday was, well, a bad i
dea. it will nowbe on tuesday nights at 7pm e
astern 4pm pacific - figure out yours ..
in case you didnt know, this is how it works:
either crayon or i will choose a between 1-100
, and will then ask
everyone to /msg us with their guess. the person who comes
closest to our
will get the privledge of starting the ansi, and picking the
board it will be
for. this person will then be given 10 minutes to s
tart on the ansi. once he
is done, he dccs the ansi in this format: brd abbriv
01.ans to either crayonor myself. then, the next
person in the list that has been compiled will begin
their segment. you can do a pic, a font, chang
e something, do shadding, add a
backround, move stuff around, whatever you want.
. as long as it isnt just pastedon.. as long as it fi
ts into the 10 minute time limit.. then, you dcc
crayon or
i the file in the correct format and the next person will re
cieve it. this
continues until everyone participating has done 1 10 minute
wow.. that sounds complicated! well, its really not.. just
show up, and crayonand i will take care of things g
i crayon was gone held joint 02 on saturday night
07/26. turned out prettygood i guess, but
was a bit unorganized, and many things went wrong..
what can
i say? if they HADNT gone wrong, we would have no way to i
mprove it erm.. the people who took part this tim
e were flame, psk?, msd, megadose, dieznyik, bl
atz, outkast, mighty mouse, misfit, widowmaker, axiom,
and i. some people
went over the time limit, a buncha stickers were added ins
tead of intigrationsand it had to be moved due to som
e channel errors, but otherwise it went pretty
well.. there were originally about 15 people who were going
to be working on it,but it came out to be about 12..
the ans final02.ans is included, as well a
the different ansis saved after each persons segment.
despite all the things that seemed to go wrong, it was reall
y fun, and im sure
everyone who was there would love to do it again.. so join u
s, tuesday 07/29 at
7pm eastern in joint for the joint 03.
itll be a blast.
this infofile is a bit fucked up, so if you have any questio
ns, write me mail atyar1@cris.com, or give do
ink a call at 407-783-1522. i hope to see yo
u all
there on the 29th!
before i conclude this, i want to mention some messups in jo
int01. first off, somehow a file doink6.ans got i
n there. all it is is doink5.ans .. secondly,crayon
wanted me to make sure people know that this was his
idea g dunno why
he got so crazy, but oh well .. there were prolly some o
ther things, but it doesnt matter.. the fact is, thi
s is fun no matter WHAT happens
infofile: cheeze .. the joint original idea: crayon /
also: look for the joint to have a new name soon.. if you
have any suggestions let us know.. the joint jus
t isnt creative g
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