this image contains text
- ------------------t h
e j o i n t . . 0
this one was a bit of a suprise to everyone in ansi
.. find out why:
this was originally supposed to be held tuesday 08/05
, but it turns out i
didnt feel like doing it then. .. i am going to be leavin
g the scene for
awhile, and wont be drawing much at all.. ill be popping i
n every tuesday to
do the joint every tuesday except 08/05, but other
wise ill be gone..
this joint was basically just a free-for-all. no order, no
special channel, no
limit, etc.. basically i just asked who wants to do the nex
t segment and
picked the first person to /msg me. wow .. id like to t
hank everyone who
participated: tcg, pzyko, artimp, loi, splatt, dieznyik
, armdonut,
dr. dodgeball, flame, misfit, tna, and fluor. hope you
guys enjoyed it!
oh yeah.. and crayone still wasnt here
the next joint will be tuesday, 08/12/96, at 7pm in joi
nt. it will be an ALL
TOON joint .. wow, that should be fun .. the
next one after that will be
an ALL SHADED joint. phear.
just thought id refresh you guys on how this thing works:
either crayon or i will choose a between 1-100
, and will then ask
everyone to /msg us with their guess. the person who comes
closest to our
will get the privledge of starting the ansi, and picking the
board it will be
for. this person will then be given 10 minutes to s
tart on the ansi. once he
is done, he dccs the ansi in this format: brd abbriv
01.ans to either crayo
or myself. then, the next person in the list that has been c
ompiled will begin
their segment. you can do a pic, a font, change somethi
ng, do shadding, add a
backround, move stuff around, whatever you want.
. as long as it isnt just paste
on.. as long as it fits into the 10 minute time limit..
then, you dcc crayon or
i the file in the correct format and the next person will re
cieve it. this
continues until everyone participating has done 1 10 minute
oh yeah.. and these are a few rules too:
1 everyone gets 10min ONLY .. if you go ove
r the time limit, you will be
skipped and either put at the end of the list, or just r
emoved .. no matter
WHO you are.
2 you MUST *try* to incorperate anything you do
into the ansi that is there,
not just paste it onto the bottom ..
3 there will be a limit of 9 people per joi
nt. the first 9 people in the
channel will be able to participate, no more 9 + cheeze
and crayon .. the
reason for this is so that the joint doesnt go past 2 h
ours, and so that
it doesnt get boring/start dragging on like 02 did.
if we have about 9 MORE people than we need, then i che
eze will host one joint in joint, and crayone
will host another in joint1 .. this way, we
dont turn away too many people..
4 have fun.. do whatever you want as long
as you follow these simple rules ok, thats a
bout it.. oh yeah, for all you ascii guys, i have giv
en fAh the
authority to run the ascii joint on wednsday n
ights.. so now all you ascii
guys dont have to bug me about it being all ansi
i can be contacted at yar1@cris.com, or give doink a
ring at 407-783-1522.
infofile: cheeze .. the joint original idea: crayon /
also: *STILL* looking for a new name for the joint .. gimm
ie some suggestions bitzs.. g
e j o i n t . . 0
this one was a bit of a suprise to everyone in ansi
.. find out why:
this was originally supposed to be held tuesday 08/05
, but it turns out i
didnt feel like doing it then. .. i am going to be leavin
g the scene for
awhile, and wont be drawing much at all.. ill be popping i
n every tuesday to
do the joint every tuesday except 08/05, but other
wise ill be gone..
this joint was basically just a free-for-all. no order, no
special channel, no
limit, etc.. basically i just asked who wants to do the nex
t segment and
picked the first person to /msg me. wow .. id like to t
hank everyone who
participated: tcg, pzyko, artimp, loi, splatt, dieznyik
, armdonut,
dr. dodgeball, flame, misfit, tna, and fluor. hope you
guys enjoyed it!
oh yeah.. and crayone still wasnt here
the next joint will be tuesday, 08/12/96, at 7pm in joi
nt. it will be an ALL
TOON joint .. wow, that should be fun .. the
next one after that will be
an ALL SHADED joint. phear.
just thought id refresh you guys on how this thing works:
either crayon or i will choose a between 1-100
, and will then ask
everyone to /msg us with their guess. the person who comes
closest to our
will get the privledge of starting the ansi, and picking the
board it will be
for. this person will then be given 10 minutes to s
tart on the ansi. once he
is done, he dccs the ansi in this format: brd abbriv
01.ans to either crayo
or myself. then, the next person in the list that has been c
ompiled will begin
their segment. you can do a pic, a font, change somethi
ng, do shadding, add a
backround, move stuff around, whatever you want.
. as long as it isnt just paste
on.. as long as it fits into the 10 minute time limit..
then, you dcc crayon or
i the file in the correct format and the next person will re
cieve it. this
continues until everyone participating has done 1 10 minute
oh yeah.. and these are a few rules too:
1 everyone gets 10min ONLY .. if you go ove
r the time limit, you will be
skipped and either put at the end of the list, or just r
emoved .. no matter
WHO you are.
2 you MUST *try* to incorperate anything you do
into the ansi that is there,
not just paste it onto the bottom ..
3 there will be a limit of 9 people per joi
nt. the first 9 people in the
channel will be able to participate, no more 9 + cheeze
and crayon .. the
reason for this is so that the joint doesnt go past 2 h
ours, and so that
it doesnt get boring/start dragging on like 02 did.
if we have about 9 MORE people than we need, then i che
eze will host one joint in joint, and crayone
will host another in joint1 .. this way, we
dont turn away too many people..
4 have fun.. do whatever you want as long
as you follow these simple rules ok, thats a
bout it.. oh yeah, for all you ascii guys, i have giv
en fAh the
authority to run the ascii joint on wednsday n
ights.. so now all you ascii
guys dont have to bug me about it being all ansi
i can be contacted at yar1@cris.com, or give doink a
ring at 407-783-1522.
infofile: cheeze .. the joint original idea: crayon /
also: *STILL* looking for a new name for the joint .. gimm
ie some suggestions bitzs.. g
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