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happy people drink gulp!@!
nail: this says gulp?@... as toon really isnt my style ill leave it like that
blazemore: uhm... i tried to draw a hand holding a drink, but uhm.. you see.
liithn: i shaded the poor gulp guy, and added an ugly background which i hope
turn out to be uglier in the ending pice.
cygreet: i made horny kenny with the chainsaw my version it sucks tho...
pH: IM A PENIS!@ LOOK AT ME GO!@!@@!@.. err i shaded da phont and kenny :
nail: this says gulp?@... as toon really isnt my style ill leave it like that
blazemore: uhm... i tried to draw a hand holding a drink, but uhm.. you see.
liithn: i shaded the poor gulp guy, and added an ugly background which i hope
turn out to be uglier in the ending pice.
cygreet: i made horny kenny with the chainsaw my version it sucks tho...
pH: IM A PENIS!@ LOOK AT ME GO!@!@@!@.. err i shaded da phont and kenny :
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