this image contains text
the greetz to gunman :
hallo vc!bm
------------------ ------ ---------- ----------------- ------------------- --------------------- -------------------------------- stop reading this
shit, please. enjoy
the more informative
i N C O O P E R A T i O N W i T H
s a r g a h d
a bunch of ansee- and ascee-art called
no style ripping. we form them.
falsche propheten?
sags mit blumen
yes, you guessed right, we are the fbk - the most-hated newskoolars ever! thef stands for smelling like fish, the b for bad behaviour at parties and thek for kicking your lame ass!
first, it must be said that we are no kind of ansee-crew - we are a bunch ofbrain-fucked guys which are known for their creativity, superb gags and the bestscene-jokes. we were the first crew of this type ever in germany and are stillthe best - all the tries of copying our style just ended up in a lame disaster!when we founded our crew in march 95 with the release of the legendary 0C po-sing detector, a new style was born:
if you combine our abilities ive listed above with a big portion of selfiro-ny, pervertism und alternative lifestyle, youll get that new, our style!
sags mit blumen will be our last artpack - its way too much work to re-lease quality ansee-packs with only a few good artists. we wanted to be asmaller group with members having linkages to each other, but on the other handwe needed many ansee-artists to produce high-quality artpacks in future, becausethe german ansee-scene has grown bigger and better in the last months.
this pack is not part of any competition. its simply the winner.
btw, this pack is the most delayed ansee-pack ever! we began to work for ita few days before the party 5.. grr.. but its also the best pack ever.
we decided to make this a joint-prod with back2basix to have some more freshstuff in our pack - and with sargahd to give these bloody newbies a chance torelease their first art in a wide-spreaden compilation and to get known by theaudience. they are talented - and talents should be supported.
you dump sysops. put this into your fbk, b2b, and sargahd area.
anyway, we arent too satisfied with the result due to the very old art in-cluded, theres no such fresh flood we wanted it to be in here. the main reasonfor this is the downfall of each piece of art every day when its unreleased.
you know that.
were out now.
- ---------------------------------------- our releases so far
FBK-PDTC.ZiP - 22kb
our debut-release! an utility that march
checks your posing abilities! very
0C posing- user-friendlee interface and fully
detector compatible to ms windows and nwdos!
FBK-GQ25.ZiP - 324kb
the first fbk-art-pack! we tried may
make it looking serious, but we did
gehirn- not manage it. gr8 muzzak, gr8
quetschung gfx gr8 atmosphere! THA ORiGiNAL!
- - nO. 25b --------------------------- --- - - --
FBK-NXSF.ZiP - 2okb
boy, tha nexus sucked our nuts! june
ejacked made a tune which descri-
anti-nexus bes the quality of the music-compo,
tune so leech it and kotz.. ..short s3m
FBK-ELiT.ZiP - 1kb -- ------------------------------ -- - - -
cool utility converting the standard
fbk-elite- dos-font to LiT-0T.
AMU-NFO!.ZiP - 3kb
information-file and voting-form for
amuser emag! our canceled emag-project: amuser
nfo + voteform
AMU-PNiS.ZiP - 79kb
the whole story about the amuser
amuser emag! delay! incl. pic of stefan meier
delay info as
- asm-source : --------------------------- --- - - --
FBK-TiNV.ZiP - 3kb
first words to the fbkbld-war
some words to former: interview-scandal.
the interview-
- scandal --------------------------- --- - - --
GNM-REP!.ZiP - 5kb
gunman had to reply some lame shit novemb
written by spaster and his arsch-
replies to sum kriechers. interesting facts about
lame mails the fbkbld-war! short txtfile.
FBK-HEFE.ZiP - 72kb
our second and a little bit more novemb
serious artpack. ansee only, no
hammerharte vgas, modules or whatever. con-
fkalerotik! tains art by trate, krash sushi.
GNM-FREP.ZiP - 22kb
huge anseefile with lots of replies decemb
by gunman on many lame mails and
final words to txtfiles from buster, typer, tyger
the fbkbld and some more lamers.. ..READ iT!
- war. ansifile. --------------------------- --- - - --
SZU-HAAR.ZiP - 111kb
the first part of our muzzak -sub- februa
label soundtracks zum untergang:
SZU 1 - haarcore, a box-smashing hardcore-
HAARC0RE track by kraut. worst track ever.
SZU-DORF.ZiP - 236kb
the second szu-release - dorfacid! februa
one acid-track in two different
SZU 1 - versions. leech one, get two! :
D0RFACiD by kraut, that calberlacker. hallo
FBK-DSSP.ZiP - 59kb
our contribution to the mekka 96 march
32k-game-compo - das scheispiel!
das a very action-packed arcade-game!
scheispiel pc joker: 96 / power play: 87
FBK-BLUE.ZiP - 62kb
our contribution to the mekka 96 march
multichannel-compo - feelin blue
by dj jensen, a piano-track.. bad
feelin blue quality, but anyway 7 of 30.. :
PDS-HOLZ.ZiP - 12kb
the first blood-release fbk-bbs may
modding-subvision - the famous
the PENiS GALLERY! let your users view
penis their penata! pex for proboard.
- gallery --------------------------- --- - - --
FBK-UC2E.ZiP - 485kb
our contributions to the uc2e.
our uc2e
SZU-BRUN.ZiP - ca. 1mb
the third szu-release - BRAUN! august
SZU 3 - gabba at its best.
K0TPR0BE.ZiP - 748kb
woooooooFoooooooooooooaaaaaaaaahh! august
sags mit woooooooooCoooooooooooaaaaaaaaahh!
blumen! wooooooooooKooooooooooaaaaaaaaahh!
--------------------------- - polizeiliche fhrungszeugnisse ------------------------------ -
woah, look! those cops created documents about every fbk-member! here they are:
Stelling, Gunnar aka GUNMAN
nicknames: graf porno, brokrat, gunny-blue
age: seventeen
job in fbk: organizer, pr, concepts, courier,
living in: tostedt
phuck b. sexuality: quickies in elevators
left side view toilet-paper: solo zartess, 3-lagig
favourite music: punk, black metal, grind-
core, nirvana
favourite tv-shows: geschichten aus der gruft
vera am mittag
favourite cigarettes: camel, dj jensens west
sport activities: zum-kippenautomaten-und-
right side view quotes: ..das is ja auch ne art herausforde-
rung fr dich! / wo ist das schei
feuerzeug?! / da mu man differen-
zieren.. / halts maul und painte!!
--- ficken ---
message: voran, voran, lasst mich eure fahnen
when gunman isnt sitting at home, phoning and
ass view packaging stuff / controlling the scene while
smoking camel he sits at home,phones, packages,
controls and smokes.
even he is VERY TALENTED, he stopped developing
his abilities and dedicated his whole life to
o the coordination of one of the worlds best
commited crimes:
brandstiftung, zigarettendiebstahl, obszne te-
lefongesprche nachts um o4:oo, beamtenbeleidi-
gung, ffentliches vortragen gesetzlich unter-
sagter linksradikler parolen und -lieder, be-
lstigung der ffentlichkeit mittels verrauch-
tem schlepp-metal.
Nothdurft, Paul Heiner aka TRATE
nicknames: hallo-mann
age: sixtoon
job in fbk: ansee, concepts, founder
living in: ottermoor
sexuality: s/m, lolita-toiletten-sex,
penis lack leder feinstrumpfhosen
left side view toilet-paper: danke!
favourite music: adlerstolz, hass, leder-
knecht 4, blut stahl,
favourite tv-shows: das literarische quartett
favourite cigarettes: taschentuch-joints
sport activities: windsurfing, tt
quotes: jam-digidi-jam where your summer-old
right side view man / im singing this little song
about myself gunman: my dick, im
the meuner, not only the deuner /
wont forget these daysaaa / hello
little daddy is your hans - dieter
home.. oh year / ..wie eine stinke-
fotzen-polka / da krich ich ja det
kotzen, ALLDER! / dies das bla
an ansi a day keeps da doctar away
ass view ficken / --- KREEEIIISCH ---
messages: DiZ iZ SuXX B-CoZ DiZ iZ ARSCHLOCH
sicherheit beginnt in der familie
sinus alpha * cosinus beta
o being the fbk coordinator in retirement, he has
time and the attitude to do other non-scene-
activities, even if gunman tries to stop these
extremely senseless things e.g. going OUTSIDE
- away from his 386dx40 or thinking about opti-
mizing his bike by putting on new reifen: schwalbe marathon spezial 37-622. with his
creative ideas he built up the fbk image of
commited crimes:
fkalienterror, zerstrung geruhsamer lebens-
abende durch geruschemission, transport nicht-
zugelassener gter fr den nicht-ffentlichen
personen-regional -verkehr, interdisziplinrer
arroganz-terror gegenber dem lehrkrper.
Petruschat, Gerhard aka EJACKED
nicknames: prijacked, schnerhard, gr
age: sixteen
job in fbk: literature
living in: knigsmoor
sexuality: klebstofftuben-blasen, uhu-sex
adidas allgemein
left side view toilet-paper: solo zartess, 4-lagig
favourite music: r.e.m., akkordeon hits,
das ottifanten-lied
favourite tv-shows: flesh gordon, reich u.
schn, nie verga ich
favourite cigarettes: ---
sport activities: nach schwei stinken, tt,
right side view
quotes: argelbargel / och mnno / apropos
ems-seitenrahmen.. / ficken
message: love, peace and harmony
fussballtennis, playing severall extremly
complicated games, thinking about alternative
languages, developing poems with deeper sense,
thinking about mathematic paradoxons, watching
ass view fucked up films die rote laterne ...and so on, thats his life.
commited crimes:
o none.
Riebesehl, Jens aka DJ JENSEN
nicknames: arschloch, olifetti, dj pansen
age: seventeen
job in fbk: musician, packet-sysop, mascot,
party animal, pr
living in: tostedt
saufen sexuality: hard s/m, sodomy
left side view toilet-paper: none
favourite music: piano-tekkno, die doofen
favourite tv-shows: arabella, knight rider,
a-team, baywatch, pornos
favourite cigarettes: west, gunmans camel
sport activities: mofa-crash-driving
quotes: ich zieh dir pupazze ber die ohren
right side view message: braucht jemand billige mofa-teile?
when dj jensen isnt sitting on his mff and is
driving to gunman, he rapes his lil brothers,
beats gunman in 4d-sports-driving, organizes
boOoze-parties, leechs porno-pics or developes
new cool tracks on his keyboard. hes an excel-
lent pardee-animal and faaaaaat like hell - his
ass grazes the street when hes driving mff.
ass view
commited crimes:
mffrisierung, brandstiftung, erregung ffent-
lichen rgernisses mittels geruchemission aus
O genital- / axial-bereichen, verkehrsbehinderung
infolge von mofa-benutzung bei 5,0 promille,
beschdigung ffentlicher einrichtungen.
Lohmann, Jan aka ESCHEK
nicknames: querflte
age: twento-ono
job in fbk: musician
living in: heidenau
rock sexuality: 60er-jahre
left side view toilet-paper: rauh kratzig ddr
favourite music: rock n roll
favourite tv-shows: N3-oldie-night
favourite cigarettes: lucky strike
sport activities: jazz-dance
quotes: i saw bob marley in amsterdam and it
ruled / ficken
message: keep da rock n roll fever alive!
right side view
as you could have already noticed eschek is one
of these oldskool rock n roll guys. to earn
money for new oldie-compilations, he works as a
brieftrger. hes that kind of person having
no problems communicating with dj jensen - even
via x.25 protocol packet radio. btw, hes our
oldest member.
ass view commited crimes:
ffentliches zur-schau-stellen einer provokati-
ven schmalz-tolle.
n/a aka SDP0L
nicknames: --
age: twenty
job in fbk: concepts, entwicklungshelfer, un-
derground-culture-expert, pseudo-
m planck living in: untergrund
sexuality: soft s/m and paedophilia
left side view
toilet-paper: blmia 4-lagig extrafest
favourite music: mittelteilmusik
favourite tv-shows: abenteuer wissenschaft
favourite cigarettes: ---
sport activities: rotfl
quotes: es ist keine schande, nichts zu wis-
sen, aber eine schande, nichts lernen
right side view zu wollen / ficken
messages: alle rder stehen still, wenn dein
starker arm es will / fbk scheisse
zu finden, ist dermaen oldschool,
da es schon fast als lame zu be-
zeichnen ist
although he was interested in computers only
from about age 10 on, sdp0l has broaden his
ass view horizont in the last years significantly and
engages now in activities such as leading
youth-groups, studying physics and other in-
teresting subjects.
o commited crimes:
d/l verbotener bilder von einem terroristischen
mailbox-system mittels blueboxing auf einem
postalisch nicht-zugelassenem modem, tragen von
nike-air schuhwerk.
Hernier, Rouven aka KRAUT
nicknames: henning!!!, memme
age: seventeen
job in fbk: musician
living in: calberlah
sexuality: klein und eng, geschlecht egal
acid jazz!
toilet-paper: aller-zeitung
left side view favourite music: digital hardcore, house,
favourite tv-shows: deutsche bahnstrecken
favourite cigarettes: lucky strikes
sport activities: rosetten putzen
quotes: lecken und bcken / na, pedder?! /
message: phuck da law
right side view
kraut is an 1.9om tall dickhead who doesnt
attend parties and is afraid of making his
mother angry, because if he does, he will get
an arschvoll. his music is simple techno, but
sometimes he tries something experimental.
commited crimes:
ass view entwendung von lutschelementen frhpubertrer
Senzig, Tobias aka SHAITAN
nicknames: schnaufi-brchen, shaisstan
age: seventeen
job in fbk: sargahd-leader, ansee
living in: trier
sexuality: cybersex, tennisschlger-anal-
tennis massaker..
bummsenn imm schalennsitz vonne
left side view meinmm kadett - GTE, EY! mit
keiltriebwersch un achsenfeld-
larer! da hoerstet kommen!
toilet-paper: schmirgelpapier
favourite music: stinkefotzenpolken
favourite tv-shows: gemeinsames hare
krishna singen mit unse- ren kindern der ewigkeit
right side view gast star: pitt, fahrer
vom tempelbus / wimble-
don / wie ich meinen
golf tune
favourite cigarettes: fortuna menthol
sport activities: skydiving,
rocky climbing,
ass view tube-riding,
o quotes: schnaufschnauff / aldder, la mal
god kicken / zoom.. / dahinten /
hoerstn vergaasa schnurrnn?! NE, MANN
NEEE!!! / scheiss-proll! / ficken
message: selling shoes is a dirty job -
but someone has to do it
-shaitan blood
selling these fucking shoes wasnt that fun he
expected it to be, so he started dealing with
these ansi thingees and it went well. hes one
of these members that actually APPEAR at these
mystical fbk-events penis 96.., so he had
the possibility to annoy trate with his fucked
up t-shirts and cds. but nethertheless his
ansi- isnt as bad as his music-style.
commited crimes:
anbringen von offensichtlich terroristischen
anschlgen dienlichen sprengkrpern in hunde-
wasch-salons, inbrandsetzung von gesetzlichen
Gerhard, Bastian aka CAYNAN
nicknames: puup-arsch, spaten
age: seventeen
job in fbk: ansee
living in: bonn
sexuality: analmassage minderjhriger
liebheit hamster-weibchen
left side view toilet-paper: aldi trocken
favourite music: house
favourite tv-shows: x-files
favourite cigarettes: schokoz
sport activities: basketball, eishockey
quotes: was sind schweine-hrchen? / hallo
morgen ist weihnachten / ficken
message: you never get nothing for nothing
right side view
typischer konsument minderjhriger dackelhaar-
produkte. ansonsten sagt er oft und gerne hal-
commited crimes:
unerlaubte zucht von rauhhaardackeln, schoko-
riegel-schmuggel, freund von buster, zchten
ass view von pilzen unter fingerngeln.
Thewes, Dominik aka ZAVAGE
nicknames: titus, tittus
age: seventeen
job in fbk: vga, feuerwehrmann
living in: kastel-staadt
sexuality: kettensgen-fotzen-gesplatter
toilet-paper: hakle feucht mit kamille
left side view fr die nille
favourite music: deathmetal, gothic
favourite tv-shows: peter steiners theater-
favourite cigarettes: lucky strike
sport activities: joystick-massacre with
favourite xxx-games
quotes: trinke ma anen / ficken
right side view message: lschen, bergen, schtzen, ... h, so
in die richtung irgendwie..
dont be aware of coming to the next fbk-party
penis 97? - therell be an official feuer-
wehrmann called zavage to protect you of dj
jensen grill-abilities that guy is also his
prefered phone-partner. though hes only in
that bauernclub to booze, zavage is also able
ass view to paint some pics.
commited crimes:
illegaler waffen-besitz, missbrauch des trupp-
o mann-status in der ffw zwecks komasaufen.
n/a aka the unknown coder
nicknames: karlos glatzos
age: nineteen
job in fbk: code
living in: hamburg
phuck sexuality: exotic 12-year-old girls
left side view toilet-paper: noname
favourite music: gabba, mozart-rckwrts
favourite tv-shows: gute zeiten, schlechte
favourite cigarettes: none
sport activities: matratzensport, basket-
ball, affentennis
quotes: aldder, ich komm mit 3o mann und hau
right side view dir auf die fresse / kissel suxx /
message: life suxx
although he is the only hardcore coder in the
fbk, his historical roots are very amazing: his
whole tribe emmigrated from the iran some time
ago is this the reason for being so from-the-
bottom-stylish? coding his own mouse-driver
ass view etc.. no one knows..
his german is quite perfect, but it sounds like
having a cucumber in ones mouth.
commited crimes:
o zigarettenschmuggel, illegale kontakte nach s-
---- ---- - -------------------------------- affiliated boards
masquerade voice lhq 352 958 996 28k8
carnage caynan memberboard 49 2242 851o4 28k8
unleashed! shaitan memberboard 49 651 995o131 28k8/iSDN
kaoz bbs poti distsite 49 2421 931494 28k8
49 2421 931495 iSDN
x-press sinus distsite 49 3o 4o632377 28k8
49 3o 4o13654 28k8
49 3o 4o632378 iSDN
velocity crusader distsite 49 4o 6916197 28k8
outpost cybermage distsite 49 541 9619636 28k8
49 541 9619637 iSDN
nirvana raytrayza distsite 49 6245 4236 28k8
just4chaos sheep distsite 49 941 83711 28k8
you see, we dont have a world headquarter right now..
dont apply for this position neither for a distsite, though, we wont have no whq until trate and me build
up a board!
------------------------------------- - how to contact usso
if you want to contact us for any reason, check out one of following methods:
call the x-press and write a message to gunman or
mail gunman via fidonet 2:2449/528.16 or
conct us via packet radio dj jensens D1NFK or
voicgunman +49-4182-289o33 or trate +49-4188-8148.
if you want to apply for a membership, dont forget
to give us some examples of your work i know,
thats quite difficult via voice :, because if you
dont, we wont answer.
- ------------------------------------- greetz + heetz .. -- - -----------------------------------
.. go to all members of the following crews:
amable atom records back2basix black maiden brainstorm der harte kern genetics invisible force krewel krew megasphere n-factor nme
perfect BIT pop2pop purge sargahd the sabotage crew vacuum
victims of society willow.
.. and to these lonely guys:
animal assign bladerunner corrado moritz crazy l cyba cybermage dizman helter skelter jey jms kb krash mighty max nail poti
sinus sushi the avatar trancesonic tricycle.
david der havel-ripper dj maggi dr. depperson hady lukas metzger
marlboro robe scatman schimanski sven versi whole hs-net-crew.
special thanks to crusader, dizman and the sargahd- / back2basix-crew.
the sargahd - crew presents
their special
s a r g a h d
i worship that transscendental abode, known as
SARGAHD, where the goddesses of fortune in their
unalloyed spiritual essence practice the amorous
service of the supreme lords shaitan, bonewood,
blade and zavage as their only lovers
where every tree is a transcendental desire tree
where soil is made of touchstone, all water is
nectar, every word is a song, every step is a
dance, the flute is the lords favorite attendant,
effulgence is full of transcendental bliss and
the supreme spiritual entities are all enjoyable,
where numberless milkcows always emit transcendental
oceans of milk where there is a eternal existence
of transcendental time, which is ever present and
without past or future and hence is not subject
to the quality of passing away even for the space
of half a moment...
that realm known as SARGAHD only toa very few
selfrealized souls in this world.
h i s t o r y
i dont think that anybody of you is interested in the
history of our little group here, and *i* m not interested
in writing that crap, but gunman said i should do it, so i do.
...because gunman is gunman, and im just a lame scene
greenhorn, you know? ENOUGH! so lets begin..
well, it all began in january 96 when two local lamerz of
trier/germany founded an superb eLeeT art group called
the evil empire.. we got the name before rage, sukker!
these two guys were zod, who isnt online anymore after he had
brutally destroyed his notebook, and me, shaitan..
so, the first thing we did was a gathering of 10 lamers
from hold germany to make our group popular, some pex-coders,
some gfx-artists and well, we even found a dude that produced
xms.. and yess, as you think, we released nothing but overshit..
2 months ago, i disintegrated evil and put the best
art dudes in a new group, no coding, pure art, called
SARGAHD what the name means you can read above.. its
a great honor for us to release our first stuph together
with such great and renowned groups like the FBK or BACK 2
one word to our style: we are not again some people who want
to immitate the fbk-style, called OVERPHUNK... i think thats
lame - the fbk is the one and only group who can manage that..
the only thing we want to do is producing some SERIOUS art,
and i think thats quite rare in our times..
m e m b e r s
one word to the descriptions..
maybe you think that the political
opinion of the sargahd members is quite
uninteresting.. well, i learned one thing in
my active times here: the demo-scene is pretty
intellectual.. political and religious things are often
and gladly the topics of discussions..
for example: in the new emag autark these topics
even represent the main emphasis..
the fbk asked for their members toilet-paper, so ihadto
find an other ingenious question..
well, i asked the sargahd guys quite straight for their
political tendencies, so the answers may be a little bit
curious to read.. well.. ficken..
shaitan coordinator and ansi artist
his other affilation is fbk, his age is 16, he is active since
2 years, he hates mankind as the whole thing, he hates
everybody they are all bescheuert, they are all dreck!,
its better not to quote his political opinion, anyway - it
changes every month.. he has three telephones and a bill of
800 cans every month.. well, to pay that, he works at a shoe
store.. he thinks these al-bundy-jokes are rather old..
blade ansi artist
at the high age of 21 he is online since 4 years, he has got
a very cool board, with hot ansis and nice stuph.. he is
a passionated gamer, and nobody can beat him in shoot-ups
like doom or duke..
he hates the job hes doing at the moment because he has
to get up very early and it hasnt got anything to do
with his sweetheart: his pentium - he is totally
uninterested in things which arent in any way
computerized, but his political view is mehr links als
rechts - die heutigen parteien sind eh alle
zavage gfx artist
with his 17 years is just since 1 year in the scene..
in this single, short year, he managed to join first
sargahd and later the great fbk..
he works on a pc-board, but nobody expects that he will bring
that thing to an end and goes online..
zavage is powered by a pentium 133 - and he is very
proud of that - quote: y, isch kann duke in SVGA mit
8hunnatx6hunnat FLUESSISCH spielen.. hab isch dat schonn
his motto: politik ist scheisse
- religion ist scheisse..
bonewood ansi artist
he is 18 years old, he is, like shaitan, since 2 years present
in the scene, his board runs under maximus, and he tells
everybody max is superb and cool and rule.. so, you are right,
if you think that hes a little bit crazy.. hes a very
religious and devout catholic, his political objective is a
democratic, christian state.. he preferes that party called
csu.. not everybody agrees with his prudish opinions..
s u p p o r t
you will get our fresh crap at two support sites:
the kaoz of poti 49-2421-931495 isdn / 931494
analog, and the velocity opped by crusader...
further, at blades giga-base 49-651-80814 isdn+analog,
schizos inn 07031-730857 isdn+analog of bonewood or
at my board, the unleashed! 49-651-9950131 isdn+analog..
c o n t a c t
if you want to have an ansi from blade just mail
2:2452/323@phido, or call his board 49-651-80814, ifyou
want one from bonewood, write to 2:246/1010.78..
you like the gfx by zavage? well.. write him a mail
at blades board, or ask someone to give you his
voicenumber.. and if you want some art from me just
call the unleashed! or mail me at 2:2452/323.6...
g r e e t s
black maiden especially kyp and voice for their commitment
in promoting ansi talents,
the fbk time to have tha pardey, wha?!,
apathy they are the ansi-gods!,
back 2 the basix one of the best german artgroups...
triloxy best muzzak ever
dj jensen still in love?,
poti thank you for putting my ansis into your great system ,
ufo aint that dope, what?!,
creeper still any probs with your os/2? .. the s rokk
model 500 keep that grins-flash
sinus your board really rokks,
krash you are the best,
excess ehrm.. looks like a fucking dog..?
agen c sorry for the delay: lamernet is dead
interceptor you are a bad headbanger but a nice dewd
cmos you kicked my event - dirty sucker!
disruptor i still like your sounds qualm und rauch und so
mind-rape you soon get your ansis /
nootropic nice talk last week , maan..!?BUrsT!
zod lets test these cigz
crusader ra suxx
that nose aint a penis yepp! pagagagei
zavage / / c
rr yar last musak-disk rockked
triloxy da gods in making musak
art got some real nice xms
the fbk gotta have some work now.. get it soon..
lizard kewl to have free dl.. gotta leech something next time
demolux what about da web-page.. what has happend to my gfx?
cmos i dont know yar addy! really!
creeper what about yar board.. and my filez.. :
electron hey! kewl ra-tools..
gunman phone ya next time..
disruptor yar house-stile rulez
ufo thanx for helping me with some code..
sylex da elite has a name.. grave bbs..
black maiden sha! is quite right, kyp was some sort
of tutor for me and their paqs become dominating... rokxz!
septic seldom i was this enthusiastic about an artpaq...
apathy its quite simple... they rule.
acid their 94/95 style rokz...
i mentioned apathy already..?
kyp again, he tought me the basix...
rd-d he was my first contact... so...
shaitan for his phonecalls -g-
scott dudley his maximus rokks...
gunman hes very nice n polite... even to me -g-
fire your former paqs were better
mum dad special thx for producing me
mind-rape hope 0bstlt will awake very soon
shaitan for endless deathmatches
sid thx for your help at my beginnings of modeming
god we are lucky, that you werent GOD
gunman pleese, korect my mitakes.. -g-
to whole world PEACE!!!
f i c k e n
b a c k t o
bACk 2 bASiX OUR thiRd tRY WiR SAGENS Mit blUMEN
back to basix members are :
raytrayza ansi / organizing funk!rrif
blind enemy ansi / organizing the coexistence
4eyes ansi
* sma one ansi klfdisco
lord chaos ascii / organizing whaleshoot
scot ascii interactivedvk
* desert ascii / ansi funk!dezign
* members are only guest members - their ansis will be released in our paqs.
tsch ! were back and fresher than ever !!!!!
so what did they do the last months ?! well, after our second paq we were
quiet busy as always. as you can see all our members are affiliated in
other groups too. thats the main reason why we have been this inactive.
i raytrayza got motivated to paint ansis again when i read some fido -
messages from dudes i dont want to mention - i was quite annoyed. and
so i started to paint ansis again. fortunately we even
got 2 new members - lord chaos, who was an ascii artist
in a ruling amiga group called whale - and 4eyes who is
a very talentet newcomer. this makes the whole thing
much easier to us. but we still need as many members
as possible. so dont hesitate - apply now. it
will make us very happy. and remember : b2b is
for having fun and not for ruling the scene !!! ry
ehy laaan! isch geb disch onsi ey!
the nirvana bbs whq raytrayza + 49 6245 3056
neo tokyo ehq tasmaniac + 32 506 5717
the dark brotherhood ghq scot + 49 6155 79088
shizophrenic dreams ushq psycho + 1 2013 613757
downstairs dhq zteel + 45 9818 88132
the supreme court dhq steel + 31 1650 51850
pointbreak bhq lord cyrix + 32 1143 69251
primal disorder bhq tungsteen + 44 1628 74179
wicked city site raiden + 49 2271 798651
x-press site sinus + 49 30 40632377
ry -------------------------------------- -- ---- - -
why the hell flowers !? what about fbk !?!!?!?!?!
well, this paq is dedicated to the german ansi scene. therere some guys
and groups who really annoy us. so this paqs motto is: wir sagens mit
blumen !. we arent very happy with how the german ansiscene developed.
what about fun ? respect against others ? is it really more important to
be the best ? uhh ... i dont want to start any controverses, just think
about what ive said ! therere a lot of fucking gr8 groups out there in
germany like bm, phat, osm, srg and so on. we should rather kick some us
asses instead of kicking our own.
about fbk. the idea of releasing the fbkpaq and the back2basixpaq in one
was developed at mekka96 by me and gunman. i think fbk has a bunch of
kicking ass artists like tr8 or krash and so do we. it was just a logic
step to release together. and we had a lot of fun while working together
with gunman and tr8, coz theyre the most funny dudes on german scene.
ok. some words about ansirequesting and applying. if youd like to apply
just call nirvana, or the dark brotherhood and ask raytrayza or scot.
do the same if you want to request sumthing. i raytrayza wont take
money for ansis anymore. i cant speak for the other members - just ask
signed : raytrayza
teenage innocence !
this infofile was made by trate, gunman, shaitan and raytrayza. thank you.
i caught the cow
im not about to blow it up...
the greetz to gunman :
hallo vc!bm
------------------ ------ ---------- ----------------- ------------------- --------------------- -------------------------------- stop reading this
shit, please. enjoy
the more informative
i N C O O P E R A T i O N W i T H
s a r g a h d
a bunch of ansee- and ascee-art called
no style ripping. we form them.
falsche propheten?
sags mit blumen
yes, you guessed right, we are the fbk - the most-hated newskoolars ever! thef stands for smelling like fish, the b for bad behaviour at parties and thek for kicking your lame ass!
first, it must be said that we are no kind of ansee-crew - we are a bunch ofbrain-fucked guys which are known for their creativity, superb gags and the bestscene-jokes. we were the first crew of this type ever in germany and are stillthe best - all the tries of copying our style just ended up in a lame disaster!when we founded our crew in march 95 with the release of the legendary 0C po-sing detector, a new style was born:
if you combine our abilities ive listed above with a big portion of selfiro-ny, pervertism und alternative lifestyle, youll get that new, our style!
sags mit blumen will be our last artpack - its way too much work to re-lease quality ansee-packs with only a few good artists. we wanted to be asmaller group with members having linkages to each other, but on the other handwe needed many ansee-artists to produce high-quality artpacks in future, becausethe german ansee-scene has grown bigger and better in the last months.
this pack is not part of any competition. its simply the winner.
btw, this pack is the most delayed ansee-pack ever! we began to work for ita few days before the party 5.. grr.. but its also the best pack ever.
we decided to make this a joint-prod with back2basix to have some more freshstuff in our pack - and with sargahd to give these bloody newbies a chance torelease their first art in a wide-spreaden compilation and to get known by theaudience. they are talented - and talents should be supported.
you dump sysops. put this into your fbk, b2b, and sargahd area.
anyway, we arent too satisfied with the result due to the very old art in-cluded, theres no such fresh flood we wanted it to be in here. the main reasonfor this is the downfall of each piece of art every day when its unreleased.
you know that.
were out now.
- ---------------------------------------- our releases so far
FBK-PDTC.ZiP - 22kb
our debut-release! an utility that march
checks your posing abilities! very
0C posing- user-friendlee interface and fully
detector compatible to ms windows and nwdos!
FBK-GQ25.ZiP - 324kb
the first fbk-art-pack! we tried may
make it looking serious, but we did
gehirn- not manage it. gr8 muzzak, gr8
quetschung gfx gr8 atmosphere! THA ORiGiNAL!
- - nO. 25b --------------------------- --- - - --
FBK-NXSF.ZiP - 2okb
boy, tha nexus sucked our nuts! june
ejacked made a tune which descri-
anti-nexus bes the quality of the music-compo,
tune so leech it and kotz.. ..short s3m
FBK-ELiT.ZiP - 1kb -- ------------------------------ -- - - -
cool utility converting the standard
fbk-elite- dos-font to LiT-0T.
AMU-NFO!.ZiP - 3kb
information-file and voting-form for
amuser emag! our canceled emag-project: amuser
nfo + voteform
AMU-PNiS.ZiP - 79kb
the whole story about the amuser
amuser emag! delay! incl. pic of stefan meier
delay info as
- asm-source : --------------------------- --- - - --
FBK-TiNV.ZiP - 3kb
first words to the fbkbld-war
some words to former: interview-scandal.
the interview-
- scandal --------------------------- --- - - --
GNM-REP!.ZiP - 5kb
gunman had to reply some lame shit novemb
written by spaster and his arsch-
replies to sum kriechers. interesting facts about
lame mails the fbkbld-war! short txtfile.
FBK-HEFE.ZiP - 72kb
our second and a little bit more novemb
serious artpack. ansee only, no
hammerharte vgas, modules or whatever. con-
fkalerotik! tains art by trate, krash sushi.
GNM-FREP.ZiP - 22kb
huge anseefile with lots of replies decemb
by gunman on many lame mails and
final words to txtfiles from buster, typer, tyger
the fbkbld and some more lamers.. ..READ iT!
- war. ansifile. --------------------------- --- - - --
SZU-HAAR.ZiP - 111kb
the first part of our muzzak -sub- februa
label soundtracks zum untergang:
SZU 1 - haarcore, a box-smashing hardcore-
HAARC0RE track by kraut. worst track ever.
SZU-DORF.ZiP - 236kb
the second szu-release - dorfacid! februa
one acid-track in two different
SZU 1 - versions. leech one, get two! :
D0RFACiD by kraut, that calberlacker. hallo
FBK-DSSP.ZiP - 59kb
our contribution to the mekka 96 march
32k-game-compo - das scheispiel!
das a very action-packed arcade-game!
scheispiel pc joker: 96 / power play: 87
FBK-BLUE.ZiP - 62kb
our contribution to the mekka 96 march
multichannel-compo - feelin blue
by dj jensen, a piano-track.. bad
feelin blue quality, but anyway 7 of 30.. :
PDS-HOLZ.ZiP - 12kb
the first blood-release fbk-bbs may
modding-subvision - the famous
the PENiS GALLERY! let your users view
penis their penata! pex for proboard.
- gallery --------------------------- --- - - --
FBK-UC2E.ZiP - 485kb
our contributions to the uc2e.
our uc2e
SZU-BRUN.ZiP - ca. 1mb
the third szu-release - BRAUN! august
SZU 3 - gabba at its best.
K0TPR0BE.ZiP - 748kb
woooooooFoooooooooooooaaaaaaaaahh! august
sags mit woooooooooCoooooooooooaaaaaaaaahh!
blumen! wooooooooooKooooooooooaaaaaaaaahh!
--------------------------- - polizeiliche fhrungszeugnisse ------------------------------ -
woah, look! those cops created documents about every fbk-member! here they are:
Stelling, Gunnar aka GUNMAN
nicknames: graf porno, brokrat, gunny-blue
age: seventeen
job in fbk: organizer, pr, concepts, courier,
living in: tostedt
phuck b. sexuality: quickies in elevators
left side view toilet-paper: solo zartess, 3-lagig
favourite music: punk, black metal, grind-
core, nirvana
favourite tv-shows: geschichten aus der gruft
vera am mittag
favourite cigarettes: camel, dj jensens west
sport activities: zum-kippenautomaten-und-
right side view quotes: ..das is ja auch ne art herausforde-
rung fr dich! / wo ist das schei
feuerzeug?! / da mu man differen-
zieren.. / halts maul und painte!!
--- ficken ---
message: voran, voran, lasst mich eure fahnen
when gunman isnt sitting at home, phoning and
ass view packaging stuff / controlling the scene while
smoking camel he sits at home,phones, packages,
controls and smokes.
even he is VERY TALENTED, he stopped developing
his abilities and dedicated his whole life to
o the coordination of one of the worlds best
commited crimes:
brandstiftung, zigarettendiebstahl, obszne te-
lefongesprche nachts um o4:oo, beamtenbeleidi-
gung, ffentliches vortragen gesetzlich unter-
sagter linksradikler parolen und -lieder, be-
lstigung der ffentlichkeit mittels verrauch-
tem schlepp-metal.
Nothdurft, Paul Heiner aka TRATE
nicknames: hallo-mann
age: sixtoon
job in fbk: ansee, concepts, founder
living in: ottermoor
sexuality: s/m, lolita-toiletten-sex,
penis lack leder feinstrumpfhosen
left side view toilet-paper: danke!
favourite music: adlerstolz, hass, leder-
knecht 4, blut stahl,
favourite tv-shows: das literarische quartett
favourite cigarettes: taschentuch-joints
sport activities: windsurfing, tt
quotes: jam-digidi-jam where your summer-old
right side view man / im singing this little song
about myself gunman: my dick, im
the meuner, not only the deuner /
wont forget these daysaaa / hello
little daddy is your hans - dieter
home.. oh year / ..wie eine stinke-
fotzen-polka / da krich ich ja det
kotzen, ALLDER! / dies das bla
an ansi a day keeps da doctar away
ass view ficken / --- KREEEIIISCH ---
messages: DiZ iZ SuXX B-CoZ DiZ iZ ARSCHLOCH
sicherheit beginnt in der familie
sinus alpha * cosinus beta
o being the fbk coordinator in retirement, he has
time and the attitude to do other non-scene-
activities, even if gunman tries to stop these
extremely senseless things e.g. going OUTSIDE
- away from his 386dx40 or thinking about opti-
mizing his bike by putting on new reifen: schwalbe marathon spezial 37-622. with his
creative ideas he built up the fbk image of
commited crimes:
fkalienterror, zerstrung geruhsamer lebens-
abende durch geruschemission, transport nicht-
zugelassener gter fr den nicht-ffentlichen
personen-regional -verkehr, interdisziplinrer
arroganz-terror gegenber dem lehrkrper.
Petruschat, Gerhard aka EJACKED
nicknames: prijacked, schnerhard, gr
age: sixteen
job in fbk: literature
living in: knigsmoor
sexuality: klebstofftuben-blasen, uhu-sex
adidas allgemein
left side view toilet-paper: solo zartess, 4-lagig
favourite music: r.e.m., akkordeon hits,
das ottifanten-lied
favourite tv-shows: flesh gordon, reich u.
schn, nie verga ich
favourite cigarettes: ---
sport activities: nach schwei stinken, tt,
right side view
quotes: argelbargel / och mnno / apropos
ems-seitenrahmen.. / ficken
message: love, peace and harmony
fussballtennis, playing severall extremly
complicated games, thinking about alternative
languages, developing poems with deeper sense,
thinking about mathematic paradoxons, watching
ass view fucked up films die rote laterne ...and so on, thats his life.
commited crimes:
o none.
Riebesehl, Jens aka DJ JENSEN
nicknames: arschloch, olifetti, dj pansen
age: seventeen
job in fbk: musician, packet-sysop, mascot,
party animal, pr
living in: tostedt
saufen sexuality: hard s/m, sodomy
left side view toilet-paper: none
favourite music: piano-tekkno, die doofen
favourite tv-shows: arabella, knight rider,
a-team, baywatch, pornos
favourite cigarettes: west, gunmans camel
sport activities: mofa-crash-driving
quotes: ich zieh dir pupazze ber die ohren
right side view message: braucht jemand billige mofa-teile?
when dj jensen isnt sitting on his mff and is
driving to gunman, he rapes his lil brothers,
beats gunman in 4d-sports-driving, organizes
boOoze-parties, leechs porno-pics or developes
new cool tracks on his keyboard. hes an excel-
lent pardee-animal and faaaaaat like hell - his
ass grazes the street when hes driving mff.
ass view
commited crimes:
mffrisierung, brandstiftung, erregung ffent-
lichen rgernisses mittels geruchemission aus
O genital- / axial-bereichen, verkehrsbehinderung
infolge von mofa-benutzung bei 5,0 promille,
beschdigung ffentlicher einrichtungen.
Lohmann, Jan aka ESCHEK
nicknames: querflte
age: twento-ono
job in fbk: musician
living in: heidenau
rock sexuality: 60er-jahre
left side view toilet-paper: rauh kratzig ddr
favourite music: rock n roll
favourite tv-shows: N3-oldie-night
favourite cigarettes: lucky strike
sport activities: jazz-dance
quotes: i saw bob marley in amsterdam and it
ruled / ficken
message: keep da rock n roll fever alive!
right side view
as you could have already noticed eschek is one
of these oldskool rock n roll guys. to earn
money for new oldie-compilations, he works as a
brieftrger. hes that kind of person having
no problems communicating with dj jensen - even
via x.25 protocol packet radio. btw, hes our
oldest member.
ass view commited crimes:
ffentliches zur-schau-stellen einer provokati-
ven schmalz-tolle.
n/a aka SDP0L
nicknames: --
age: twenty
job in fbk: concepts, entwicklungshelfer, un-
derground-culture-expert, pseudo-
m planck living in: untergrund
sexuality: soft s/m and paedophilia
left side view
toilet-paper: blmia 4-lagig extrafest
favourite music: mittelteilmusik
favourite tv-shows: abenteuer wissenschaft
favourite cigarettes: ---
sport activities: rotfl
quotes: es ist keine schande, nichts zu wis-
sen, aber eine schande, nichts lernen
right side view zu wollen / ficken
messages: alle rder stehen still, wenn dein
starker arm es will / fbk scheisse
zu finden, ist dermaen oldschool,
da es schon fast als lame zu be-
zeichnen ist
although he was interested in computers only
from about age 10 on, sdp0l has broaden his
ass view horizont in the last years significantly and
engages now in activities such as leading
youth-groups, studying physics and other in-
teresting subjects.
o commited crimes:
d/l verbotener bilder von einem terroristischen
mailbox-system mittels blueboxing auf einem
postalisch nicht-zugelassenem modem, tragen von
nike-air schuhwerk.
Hernier, Rouven aka KRAUT
nicknames: henning!!!, memme
age: seventeen
job in fbk: musician
living in: calberlah
sexuality: klein und eng, geschlecht egal
acid jazz!
toilet-paper: aller-zeitung
left side view favourite music: digital hardcore, house,
favourite tv-shows: deutsche bahnstrecken
favourite cigarettes: lucky strikes
sport activities: rosetten putzen
quotes: lecken und bcken / na, pedder?! /
message: phuck da law
right side view
kraut is an 1.9om tall dickhead who doesnt
attend parties and is afraid of making his
mother angry, because if he does, he will get
an arschvoll. his music is simple techno, but
sometimes he tries something experimental.
commited crimes:
ass view entwendung von lutschelementen frhpubertrer
Senzig, Tobias aka SHAITAN
nicknames: schnaufi-brchen, shaisstan
age: seventeen
job in fbk: sargahd-leader, ansee
living in: trier
sexuality: cybersex, tennisschlger-anal-
tennis massaker..
bummsenn imm schalennsitz vonne
left side view meinmm kadett - GTE, EY! mit
keiltriebwersch un achsenfeld-
larer! da hoerstet kommen!
toilet-paper: schmirgelpapier
favourite music: stinkefotzenpolken
favourite tv-shows: gemeinsames hare
krishna singen mit unse- ren kindern der ewigkeit
right side view gast star: pitt, fahrer
vom tempelbus / wimble-
don / wie ich meinen
golf tune
favourite cigarettes: fortuna menthol
sport activities: skydiving,
rocky climbing,
ass view tube-riding,
o quotes: schnaufschnauff / aldder, la mal
god kicken / zoom.. / dahinten /
hoerstn vergaasa schnurrnn?! NE, MANN
NEEE!!! / scheiss-proll! / ficken
message: selling shoes is a dirty job -
but someone has to do it
-shaitan blood
selling these fucking shoes wasnt that fun he
expected it to be, so he started dealing with
these ansi thingees and it went well. hes one
of these members that actually APPEAR at these
mystical fbk-events penis 96.., so he had
the possibility to annoy trate with his fucked
up t-shirts and cds. but nethertheless his
ansi- isnt as bad as his music-style.
commited crimes:
anbringen von offensichtlich terroristischen
anschlgen dienlichen sprengkrpern in hunde-
wasch-salons, inbrandsetzung von gesetzlichen
Gerhard, Bastian aka CAYNAN
nicknames: puup-arsch, spaten
age: seventeen
job in fbk: ansee
living in: bonn
sexuality: analmassage minderjhriger
liebheit hamster-weibchen
left side view toilet-paper: aldi trocken
favourite music: house
favourite tv-shows: x-files
favourite cigarettes: schokoz
sport activities: basketball, eishockey
quotes: was sind schweine-hrchen? / hallo
morgen ist weihnachten / ficken
message: you never get nothing for nothing
right side view
typischer konsument minderjhriger dackelhaar-
produkte. ansonsten sagt er oft und gerne hal-
commited crimes:
unerlaubte zucht von rauhhaardackeln, schoko-
riegel-schmuggel, freund von buster, zchten
ass view von pilzen unter fingerngeln.
Thewes, Dominik aka ZAVAGE
nicknames: titus, tittus
age: seventeen
job in fbk: vga, feuerwehrmann
living in: kastel-staadt
sexuality: kettensgen-fotzen-gesplatter
toilet-paper: hakle feucht mit kamille
left side view fr die nille
favourite music: deathmetal, gothic
favourite tv-shows: peter steiners theater-
favourite cigarettes: lucky strike
sport activities: joystick-massacre with
favourite xxx-games
quotes: trinke ma anen / ficken
right side view message: lschen, bergen, schtzen, ... h, so
in die richtung irgendwie..
dont be aware of coming to the next fbk-party
penis 97? - therell be an official feuer-
wehrmann called zavage to protect you of dj
jensen grill-abilities that guy is also his
prefered phone-partner. though hes only in
that bauernclub to booze, zavage is also able
ass view to paint some pics.
commited crimes:
illegaler waffen-besitz, missbrauch des trupp-
o mann-status in der ffw zwecks komasaufen.
n/a aka the unknown coder
nicknames: karlos glatzos
age: nineteen
job in fbk: code
living in: hamburg
phuck sexuality: exotic 12-year-old girls
left side view toilet-paper: noname
favourite music: gabba, mozart-rckwrts
favourite tv-shows: gute zeiten, schlechte
favourite cigarettes: none
sport activities: matratzensport, basket-
ball, affentennis
quotes: aldder, ich komm mit 3o mann und hau
right side view dir auf die fresse / kissel suxx /
message: life suxx
although he is the only hardcore coder in the
fbk, his historical roots are very amazing: his
whole tribe emmigrated from the iran some time
ago is this the reason for being so from-the-
bottom-stylish? coding his own mouse-driver
ass view etc.. no one knows..
his german is quite perfect, but it sounds like
having a cucumber in ones mouth.
commited crimes:
o zigarettenschmuggel, illegale kontakte nach s-
---- ---- - -------------------------------- affiliated boards
masquerade voice lhq 352 958 996 28k8
carnage caynan memberboard 49 2242 851o4 28k8
unleashed! shaitan memberboard 49 651 995o131 28k8/iSDN
kaoz bbs poti distsite 49 2421 931494 28k8
49 2421 931495 iSDN
x-press sinus distsite 49 3o 4o632377 28k8
49 3o 4o13654 28k8
49 3o 4o632378 iSDN
velocity crusader distsite 49 4o 6916197 28k8
outpost cybermage distsite 49 541 9619636 28k8
49 541 9619637 iSDN
nirvana raytrayza distsite 49 6245 4236 28k8
just4chaos sheep distsite 49 941 83711 28k8
you see, we dont have a world headquarter right now..
dont apply for this position neither for a distsite, though, we wont have no whq until trate and me build
up a board!
------------------------------------- - how to contact usso
if you want to contact us for any reason, check out one of following methods:
call the x-press and write a message to gunman or
mail gunman via fidonet 2:2449/528.16 or
conct us via packet radio dj jensens D1NFK or
voicgunman +49-4182-289o33 or trate +49-4188-8148.
if you want to apply for a membership, dont forget
to give us some examples of your work i know,
thats quite difficult via voice :, because if you
dont, we wont answer.
- ------------------------------------- greetz + heetz .. -- - -----------------------------------
.. go to all members of the following crews:
amable atom records back2basix black maiden brainstorm der harte kern genetics invisible force krewel krew megasphere n-factor nme
perfect BIT pop2pop purge sargahd the sabotage crew vacuum
victims of society willow.
.. and to these lonely guys:
animal assign bladerunner corrado moritz crazy l cyba cybermage dizman helter skelter jey jms kb krash mighty max nail poti
sinus sushi the avatar trancesonic tricycle.
david der havel-ripper dj maggi dr. depperson hady lukas metzger
marlboro robe scatman schimanski sven versi whole hs-net-crew.
special thanks to crusader, dizman and the sargahd- / back2basix-crew.
the sargahd - crew presents
their special
s a r g a h d
i worship that transscendental abode, known as
SARGAHD, where the goddesses of fortune in their
unalloyed spiritual essence practice the amorous
service of the supreme lords shaitan, bonewood,
blade and zavage as their only lovers
where every tree is a transcendental desire tree
where soil is made of touchstone, all water is
nectar, every word is a song, every step is a
dance, the flute is the lords favorite attendant,
effulgence is full of transcendental bliss and
the supreme spiritual entities are all enjoyable,
where numberless milkcows always emit transcendental
oceans of milk where there is a eternal existence
of transcendental time, which is ever present and
without past or future and hence is not subject
to the quality of passing away even for the space
of half a moment...
that realm known as SARGAHD only toa very few
selfrealized souls in this world.
h i s t o r y
i dont think that anybody of you is interested in the
history of our little group here, and *i* m not interested
in writing that crap, but gunman said i should do it, so i do.
...because gunman is gunman, and im just a lame scene
greenhorn, you know? ENOUGH! so lets begin..
well, it all began in january 96 when two local lamerz of
trier/germany founded an superb eLeeT art group called
the evil empire.. we got the name before rage, sukker!
these two guys were zod, who isnt online anymore after he had
brutally destroyed his notebook, and me, shaitan..
so, the first thing we did was a gathering of 10 lamers
from hold germany to make our group popular, some pex-coders,
some gfx-artists and well, we even found a dude that produced
xms.. and yess, as you think, we released nothing but overshit..
2 months ago, i disintegrated evil and put the best
art dudes in a new group, no coding, pure art, called
SARGAHD what the name means you can read above.. its
a great honor for us to release our first stuph together
with such great and renowned groups like the FBK or BACK 2
one word to our style: we are not again some people who want
to immitate the fbk-style, called OVERPHUNK... i think thats
lame - the fbk is the one and only group who can manage that..
the only thing we want to do is producing some SERIOUS art,
and i think thats quite rare in our times..
m e m b e r s
one word to the descriptions..
maybe you think that the political
opinion of the sargahd members is quite
uninteresting.. well, i learned one thing in
my active times here: the demo-scene is pretty
intellectual.. political and religious things are often
and gladly the topics of discussions..
for example: in the new emag autark these topics
even represent the main emphasis..
the fbk asked for their members toilet-paper, so ihadto
find an other ingenious question..
well, i asked the sargahd guys quite straight for their
political tendencies, so the answers may be a little bit
curious to read.. well.. ficken..
shaitan coordinator and ansi artist
his other affilation is fbk, his age is 16, he is active since
2 years, he hates mankind as the whole thing, he hates
everybody they are all bescheuert, they are all dreck!,
its better not to quote his political opinion, anyway - it
changes every month.. he has three telephones and a bill of
800 cans every month.. well, to pay that, he works at a shoe
store.. he thinks these al-bundy-jokes are rather old..
blade ansi artist
at the high age of 21 he is online since 4 years, he has got
a very cool board, with hot ansis and nice stuph.. he is
a passionated gamer, and nobody can beat him in shoot-ups
like doom or duke..
he hates the job hes doing at the moment because he has
to get up very early and it hasnt got anything to do
with his sweetheart: his pentium - he is totally
uninterested in things which arent in any way
computerized, but his political view is mehr links als
rechts - die heutigen parteien sind eh alle
zavage gfx artist
with his 17 years is just since 1 year in the scene..
in this single, short year, he managed to join first
sargahd and later the great fbk..
he works on a pc-board, but nobody expects that he will bring
that thing to an end and goes online..
zavage is powered by a pentium 133 - and he is very
proud of that - quote: y, isch kann duke in SVGA mit
8hunnatx6hunnat FLUESSISCH spielen.. hab isch dat schonn
his motto: politik ist scheisse
- religion ist scheisse..
bonewood ansi artist
he is 18 years old, he is, like shaitan, since 2 years present
in the scene, his board runs under maximus, and he tells
everybody max is superb and cool and rule.. so, you are right,
if you think that hes a little bit crazy.. hes a very
religious and devout catholic, his political objective is a
democratic, christian state.. he preferes that party called
csu.. not everybody agrees with his prudish opinions..
s u p p o r t
you will get our fresh crap at two support sites:
the kaoz of poti 49-2421-931495 isdn / 931494
analog, and the velocity opped by crusader...
further, at blades giga-base 49-651-80814 isdn+analog,
schizos inn 07031-730857 isdn+analog of bonewood or
at my board, the unleashed! 49-651-9950131 isdn+analog..
c o n t a c t
if you want to have an ansi from blade just mail
2:2452/323@phido, or call his board 49-651-80814, ifyou
want one from bonewood, write to 2:246/1010.78..
you like the gfx by zavage? well.. write him a mail
at blades board, or ask someone to give you his
voicenumber.. and if you want some art from me just
call the unleashed! or mail me at 2:2452/323.6...
g r e e t s
black maiden especially kyp and voice for their commitment
in promoting ansi talents,
the fbk time to have tha pardey, wha?!,
apathy they are the ansi-gods!,
back 2 the basix one of the best german artgroups...
triloxy best muzzak ever
dj jensen still in love?,
poti thank you for putting my ansis into your great system ,
ufo aint that dope, what?!,
creeper still any probs with your os/2? .. the s rokk
model 500 keep that grins-flash
sinus your board really rokks,
krash you are the best,
excess ehrm.. looks like a fucking dog..?
agen c sorry for the delay: lamernet is dead
interceptor you are a bad headbanger but a nice dewd
cmos you kicked my event - dirty sucker!
disruptor i still like your sounds qualm und rauch und so
mind-rape you soon get your ansis /
nootropic nice talk last week , maan..!?BUrsT!
zod lets test these cigz
crusader ra suxx
that nose aint a penis yepp! pagagagei
zavage / / c
rr yar last musak-disk rockked
triloxy da gods in making musak
art got some real nice xms
the fbk gotta have some work now.. get it soon..
lizard kewl to have free dl.. gotta leech something next time
demolux what about da web-page.. what has happend to my gfx?
cmos i dont know yar addy! really!
creeper what about yar board.. and my filez.. :
electron hey! kewl ra-tools..
gunman phone ya next time..
disruptor yar house-stile rulez
ufo thanx for helping me with some code..
sylex da elite has a name.. grave bbs..
black maiden sha! is quite right, kyp was some sort
of tutor for me and their paqs become dominating... rokxz!
septic seldom i was this enthusiastic about an artpaq...
apathy its quite simple... they rule.
acid their 94/95 style rokz...
i mentioned apathy already..?
kyp again, he tought me the basix...
rd-d he was my first contact... so...
shaitan for his phonecalls -g-
scott dudley his maximus rokks...
gunman hes very nice n polite... even to me -g-
fire your former paqs were better
mum dad special thx for producing me
mind-rape hope 0bstlt will awake very soon
shaitan for endless deathmatches
sid thx for your help at my beginnings of modeming
god we are lucky, that you werent GOD
gunman pleese, korect my mitakes.. -g-
to whole world PEACE!!!
f i c k e n
b a c k t o
bACk 2 bASiX OUR thiRd tRY WiR SAGENS Mit blUMEN
back to basix members are :
raytrayza ansi / organizing funk!rrif
blind enemy ansi / organizing the coexistence
4eyes ansi
* sma one ansi klfdisco
lord chaos ascii / organizing whaleshoot
scot ascii interactivedvk
* desert ascii / ansi funk!dezign
* members are only guest members - their ansis will be released in our paqs.
tsch ! were back and fresher than ever !!!!!
so what did they do the last months ?! well, after our second paq we were
quiet busy as always. as you can see all our members are affiliated in
other groups too. thats the main reason why we have been this inactive.
i raytrayza got motivated to paint ansis again when i read some fido -
messages from dudes i dont want to mention - i was quite annoyed. and
so i started to paint ansis again. fortunately we even
got 2 new members - lord chaos, who was an ascii artist
in a ruling amiga group called whale - and 4eyes who is
a very talentet newcomer. this makes the whole thing
much easier to us. but we still need as many members
as possible. so dont hesitate - apply now. it
will make us very happy. and remember : b2b is
for having fun and not for ruling the scene !!! ry
ehy laaan! isch geb disch onsi ey!
the nirvana bbs whq raytrayza + 49 6245 3056
neo tokyo ehq tasmaniac + 32 506 5717
the dark brotherhood ghq scot + 49 6155 79088
shizophrenic dreams ushq psycho + 1 2013 613757
downstairs dhq zteel + 45 9818 88132
the supreme court dhq steel + 31 1650 51850
pointbreak bhq lord cyrix + 32 1143 69251
primal disorder bhq tungsteen + 44 1628 74179
wicked city site raiden + 49 2271 798651
x-press site sinus + 49 30 40632377
ry -------------------------------------- -- ---- - -
why the hell flowers !? what about fbk !?!!?!?!?!
well, this paq is dedicated to the german ansi scene. therere some guys
and groups who really annoy us. so this paqs motto is: wir sagens mit
blumen !. we arent very happy with how the german ansiscene developed.
what about fun ? respect against others ? is it really more important to
be the best ? uhh ... i dont want to start any controverses, just think
about what ive said ! therere a lot of fucking gr8 groups out there in
germany like bm, phat, osm, srg and so on. we should rather kick some us
asses instead of kicking our own.
about fbk. the idea of releasing the fbkpaq and the back2basixpaq in one
was developed at mekka96 by me and gunman. i think fbk has a bunch of
kicking ass artists like tr8 or krash and so do we. it was just a logic
step to release together. and we had a lot of fun while working together
with gunman and tr8, coz theyre the most funny dudes on german scene.
ok. some words about ansirequesting and applying. if youd like to apply
just call nirvana, or the dark brotherhood and ask raytrayza or scot.
do the same if you want to request sumthing. i raytrayza wont take
money for ansis anymore. i cant speak for the other members - just ask
signed : raytrayza
teenage innocence !
this infofile was made by trate, gunman, shaitan and raytrayza. thank you.
i caught the cow
im not about to blow it up...
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