this image contains text
In the continuing saga of the Kibosh logs....
Dr Katz and Butterbrain playing music@!
hi. this is butterbrain. any text in this file that looks a bit odd, has
been typed while playing a musical instrument. this habit started out with me
hanging around on irc and playing guitar at the same time, ending up with me
using all kinds of all kinds of? body parts to get some chars through to
irc to let people know i cant answer them cause im playing guitar. cyan
text has been typed while playing guitar, darky green while playing
bluesharp. which is much harder than typing while playing guitar 8
lighty blue is a footnote or translation. thats about enough explanation.
sit back.
one more thing. parts of this logfile may have been faked :
schmuck y0e butterbrain, whats upz0rs
buttr0 i9ou8iyu798ioo0p90 1
1: Well goodday, schmuck. Howdie there. Hows stuff goingz0rs? Oh, see,
since I am busy strumming muh guitar right now, I am more or less
unable to answer to your greet. Bad luck young man.
schmuck i9ou8? hj... me no get it yoe.
schmuck katz, comrade, whats happnin?
colloss 7898yuhjn7kj,mi 2
2: Oh hi there schmuck! Please accept my sincere apologies, since right
now I cant properly talk to you, see, Im playing my elite bluesharp
in A now. Tough luck wepz0r.
buttr0 98ooi56tr5tr5rt55trrtyghyttyghty6gyhujoplpl 3a
colloss 45re5r4tre44re5? 3b
3a,b: You really expect us to remember what were trying to say here?
Get the hump out of here :
colloss jaqi9lo hyoou78wse3froo0lck 4
4: j0. hELLo! hey yo, we rock!
interruption butterbrains mom. who is trying to get some sleep...
buttr0 whut.. er.
buttr0 yeah, fine
end of interruption
colloss hu8hy? 5
5: Brave and successful attempt to get a question mark done
with ones nose
buttr0 would you still suspision in my eyesssss 6
6: The first writing on record with more or less correct spelling completely
done with ones nose. I still have to teach my nose to write suspicion
with a c, and i now see my nose nosed out on the whole meaning of the
sentence : Subject and direct object have been swapped around, plus the
main verb is missing. Sad.
buttr0 7u878uu90-67y55rtfgedrfc65tyr5rt
colloss nlyn wii9lolemk bw3 2o0u7llde buunndeer5staqnde v thhi8sss 7a
colloss ccausw3e vhee ni8sw n3773311 7b
buttr0 5 nm,l.878tyu8
7a,b: Im not telling you. But I know. Think you can figure this out? Send
your answer to butterbrain@elvisnow.net and get an original Doctor
Katz ansi for free! Winner will be picked by a professional,trained jury.
100 real life rip.
made in half an hour, 45 minz perhaps...Looking at a Butterbrain who is moving
no wonder, he plays Baker Street on his guitar and whistling on his mouthorgan constantly.
PS. I like the background most Dr Katz
Dr Katz and Butterbrain playing music@!
hi. this is butterbrain. any text in this file that looks a bit odd, has
been typed while playing a musical instrument. this habit started out with me
hanging around on irc and playing guitar at the same time, ending up with me
using all kinds of all kinds of? body parts to get some chars through to
irc to let people know i cant answer them cause im playing guitar. cyan
text has been typed while playing guitar, darky green while playing
bluesharp. which is much harder than typing while playing guitar 8
lighty blue is a footnote or translation. thats about enough explanation.
sit back.
one more thing. parts of this logfile may have been faked :
schmuck y0e butterbrain, whats upz0rs
buttr0 i9ou8iyu798ioo0p90 1
1: Well goodday, schmuck. Howdie there. Hows stuff goingz0rs? Oh, see,
since I am busy strumming muh guitar right now, I am more or less
unable to answer to your greet. Bad luck young man.
schmuck i9ou8? hj... me no get it yoe.
schmuck katz, comrade, whats happnin?
colloss 7898yuhjn7kj,mi 2
2: Oh hi there schmuck! Please accept my sincere apologies, since right
now I cant properly talk to you, see, Im playing my elite bluesharp
in A now. Tough luck wepz0r.
buttr0 98ooi56tr5tr5rt55trrtyghyttyghty6gyhujoplpl 3a
colloss 45re5r4tre44re5? 3b
3a,b: You really expect us to remember what were trying to say here?
Get the hump out of here :
colloss jaqi9lo hyoou78wse3froo0lck 4
4: j0. hELLo! hey yo, we rock!
interruption butterbrains mom. who is trying to get some sleep...
buttr0 whut.. er.
buttr0 yeah, fine
end of interruption
colloss hu8hy? 5
5: Brave and successful attempt to get a question mark done
with ones nose
buttr0 would you still suspision in my eyesssss 6
6: The first writing on record with more or less correct spelling completely
done with ones nose. I still have to teach my nose to write suspicion
with a c, and i now see my nose nosed out on the whole meaning of the
sentence : Subject and direct object have been swapped around, plus the
main verb is missing. Sad.
buttr0 7u878uu90-67y55rtfgedrfc65tyr5rt
colloss nlyn wii9lolemk bw3 2o0u7llde buunndeer5staqnde v thhi8sss 7a
colloss ccausw3e vhee ni8sw n3773311 7b
buttr0 5 nm,l.878tyu8
7a,b: Im not telling you. But I know. Think you can figure this out? Send
your answer to butterbrain@elvisnow.net and get an original Doctor
Katz ansi for free! Winner will be picked by a professional,trained jury.
100 real life rip.
made in half an hour, 45 minz perhaps...Looking at a Butterbrain who is moving
no wonder, he plays Baker Street on his guitar and whistling on his mouthorgan constantly.
PS. I like the background most Dr Katz
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