this image contains text
: ss I ,., ,.s,
: : : sss s s : ODD : : ,
: : kreators of sabotage
. member listing as : .
. of august 96!
::::::: S ::::::::::::::: Ss s ssss sss, :::::::::::::: ::: sss ::: sss ::::::::::::::: ::: ODD ::: ::::::::: : SS SS SS SS : SS :
t .t. founder.ansi what you see is what you get
the riddler r! senior.ansi look but dont touch
griffin .gn ansi nothing more and nothing less
oddity odd ascii i ascii, therefore i am
demon dmn literature set you free
espers trial esp coder to live is to code
anonimous trial an! literature
:::::::::::::::::::::: ODD ,s, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: s sss, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sss sss ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: : SS SSSS SS : : : : i know what youre all thinking: what the hell happened to the july
. pack!? i bet you all thought kos died, didnt you? well, dont get
your hopes up! i was talking it over with riddler, and we both came the decision that june would be our official stay home, watch t.v,
and eat fish sticks month! apparently nobody objected, so we all
kicked back. and before i forget, let me apologize to espers who
took it literally when i said stay home, watch t.v, and eat fish
sticks. i now know that i should have been more specific when i
said that, and now i regret to announce that espers is now too over-
weight to reach his computer. thus, no work from him this month. :
apparently those fishsticks were 2836 calories per serving, causing
espers to gain about 300 pounds in less than a month. but the good
news is that espers broke a world record in the process, so i guess it all evens out then, huh? okay, back to the news. . .
joining up with kos this month is anonimous -- a talented liturature
artist who applied for kos about a month ago. looking over his art,
i can now say that im glad to have him aboard. lets just hope
demon doesnt get too jealous, huh? just kidding!
::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ODD ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : SS :
august quote: if art was a religion, then kos would be a god! .
distant relatives of ross perot. . .
about a month ago, one of our members decided he would depart from .
kos for unknown reasons. we wished him good luck in the future,
and hoped he would someday come back. well, apparently that some-
day came sooner than we thought. after about three weeks into his
absence, he wanted back in. so, after he promised never to leave us
again, we happily told him, with arms open: WELCOME BACK GRIFFIN!
. . . then we all cried uncontrolablly, but i wont get into that.
:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: s sss, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sss sss ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ODD ::::::::::::::::::: : : SS SS SS SS :
. this months member list kreated by oddity. all text written by our
founder, t and edited by our senior, the riddler.
: : : sss s s : ODD : : ,
: : kreators of sabotage
. member listing as : .
. of august 96!
::::::: S ::::::::::::::: Ss s ssss sss, :::::::::::::: ::: sss ::: sss ::::::::::::::: ::: ODD ::: ::::::::: : SS SS SS SS : SS :
t .t. founder.ansi what you see is what you get
the riddler r! senior.ansi look but dont touch
griffin .gn ansi nothing more and nothing less
oddity odd ascii i ascii, therefore i am
demon dmn literature set you free
espers trial esp coder to live is to code
anonimous trial an! literature
:::::::::::::::::::::: ODD ,s, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: s sss, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sss sss ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: : SS SSSS SS : : : : i know what youre all thinking: what the hell happened to the july
. pack!? i bet you all thought kos died, didnt you? well, dont get
your hopes up! i was talking it over with riddler, and we both came the decision that june would be our official stay home, watch t.v,
and eat fish sticks month! apparently nobody objected, so we all
kicked back. and before i forget, let me apologize to espers who
took it literally when i said stay home, watch t.v, and eat fish
sticks. i now know that i should have been more specific when i
said that, and now i regret to announce that espers is now too over-
weight to reach his computer. thus, no work from him this month. :
apparently those fishsticks were 2836 calories per serving, causing
espers to gain about 300 pounds in less than a month. but the good
news is that espers broke a world record in the process, so i guess it all evens out then, huh? okay, back to the news. . .
joining up with kos this month is anonimous -- a talented liturature
artist who applied for kos about a month ago. looking over his art,
i can now say that im glad to have him aboard. lets just hope
demon doesnt get too jealous, huh? just kidding!
::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ODD ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : SS :
august quote: if art was a religion, then kos would be a god! .
distant relatives of ross perot. . .
about a month ago, one of our members decided he would depart from .
kos for unknown reasons. we wished him good luck in the future,
and hoped he would someday come back. well, apparently that some-
day came sooner than we thought. after about three weeks into his
absence, he wanted back in. so, after he promised never to leave us
again, we happily told him, with arms open: WELCOME BACK GRIFFIN!
. . . then we all cried uncontrolablly, but i wont get into that.
:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: s sss, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sss sss ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ODD ::::::::::::::::::: : : SS SS SS SS :
. this months member list kreated by oddity. all text written by our
founder, t and edited by our senior, the riddler.
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