this image contains text
/ / droppin another bombshell
. title . . first offical ascii pack
drawn by . . tinyz
type . . art pack .
/ trainer notes -
ToconT main coder . tinyz coder/artist /
/ WtP GUS dealer . Mace Tarnova coder /
Raf musician . Tracker supplier
Barnasch contacts . JaP coder
/ Kola organizer . CSL cracker /
ArE YoU SuRe? KATHARSiS worldhq +48-2-669-4004 19.2 zyx
No LiMiT BBS KATHARSIS eurohq +48-2-wentdown 14.4 v32
inet mail contact - tinyz@cromm.imperial.com.pl
Personal greets go out to the following
ToconT, Kola, Eagle 1, Dark Lord, Tracker, Pila, Imzadi, Sir Tently,
Shuttle, Souther N., BoB-X, j-23, Imzadi, Entropy, SJoRDaN
group greets
ACiD, iCE, EMPiRE, all ANSi/art groups, all aspiring groups dont be
lame, just keep doin stuff till you get noticed, Kiwi Birds,
RiSC, Alpha Couriers, HDB thanx for pklite, and all groups that dump
trainers onto the scene, w/o which, most games wouldnt be half the fun..
personal and group fuck yous
ZWK, GRiMLoCK I guess you had to erase me, TPSA, Bolo Yeung ur board
iz juzt whay 2 3l33t 4 mi, PRRiTV, Drunkard dont act like Bolo,
all groups that release fakes/uncracked warez, langfod@csos.orst.edu die
Yoshi, Lik, OSUCSOSSupport localsupport@csos.orst.edu
- !!! BEWAREOFLik langfod@csos - HEHASBUSTEDMEANDNOW !!! -
/*- if you like this pack, send me some mail -*
. title . . first offical ascii pack
drawn by . . tinyz
type . . art pack .
/ trainer notes -
ToconT main coder . tinyz coder/artist /
/ WtP GUS dealer . Mace Tarnova coder /
Raf musician . Tracker supplier
Barnasch contacts . JaP coder
/ Kola organizer . CSL cracker /
ArE YoU SuRe? KATHARSiS worldhq +48-2-669-4004 19.2 zyx
No LiMiT BBS KATHARSIS eurohq +48-2-wentdown 14.4 v32
inet mail contact - tinyz@cromm.imperial.com.pl
Personal greets go out to the following
ToconT, Kola, Eagle 1, Dark Lord, Tracker, Pila, Imzadi, Sir Tently,
Shuttle, Souther N., BoB-X, j-23, Imzadi, Entropy, SJoRDaN
group greets
ACiD, iCE, EMPiRE, all ANSi/art groups, all aspiring groups dont be
lame, just keep doin stuff till you get noticed, Kiwi Birds,
RiSC, Alpha Couriers, HDB thanx for pklite, and all groups that dump
trainers onto the scene, w/o which, most games wouldnt be half the fun..
personal and group fuck yous
ZWK, GRiMLoCK I guess you had to erase me, TPSA, Bolo Yeung ur board
iz juzt whay 2 3l33t 4 mi, PRRiTV, Drunkard dont act like Bolo,
all groups that release fakes/uncracked warez, langfod@csos.orst.edu die
Yoshi, Lik, OSUCSOSSupport localsupport@csos.orst.edu
- !!! BEWAREOFLik langfod@csos - HEHASBUSTEDMEANDNOW !!! -
/*- if you like this pack, send me some mail -*
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