this image contains text
/ / / / / / / 94
/ / / tz
- Title tinyz ascii pack 4 Company katharsis -:
- Artist tinyz Supplier katharsis -
- Rating ??/10 Packager tinyz -
. Graphics ascii/ansi - lower 128 Sound no -
Notes - Hi boys and girls! Welcome to another fun-filled tinyz ascii pak!
anywayz, this pack has some new subjects dixie, taurus, etc
because of my growing renome whatever d00d, ur smokin crak!...
as always, if you want to request an ascii, drop me a line
somewhere... new in this pack: colored asciiz, amiga d00dz take
caution: almost all the colors are high colors hi intensity
colors, so you may have to do some special shit to view them
correctly, anywayz... TINYZ25.COM is a 8ox25 font for viewing
: asciiz in that mode most only look good in 8ox50 anyway
Are You Sure? whq ToconT +48-2-669-4004 19.2 zyx
Ministry ushq rocky moto +1-203-446-2642 14.4 v32b
Mamba dist EaSy RiDeR +48-22-36-7443 16.8 ds
/ ToconT - WtP - Raf - Barnasch - Kola - tinyz - Tracker /
/ Mace Tarnova - JaP - CSL
Personal greets go out to the following:
Tracker, Imzadi, Sir Tenley, j-23, BoB-X, Entropy, ZD, Hitman
WiLD THiNG, Unreal/FeaR, ToconT, Kola, No Carrier, Luke, EaSy RiDeR
group greets
ACiD, iCE, EMPiRE, all ANSi/art groups, Kiwi Birds, HDB, RiSC, AFL,
all warez and trainers groups, FeaR
personal and group fuck yous
ZWK, Bolo Yeung, Yoshi, Lik langfod@csos.orst.edu, Walker
EaSy RiDeRs CCSupplier!
-/- If you are interested in joining Polands premier PC group, --
-/- leave mail to one of us on any of the aforementioned boards --
-/- or e-mail tinyz at wrobel@plearn.bitnet! --
- !!! BEWAREOFLik langfod@csos - HEHASBUSTEDMEANDNOW !!! -
/*- if you use this program, please BUY the original -*
/ / / tz
- Title tinyz ascii pack 4 Company katharsis -:
- Artist tinyz Supplier katharsis -
- Rating ??/10 Packager tinyz -
. Graphics ascii/ansi - lower 128 Sound no -
Notes - Hi boys and girls! Welcome to another fun-filled tinyz ascii pak!
anywayz, this pack has some new subjects dixie, taurus, etc
because of my growing renome whatever d00d, ur smokin crak!...
as always, if you want to request an ascii, drop me a line
somewhere... new in this pack: colored asciiz, amiga d00dz take
caution: almost all the colors are high colors hi intensity
colors, so you may have to do some special shit to view them
correctly, anywayz... TINYZ25.COM is a 8ox25 font for viewing
: asciiz in that mode most only look good in 8ox50 anyway
Are You Sure? whq ToconT +48-2-669-4004 19.2 zyx
Ministry ushq rocky moto +1-203-446-2642 14.4 v32b
Mamba dist EaSy RiDeR +48-22-36-7443 16.8 ds
/ ToconT - WtP - Raf - Barnasch - Kola - tinyz - Tracker /
/ Mace Tarnova - JaP - CSL
Personal greets go out to the following:
Tracker, Imzadi, Sir Tenley, j-23, BoB-X, Entropy, ZD, Hitman
WiLD THiNG, Unreal/FeaR, ToconT, Kola, No Carrier, Luke, EaSy RiDeR
group greets
ACiD, iCE, EMPiRE, all ANSi/art groups, Kiwi Birds, HDB, RiSC, AFL,
all warez and trainers groups, FeaR
personal and group fuck yous
ZWK, Bolo Yeung, Yoshi, Lik langfod@csos.orst.edu, Walker
EaSy RiDeRs CCSupplier!
-/- If you are interested in joining Polands premier PC group, --
-/- leave mail to one of us on any of the aforementioned boards --
-/- or e-mail tinyz at wrobel@plearn.bitnet! --
- !!! BEWAREOFLik langfod@csos - HEHASBUSTEDMEANDNOW !!! -
/*- if you use this program, please BUY the original -*
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