this image contains text
T - katharsis - T
. title kts!ascii pack 15 polands premier pc group
- artists katharsis!ascii crew tocont barnasch kola tinyz
- rating really good tracker wtp raf mace taranova
- graphics cool ascii gfx gulash jap
- date o9/14/94 - 1 week late -/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--
- company katharsis!ascii katharsis!ascii members
- packager tinyz tinyz nightrain saro
. sound err... uh... no sliver cut sparr redd
+ -- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- -- shock-g!
oh well... time to fill out another +
fun packed katharsis!ascii nfoform
lets see... hmm... ok...
1 katharsis!ascii is growing larger than ever, even though i had to
format my hard drive for the third time this summer ARGH!
2 ok, for all those who dont know, most of my asciis should be viewed
in 80x50 mode, as should sparrs, sliver cuts, redds and shock gs,
while nightrains and saros should be viewed in 80x25, unless noted
3 kts!asciii offically recommends TRiBEViEW as the viewer of choice for
your daily viewing pleasure... as of 1.90b TRiBEViEW supports dual
viewing of asciis, and its a really cool feature, just try it...
last minute note: SiDS left TRiBE to join ACiD, so like well prolly
be recommending ACiDViEW from now on...
4 nightrain is in mindless as an ansi artist and his work looks really
cool, so check it out!
5 for all those who care: katharsis!ascii is not your typical group.
yeah, i know, everyone says that theyre different, not typical, blah
blah blah, but its like picking between democrats and republicans...
its all pretty much the same well, maybe except for wbALLZ...
kts!ascii is an outlet for artists who are in other big name groups
like iCE SC, ACiD Sparr, Mindless NT and Justice me and like
to do a little ascii on the side. Each one of us has a definate style
and each of us just tosses a couple o things into the pack every now
and then and we just sorta release it... cool, eh? so if you want to
join just say yo, show me your work, and youll get an answer right
6 katharsis the warez group is looking for couriers, so just mail me
if you want join one of eastern europes biggest groups...
7 sliver cut is in the army now, or so i heard... i talked to vicious
and he said scs not doing any work right now... sux, eh?
8 the kts!d00d of the month is sparr, whos asciis are always fresh and
original, as well as unreadable ass hell... YEAH! hes also been a
great help in recruiting new members and shit... hell be SS yet
9 rEDD, an ami-ascii artist from australia, has joined kts!ascii...
his asciis are sharp and fresh... i really like his style, and he
does a lot of work as much as i do so check him out...
0 sHOCK G! hooked up wit sparr out in finland and said he wanted to
join up, so hes in...
A some info about changes in the site list this month:
added: studio 69 - nightrains board, i kept forgetting to add it P
added: golden image 2nd node - brian got another node for his
excellent demo board... too bad he still uses RA P
moved: packaged rebellion - mds EXCELLENT ansi board in cali is now
the offical katharsis!ascii united states headquarters...
the board will be moving to the 408 area code soon
removed: the house of pain - mazter took it down, so no more ushq
removed: megazone - i havent heard from lupin in over 2 months...
removed: enigma - saros board... he took it down but i fucked up
the last list...
fixed: seeds of destruction - phaser-xs board... i left out the
in the last nfo...
replaced: wild child golgotha - at voodoo childs request this change
was preformed... vc says that 4 boards merged into one 4 node,
5.5 gig board... call it f00l...
change: each country gets one hq, no more... so theirs no southern
hq, no western hq, none of that shit... if a board in your
country is already a hq, then you can become a dist site...
B ok... thats about it... now the greets... look ma, im like pE
ziemowit: wow! another pole! fuck yeah
krzysiek: thanx for all your help... too bad the 0S/ii was a beta
GNU*NWA: Early in the morning, hoppin onto I-R-C...
brett: pHunkey answering machine...
brian: ok... 10 bucks for the source, thats my last offer P
brian: so you guys want a UNiON diz now or what?
btw, the 1st prism diz is in this pack
elion: youre never fucking home when i call! URGH!
jason: cruddy geeks named jason?
asaf: C000000n000000oooooooiooooooooogoooooooogoooooollallllly!
chip: sCAM! sCAM! sCAM! sCAM! sCAM! sCAM!
juho: hmm... those USR sure would be cool, eh?
matt: yer lits da shit, but hows your back?
rob: uhh... sorry bout that whole vor/justice thing...
dan: Id like to order a vga of your ass... jIHAD! jIHAD!
jay: Lets talk over the fone for another couple o hours
rob: do more, bitch less D
all but one member of the kts!crew has perm internet access. this group is
almost exclusively based on the internet and almost all couriering is
preformed over the net.
older packs can be found tinyz an124262@anon.penet.fi
at: ftp.luth.se nightrain night@usis.com
in the saro ryuno@netcom.com
pub/msdos/demos/ansi/kts sparr sparr@xgw.fi
subdirectory sliver cut toocool@some.rad.place
redd mdb@wonderland.apana.org.au
shock-g! no@inet.yet
are you sure? +48-2-669-4oo4 tocont whq
new hope 22-8 +48-2-614-7374 tracker member
approach to danger +48-soonup-mofo tinyz k!a whq!
project-x +972-3-967-6357 sliver cut k!a member
studio 69 +1-7i3-xxx-xxxx nightrain k!a member
anonymous psychosis +45-5-362-5323 motion man k!a dk.hq
wonderland +41-6-447-3o46 pfuusus k!a ch.hq
golden image +49-6o3-946-124 brian k!a de.hq
+49-6o3-945-756 brian k!a de.hq
neo tokyo zyx +32-5o-62o-112 tasmaniac k!a be.hq
dual +32-5o-625-717 tasmaniac k!a be.hq
packaged rebellion +1-916-243-7165 mass delusion k!a us.hq
perpetual motion +1-416-267-6139 swindler k!a ca.hq
atari blues v.32x4 +972-9-919-84o cooly k!a il.hq
v.34x2 +972-9-984-193 cooly k!a il.hq
soul asylum +358-o-5o5-5o41 fear k!a fi.hq
reunion of souls +1-7o3-481-1881 widow maker k!a distro
seeds of destruction +1-413-743-9183 phaser-x k!a distro
deadly intoxication +1-8o1-553-8644 time killer k!a distro
the mourning after +1-817-561-539o neuropsychosis k!a distro
golgotha +1-616-285-8076 ? k!a distro
hidden reality +1-5o3-968-1963 entity k!a distro
katharsis would like to remind you to support your local ryhme syndicate
! stupid fuckers like you should ride the bus - mickey sparr mouse - !
T - katharsis - T
. title kts!ascii pack 15 polands premier pc group
- artists katharsis!ascii crew tocont barnasch kola tinyz
- rating really good tracker wtp raf mace taranova
- graphics cool ascii gfx gulash jap
- date o9/14/94 - 1 week late -/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--
- company katharsis!ascii katharsis!ascii members
- packager tinyz tinyz nightrain saro
. sound err... uh... no sliver cut sparr redd
+ -- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- -- shock-g!
oh well... time to fill out another +
fun packed katharsis!ascii nfoform
lets see... hmm... ok...
1 katharsis!ascii is growing larger than ever, even though i had to
format my hard drive for the third time this summer ARGH!
2 ok, for all those who dont know, most of my asciis should be viewed
in 80x50 mode, as should sparrs, sliver cuts, redds and shock gs,
while nightrains and saros should be viewed in 80x25, unless noted
3 kts!asciii offically recommends TRiBEViEW as the viewer of choice for
your daily viewing pleasure... as of 1.90b TRiBEViEW supports dual
viewing of asciis, and its a really cool feature, just try it...
last minute note: SiDS left TRiBE to join ACiD, so like well prolly
be recommending ACiDViEW from now on...
4 nightrain is in mindless as an ansi artist and his work looks really
cool, so check it out!
5 for all those who care: katharsis!ascii is not your typical group.
yeah, i know, everyone says that theyre different, not typical, blah
blah blah, but its like picking between democrats and republicans...
its all pretty much the same well, maybe except for wbALLZ...
kts!ascii is an outlet for artists who are in other big name groups
like iCE SC, ACiD Sparr, Mindless NT and Justice me and like
to do a little ascii on the side. Each one of us has a definate style
and each of us just tosses a couple o things into the pack every now
and then and we just sorta release it... cool, eh? so if you want to
join just say yo, show me your work, and youll get an answer right
6 katharsis the warez group is looking for couriers, so just mail me
if you want join one of eastern europes biggest groups...
7 sliver cut is in the army now, or so i heard... i talked to vicious
and he said scs not doing any work right now... sux, eh?
8 the kts!d00d of the month is sparr, whos asciis are always fresh and
original, as well as unreadable ass hell... YEAH! hes also been a
great help in recruiting new members and shit... hell be SS yet
9 rEDD, an ami-ascii artist from australia, has joined kts!ascii...
his asciis are sharp and fresh... i really like his style, and he
does a lot of work as much as i do so check him out...
0 sHOCK G! hooked up wit sparr out in finland and said he wanted to
join up, so hes in...
A some info about changes in the site list this month:
added: studio 69 - nightrains board, i kept forgetting to add it P
added: golden image 2nd node - brian got another node for his
excellent demo board... too bad he still uses RA P
moved: packaged rebellion - mds EXCELLENT ansi board in cali is now
the offical katharsis!ascii united states headquarters...
the board will be moving to the 408 area code soon
removed: the house of pain - mazter took it down, so no more ushq
removed: megazone - i havent heard from lupin in over 2 months...
removed: enigma - saros board... he took it down but i fucked up
the last list...
fixed: seeds of destruction - phaser-xs board... i left out the
in the last nfo...
replaced: wild child golgotha - at voodoo childs request this change
was preformed... vc says that 4 boards merged into one 4 node,
5.5 gig board... call it f00l...
change: each country gets one hq, no more... so theirs no southern
hq, no western hq, none of that shit... if a board in your
country is already a hq, then you can become a dist site...
B ok... thats about it... now the greets... look ma, im like pE
ziemowit: wow! another pole! fuck yeah
krzysiek: thanx for all your help... too bad the 0S/ii was a beta
GNU*NWA: Early in the morning, hoppin onto I-R-C...
brett: pHunkey answering machine...
brian: ok... 10 bucks for the source, thats my last offer P
brian: so you guys want a UNiON diz now or what?
btw, the 1st prism diz is in this pack
elion: youre never fucking home when i call! URGH!
jason: cruddy geeks named jason?
asaf: C000000n000000oooooooiooooooooogoooooooogoooooollallllly!
chip: sCAM! sCAM! sCAM! sCAM! sCAM! sCAM!
juho: hmm... those USR sure would be cool, eh?
matt: yer lits da shit, but hows your back?
rob: uhh... sorry bout that whole vor/justice thing...
dan: Id like to order a vga of your ass... jIHAD! jIHAD!
jay: Lets talk over the fone for another couple o hours
rob: do more, bitch less D
all but one member of the kts!crew has perm internet access. this group is
almost exclusively based on the internet and almost all couriering is
preformed over the net.
older packs can be found tinyz an124262@anon.penet.fi
at: ftp.luth.se nightrain night@usis.com
in the saro ryuno@netcom.com
pub/msdos/demos/ansi/kts sparr sparr@xgw.fi
subdirectory sliver cut toocool@some.rad.place
redd mdb@wonderland.apana.org.au
shock-g! no@inet.yet
are you sure? +48-2-669-4oo4 tocont whq
new hope 22-8 +48-2-614-7374 tracker member
approach to danger +48-soonup-mofo tinyz k!a whq!
project-x +972-3-967-6357 sliver cut k!a member
studio 69 +1-7i3-xxx-xxxx nightrain k!a member
anonymous psychosis +45-5-362-5323 motion man k!a dk.hq
wonderland +41-6-447-3o46 pfuusus k!a ch.hq
golden image +49-6o3-946-124 brian k!a de.hq
+49-6o3-945-756 brian k!a de.hq
neo tokyo zyx +32-5o-62o-112 tasmaniac k!a be.hq
dual +32-5o-625-717 tasmaniac k!a be.hq
packaged rebellion +1-916-243-7165 mass delusion k!a us.hq
perpetual motion +1-416-267-6139 swindler k!a ca.hq
atari blues v.32x4 +972-9-919-84o cooly k!a il.hq
v.34x2 +972-9-984-193 cooly k!a il.hq
soul asylum +358-o-5o5-5o41 fear k!a fi.hq
reunion of souls +1-7o3-481-1881 widow maker k!a distro
seeds of destruction +1-413-743-9183 phaser-x k!a distro
deadly intoxication +1-8o1-553-8644 time killer k!a distro
the mourning after +1-817-561-539o neuropsychosis k!a distro
golgotha +1-616-285-8076 ? k!a distro
hidden reality +1-5o3-968-1963 entity k!a distro
katharsis would like to remind you to support your local ryhme syndicate
! stupid fuckers like you should ride the bus - mickey sparr mouse - !
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