this image contains text
.s@ l . .s@@s. .s@ .s@ .s@
: .,d :: :
l ll
47 4
ll .s@ll l
4 : 4 b. .d b,. ll
ll l: @ b.d
: 4:
the skatesh MM .
op - run by a guy 4 MM 7 47
i dont know. hen .s@ @s. MM 4 .s s. MM .s
nifer wanted an a MM : MMMMMMM @s. MM MMMMMMM MM
scii though, and MMb.* MMMM MM*M M*. MM MM
i was obliged to :b,..,d MM
do him something. MM
here you go. Three asciis in a 6 hour time frame is pretty fucked up. The fact
they all have their own unique style is interesting. SKATE was inspired by MCA
.s@ l . .s@@s. .s@ .s@ .s@
: .,d :: :
l ll
47 4
ll .s@ll l
4 : 4 b. .d b,. ll
ll l: @ b.d
: 4:
the skatesh MM .
op - run by a guy 4 MM 7 47
i dont know. hen .s@ @s. MM 4 .s s. MM .s
nifer wanted an a MM : MMMMMMM @s. MM MMMMMMM MM
scii though, and MMb.* MMMM MM*M M*. MM MM
i was obliged to :b,..,d MM
do him something. MM
here you go. Three asciis in a 6 hour time frame is pretty fucked up. The fact
they all have their own unique style is interesting. SKATE was inspired by MCA
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