this image contains text
LAZARUS - info file 01, for december 1996.
hi there, and here.. its the first ever lazarus ansi pack, caressing your
your pixels with our lo-res sensuality!
laza-- lazaWHAT??
let me introduce us. lazarus as hennifer put it means RISEN FROM THE
DEAD!!, which is kind of the state of the ansi scene right now - being dead
that is. and we here are adding life get it?@! to an otherwise pretty sad
scene. on with them memeber-types!!
hmm.. sensuality, eh?
hennifer - my lazbian lover, and co-founder of the group. he rules with
an iron fist!@ he was part of the overnight-success-yet-short-lived
septic. no one knows what happened to him after that, though he is said
to have had a brief modeling stint with calvin klein of all people!!
eiht ball - this guy can sure pimp like nobodys business. you should
see him in action! this one time we were with these girls, and he asked
them if theyd-- err, did i mention hes also a brilliant young ansi
upstart? previous to his falling out with dark, he was an early member
of apathy we sure do miss you apathy guys!
warpus - or, the artist formerly known as tom. not much is known of
his origins, other than that his parents call him warpus too. past
credentials include thc, septic and dark! warpus jumped at the change
to draw with us, then hit his head and had to sit down.
the silent killer - our west coast connection, sneaks in under the
watchful gaze of radman to join us from acid. we almost didnt notice
him apply hes so silent - until all those dead bodies started piling
up what a killer!. we welcome him and his renowned logo talent to our
me, grind king - theres not much to say about my smooth, suav self. my
ansi career started a year ago with fire, who i recently ditched to
persue this. henny tells me it was an okay descision. this spotlight
makes me nervous.
yup, thats it! of course, were still looking for members to add to our
happy lazbian family. if you draw ansi, and are good, and are nice, contact
myself or hennifer about joining if youre crap, we dont want you! err.
that should cover it. hennifer says hi, hell be with you next month.
stany tuned for some interesting developments from us next month too. thats
right, were taking the ansi scene by the reins and pointing it in the
direction of neat! how cheesey. stay loose.
- grind king.
hi there, and here.. its the first ever lazarus ansi pack, caressing your
your pixels with our lo-res sensuality!
laza-- lazaWHAT??
let me introduce us. lazarus as hennifer put it means RISEN FROM THE
DEAD!!, which is kind of the state of the ansi scene right now - being dead
that is. and we here are adding life get it?@! to an otherwise pretty sad
scene. on with them memeber-types!!
hmm.. sensuality, eh?
hennifer - my lazbian lover, and co-founder of the group. he rules with
an iron fist!@ he was part of the overnight-success-yet-short-lived
septic. no one knows what happened to him after that, though he is said
to have had a brief modeling stint with calvin klein of all people!!
eiht ball - this guy can sure pimp like nobodys business. you should
see him in action! this one time we were with these girls, and he asked
them if theyd-- err, did i mention hes also a brilliant young ansi
upstart? previous to his falling out with dark, he was an early member
of apathy we sure do miss you apathy guys!
warpus - or, the artist formerly known as tom. not much is known of
his origins, other than that his parents call him warpus too. past
credentials include thc, septic and dark! warpus jumped at the change
to draw with us, then hit his head and had to sit down.
the silent killer - our west coast connection, sneaks in under the
watchful gaze of radman to join us from acid. we almost didnt notice
him apply hes so silent - until all those dead bodies started piling
up what a killer!. we welcome him and his renowned logo talent to our
me, grind king - theres not much to say about my smooth, suav self. my
ansi career started a year ago with fire, who i recently ditched to
persue this. henny tells me it was an okay descision. this spotlight
makes me nervous.
yup, thats it! of course, were still looking for members to add to our
happy lazbian family. if you draw ansi, and are good, and are nice, contact
myself or hennifer about joining if youre crap, we dont want you! err.
that should cover it. hennifer says hi, hell be with you next month.
stany tuned for some interesting developments from us next month too. thats
right, were taking the ansi scene by the reins and pointing it in the
direction of neat! how cheesey. stay loose.
- grind king.
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