this image contains text
the following is a
neophyte ansi
remember that name
god, why must you restore my hatred on the sunni
est of days? for the sun shines
bright, as does the barrel of my gun.
dont fucking rip this.
i am a monster, but a monster of beauty.
only whe
n the weather is dim.
everything by neop
hyte of lazarus
This is my dedication to
the underground computer art scene.
For over six years, people of all ages have been flo
cking into the scene. It has gone th
rough good and bad, rough and smooth.
This ansi is for nobody e
xcept MYSELF, but is showing my
appreciation for those who have stuck with it, group
leaders and just regular artists.
Those who definately dese
rve being mentioned for keeping their group
alive and healthy:
Radman, Mindcrime, Napalm, Cthulu, Syntax, Halaster,
Xypher Matrix, etc..
I would like to be able t
o say Misfit, and Bedlam, but unfortunately
I cant.
Enjoy the ansi, and if you would like one, feel free
to email me at neophyte@bbs.dsoe.com.
Im always up for a hearty conversation
neophyte lazarus.
the following is a
neophyte ansi
remember that name
god, why must you restore my hatred on the sunni
est of days? for the sun shines
bright, as does the barrel of my gun.
dont fucking rip this.
i am a monster, but a monster of beauty.
only whe
n the weather is dim.
everything by neop
hyte of lazarus
This is my dedication to
the underground computer art scene.
For over six years, people of all ages have been flo
cking into the scene. It has gone th
rough good and bad, rough and smooth.
This ansi is for nobody e
xcept MYSELF, but is showing my
appreciation for those who have stuck with it, group
leaders and just regular artists.
Those who definately dese
rve being mentioned for keeping their group
alive and healthy:
Radman, Mindcrime, Napalm, Cthulu, Syntax, Halaster,
Xypher Matrix, etc..
I would like to be able t
o say Misfit, and Bedlam, but unfortunately
I cant.
Enjoy the ansi, and if you would like one, feel free
to email me at neophyte@bbs.dsoe.com.
Im always up for a hearty conversation
neophyte lazarus.
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