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W i s d o m 0 w l
Hey there! This is a quick stage WiP from the Evoke 2023
entry. Do check out the other
awesome entries, top notch pieces
with FiRE members dominationg in
volume and quality of submission.
As always these events are driven
by public vote never the less the
tight 80x25 no ice format is one
the more appealing compos outthere
for both veterans and newcomers.
Thanks for keeping it this way EVOKE Staff harvest
HRV2023 Wisdom Owl 1st place PC ANSI/ASCII Evoke 2023
Hey there! This is a quick stage WiP from the Evoke 2023
entry. Do check out the other
awesome entries, top notch pieces
with FiRE members dominationg in
volume and quality of submission.
As always these events are driven
by public vote never the less the
tight 80x25 no ice format is one
the more appealing compos outthere
for both veterans and newcomers.
Thanks for keeping it this way EVOKE Staff harvest
HRV2023 Wisdom Owl 1st place PC ANSI/ASCII Evoke 2023
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