this image contains text
.. todays newsletter is brought to you by the letter N and the number 8 ..
.. also, this newsletter is unofficially sponsored inpart by ..
... the game of champions ...
NOTICE : Some of the following may not be suitable for children under 14
which means you, lil ansi dweeb - also may not be viewed by
parental units it isnt very mommy friendly, so dont let her see!
Hello there boys and girls, this is T2 - your favorite hustlin ansi logo
god of all times! It has now been a few weeks of off-time since I last wrote a
spiffy article/newsletter of any kind but after much prodding and millions of
fan request mails later, I have decided to put my two cents in for my newest
group...legend - the second cumming remember the masturbation techniques I
thought you last time, kiddies? - its time to use it!
Lets see now, todays topic is hEADcHEEZE - the latest phad in the ansi
art scene. HC originally started back on a hot, humid, Las Vegas summer day,
when I was just sitting around in the office, jerking off to the sound of frogs
having wild amphibious sex. It came as a shock to me how simple the idea was
about as easy as picking your nose and flicking the schnot all over the carpet
while the other hand grips the penis in a masturbatory, yet phruity fashion.
hEADcHEEZE is the first ansi art group to officially do nothing well, we
occassionally get together to have circle jerks and ass ramming contests, but
art-wise, we produce about as much as your mom puts out. Now that we all know
what hEADcHEEZE does, we can move onto what hEADcHEEZE is currently doing.
At this very moment, hEADcHEEZE is secretly taking over the scene by
poluting the water/sewage systems across the United States we dont do third
world countries, sorry Ethiopian artists with our potent cHEEZE ingrediant -
yELLOWpOPCORNcHEEZEpOWDER. First, this powdery substance will cause your male
hormones testostrone to become dormant while releasing your female hormones
estrogens, which will create the next side-effect to this HC creation - the
submerging of the male genitilia, creating a void between your legs, often
known as a vAHJINAH. Perhaps we already have discussed or touched huh huh,
touch, touch upon this subject in my last article, but I figured that the
idea was so brilliant, Id use it in this newsletter too! Tough crap, jerky,
youre going to have to read it. Hence, by making all male ansi artists into
females, we force all the artists to stop doodling and start fondling them-
selves in the genitilia regions, therefore causing the lack of artistry in the
scene, thereby taking over the ansi scene since we will have no competition.
Enough about that, we will wait until the next issue of the Legend - the
second cumming dont forget the assplugs! to discuss hEADcHEEZE plans for
the future. I would like to take this moment to inform the general public
yes, thats you too, assmunch that Legend - the second cumming how many
times do these artists cum anyways? is really run by the President of hEAD-
cHEEZE. Yes, your favorite ansi group is being rampaged and gangraped by
the people who grow cheeseburgers on the tip of their male genitilias. So,
beware of your group...for hEADcHEEZE will manifest and invade your penis too!
Until next time, boys and girls, dont forget to practice on the stroking
and probing techniques for masturbation - I will quiz all of you on it on the
next issue of the Legend - the second cumming and a few extra drops, mind you
Newsletter. So... same ass-sucking time, same ass-ramming channel no, we are
not an affiliate of any other ansi groups - dont get phruit ideas like that.
In summary, masturbate thoroughly and clean up after yourself - oh, and if you
think this article was stupid, well, you have two more to go.
eof - terminator2/lgd
Well hello there, this is your funky fresh legend reviver eVer.
I thought Id let yall know how this came to be. One night, pod, corwin and
myself were fuckin around on irc, talkin about corwins experiences with
winter rose. It was funny and shit, but then corwin said Shuttup, what
happened to legend? one thing led to another, and before we knew it, we had
a dope group again, with 1 artist and 2 staff members. After that, we all
went recruit crazy, and all these atists and shit started comming together from
all over the world. It was almost better than sex, and then I called grimlock.
He joined up again, I saw his 400 liner, and it was definately better than sex.
Anywayz, legend is back, and in full effect.
Yeah, so we like rule and shit, and were gonna be here for a while.
Id also like to say that you never know when a group is gonna die. I have no
intentions of letting this group slip away after a few months, however, if it
does, it was still way worth it, these legend kids are all cool people, and the
fun factor of this revival will hold ground, even if the group its self will
Not alot of people have faith in what were doing here. If your one
of those people, then winter rose wants to fuck you, and you should all rot
deep in the depths of hell. Legend is the best group ever, simply becuase of
its atmosphere. We dont force anyone to draw, nor do we call our
non-productive artists at 3:00am screaming Draw or your out. Were in this
for the fun of it, and were not trying to make a business off of itty bitty
colored blocks. Hobbies are for fun, not money, and ansi my friends, is
a hobby.
Now, Ill take a minute and Feel for the people that said we wouldnt
make it. I feel sorry for you guyz. I mean, you must feel like complete
losers. Now that you have seen the pack, and dispersed mass amounts of ansi
lamer jizz all over your 3000 17 monitor, Ill have you know, that its OK.
You can still approach any of us with your sincere apologies, and we will still
prolly tell you... TEW SUX0r 0uR DiX0rs -- Dont evah step to tha Gawds of this shit, cuz well rip outcha mommas whomb and suffocate jo0r ass with it.
And if that aint enuff for you, well whip your ass up a headch33ze and toe
jam sandwich courtesy of corwins body parts and stuff the fuggin shit
down yer throat. THEN, were gonna force you to draw yer bullshit newbie ansis
with all fucked up colors that clash more than y0 grandm0mmas sunday church
g-string. There, then when thats all over, you can jump yer lamer ass on irc
and talk all your hardcore I survived a legend beating bullshit... Then after
we trash you more, youll probably decide that you cant out due us, and ask
for an application. Only then will we give you a single sperm of respect, and
upgrade your file from lamer to just plain dork. And there ya have it. Oh
one more thing.. make sure you take time to remove the microsoft 3D Sidewinder
joystick that t2 stuffed up yer ass. Leave it in there any longer, and youll
have to calibrate to take a shit.
Well, I better go now, I have dewdles to werk on. Id like to send
a big up to white trash for his contributions, loyalty, and art. You rule boy.
Id also like to wish all the other decent groups good luck, even tho, they
stand no chance against our digital leggo skillz. Seeya later ansi junkies,
sit back, whipe away the headCh33ze and prepare to jizz... legend is back.
eof - eVer/lgd
Yes... it is your old buddy Prince of Death *smirk*... anyhow.. as ever
mentioned.. we were all on irc talking about the times in Legend... good ones atthat... We basically decided that ansi was a lost cause for the biggies.. ie
acid.. and well ice is ok.... nothing what they used to be.
I am sure if you havent figured it out.. I like ansi... and am sick of
ansi being put second to VGA.. ansi is where this thing we call the scene
started... and I intend to keep it that way.. and so do my comrades.
This Legend is much different than the original... but no less in
quality... with new found talent such as kargus and white trash, we have managedto compremise no quality, this is also a much younger legend.. which means..
more production... and less inactive members.
Anyhow.. I will keep it short.. it is 1:30 and i am kinda speachless..
but.. I hope you enjoy the pack we have worked ever so hard to bring together..
and put together.. lateron.
eof - pOd/lgd whOA!, Ellis here. I dunno why i am writing something but, this group
just makes me wanna go out and do stuff. Its good to finally get a chance to
work with everlast, pod, and t2. I always wanted to work with these guys but
something always got in the way. I really like this group because i know most
of the people in it pretty well, and the people i dont know are pretty damn
cool too from what i have seen. As you know the pack is all ansi, and i think
its the right way to go. Why not stick to the roots of the art scene ya know?
Well, if you love this pack which you will, and you want to know whatsup with
Legend check out our webpage at http://wizy.uit.net/legend for all the latest
releases and current happenings with the group. If the page is still under
construction have no fear, im working on it constantly anyways, lateron.
.. also, this newsletter is unofficially sponsored inpart by ..
... the game of champions ...
NOTICE : Some of the following may not be suitable for children under 14
which means you, lil ansi dweeb - also may not be viewed by
parental units it isnt very mommy friendly, so dont let her see!
Hello there boys and girls, this is T2 - your favorite hustlin ansi logo
god of all times! It has now been a few weeks of off-time since I last wrote a
spiffy article/newsletter of any kind but after much prodding and millions of
fan request mails later, I have decided to put my two cents in for my newest
group...legend - the second cumming remember the masturbation techniques I
thought you last time, kiddies? - its time to use it!
Lets see now, todays topic is hEADcHEEZE - the latest phad in the ansi
art scene. HC originally started back on a hot, humid, Las Vegas summer day,
when I was just sitting around in the office, jerking off to the sound of frogs
having wild amphibious sex. It came as a shock to me how simple the idea was
about as easy as picking your nose and flicking the schnot all over the carpet
while the other hand grips the penis in a masturbatory, yet phruity fashion.
hEADcHEEZE is the first ansi art group to officially do nothing well, we
occassionally get together to have circle jerks and ass ramming contests, but
art-wise, we produce about as much as your mom puts out. Now that we all know
what hEADcHEEZE does, we can move onto what hEADcHEEZE is currently doing.
At this very moment, hEADcHEEZE is secretly taking over the scene by
poluting the water/sewage systems across the United States we dont do third
world countries, sorry Ethiopian artists with our potent cHEEZE ingrediant -
yELLOWpOPCORNcHEEZEpOWDER. First, this powdery substance will cause your male
hormones testostrone to become dormant while releasing your female hormones
estrogens, which will create the next side-effect to this HC creation - the
submerging of the male genitilia, creating a void between your legs, often
known as a vAHJINAH. Perhaps we already have discussed or touched huh huh,
touch, touch upon this subject in my last article, but I figured that the
idea was so brilliant, Id use it in this newsletter too! Tough crap, jerky,
youre going to have to read it. Hence, by making all male ansi artists into
females, we force all the artists to stop doodling and start fondling them-
selves in the genitilia regions, therefore causing the lack of artistry in the
scene, thereby taking over the ansi scene since we will have no competition.
Enough about that, we will wait until the next issue of the Legend - the
second cumming dont forget the assplugs! to discuss hEADcHEEZE plans for
the future. I would like to take this moment to inform the general public
yes, thats you too, assmunch that Legend - the second cumming how many
times do these artists cum anyways? is really run by the President of hEAD-
cHEEZE. Yes, your favorite ansi group is being rampaged and gangraped by
the people who grow cheeseburgers on the tip of their male genitilias. So,
beware of your group...for hEADcHEEZE will manifest and invade your penis too!
Until next time, boys and girls, dont forget to practice on the stroking
and probing techniques for masturbation - I will quiz all of you on it on the
next issue of the Legend - the second cumming and a few extra drops, mind you
Newsletter. So... same ass-sucking time, same ass-ramming channel no, we are
not an affiliate of any other ansi groups - dont get phruit ideas like that.
In summary, masturbate thoroughly and clean up after yourself - oh, and if you
think this article was stupid, well, you have two more to go.
eof - terminator2/lgd
Well hello there, this is your funky fresh legend reviver eVer.
I thought Id let yall know how this came to be. One night, pod, corwin and
myself were fuckin around on irc, talkin about corwins experiences with
winter rose. It was funny and shit, but then corwin said Shuttup, what
happened to legend? one thing led to another, and before we knew it, we had
a dope group again, with 1 artist and 2 staff members. After that, we all
went recruit crazy, and all these atists and shit started comming together from
all over the world. It was almost better than sex, and then I called grimlock.
He joined up again, I saw his 400 liner, and it was definately better than sex.
Anywayz, legend is back, and in full effect.
Yeah, so we like rule and shit, and were gonna be here for a while.
Id also like to say that you never know when a group is gonna die. I have no
intentions of letting this group slip away after a few months, however, if it
does, it was still way worth it, these legend kids are all cool people, and the
fun factor of this revival will hold ground, even if the group its self will
Not alot of people have faith in what were doing here. If your one
of those people, then winter rose wants to fuck you, and you should all rot
deep in the depths of hell. Legend is the best group ever, simply becuase of
its atmosphere. We dont force anyone to draw, nor do we call our
non-productive artists at 3:00am screaming Draw or your out. Were in this
for the fun of it, and were not trying to make a business off of itty bitty
colored blocks. Hobbies are for fun, not money, and ansi my friends, is
a hobby.
Now, Ill take a minute and Feel for the people that said we wouldnt
make it. I feel sorry for you guyz. I mean, you must feel like complete
losers. Now that you have seen the pack, and dispersed mass amounts of ansi
lamer jizz all over your 3000 17 monitor, Ill have you know, that its OK.
You can still approach any of us with your sincere apologies, and we will still
prolly tell you... TEW SUX0r 0uR DiX0rs -- Dont evah step to tha Gawds of this shit, cuz well rip outcha mommas whomb and suffocate jo0r ass with it.
And if that aint enuff for you, well whip your ass up a headch33ze and toe
jam sandwich courtesy of corwins body parts and stuff the fuggin shit
down yer throat. THEN, were gonna force you to draw yer bullshit newbie ansis
with all fucked up colors that clash more than y0 grandm0mmas sunday church
g-string. There, then when thats all over, you can jump yer lamer ass on irc
and talk all your hardcore I survived a legend beating bullshit... Then after
we trash you more, youll probably decide that you cant out due us, and ask
for an application. Only then will we give you a single sperm of respect, and
upgrade your file from lamer to just plain dork. And there ya have it. Oh
one more thing.. make sure you take time to remove the microsoft 3D Sidewinder
joystick that t2 stuffed up yer ass. Leave it in there any longer, and youll
have to calibrate to take a shit.
Well, I better go now, I have dewdles to werk on. Id like to send
a big up to white trash for his contributions, loyalty, and art. You rule boy.
Id also like to wish all the other decent groups good luck, even tho, they
stand no chance against our digital leggo skillz. Seeya later ansi junkies,
sit back, whipe away the headCh33ze and prepare to jizz... legend is back.
eof - eVer/lgd
Yes... it is your old buddy Prince of Death *smirk*... anyhow.. as ever
mentioned.. we were all on irc talking about the times in Legend... good ones atthat... We basically decided that ansi was a lost cause for the biggies.. ie
acid.. and well ice is ok.... nothing what they used to be.
I am sure if you havent figured it out.. I like ansi... and am sick of
ansi being put second to VGA.. ansi is where this thing we call the scene
started... and I intend to keep it that way.. and so do my comrades.
This Legend is much different than the original... but no less in
quality... with new found talent such as kargus and white trash, we have managedto compremise no quality, this is also a much younger legend.. which means..
more production... and less inactive members.
Anyhow.. I will keep it short.. it is 1:30 and i am kinda speachless..
but.. I hope you enjoy the pack we have worked ever so hard to bring together..
and put together.. lateron.
eof - pOd/lgd whOA!, Ellis here. I dunno why i am writing something but, this group
just makes me wanna go out and do stuff. Its good to finally get a chance to
work with everlast, pod, and t2. I always wanted to work with these guys but
something always got in the way. I really like this group because i know most
of the people in it pretty well, and the people i dont know are pretty damn
cool too from what i have seen. As you know the pack is all ansi, and i think
its the right way to go. Why not stick to the roots of the art scene ya know?
Well, if you love this pack which you will, and you want to know whatsup with
Legend check out our webpage at http://wizy.uit.net/legend for all the latest
releases and current happenings with the group. If the page is still under
construction have no fear, im working on it constantly anyways, lateron.
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