this image contains text
-ghett0wooga@a24b31n93client109.hawaii.rr.com- 1. wooga Feb 24 03:44: hey
can you do a main menu for a bbs called inferior i guess any
colours - email it to lordarch@mail14.calypso.net if you do it, or
perhaps email him to discuss it? heh just passing more art your way :
well... i guess i could try... ---,
--------------------------------------, e r i o r . b b s ::::::::: menu: main menu ------------------------------------
x menu option x menu option
x menu option x menu option
x menu option x menu option
x menu option x menu option
x menu option x menu option
x menu option x menu option
---- will that do? ... well.. if it dont... bad luck P -----,
,- oh... and this is also a MENU TEMPLATE, not just a main menu ---
p.s. thanks for the request wooga... too bad i arent releasing it under inf P
stimpy locus stimpy.krt@cwcom.net http://inf.dark.nu/stimpy notup
can you do a main menu for a bbs called inferior i guess any
colours - email it to lordarch@mail14.calypso.net if you do it, or
perhaps email him to discuss it? heh just passing more art your way :
well... i guess i could try... ---,
--------------------------------------, e r i o r . b b s ::::::::: menu: main menu ------------------------------------
x menu option x menu option
x menu option x menu option
x menu option x menu option
x menu option x menu option
x menu option x menu option
x menu option x menu option
---- will that do? ... well.. if it dont... bad luck P -----,
,- oh... and this is also a MENU TEMPLATE, not just a main menu ---
p.s. thanks for the request wooga... too bad i arent releasing it under inf P
stimpy locus stimpy.krt@cwcom.net http://inf.dark.nu/stimpy notup
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