this image contains text
thext mistigris 98 -- its a new year
were the pimps running this group! /
general administration and sleep heads Cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
Happyfish abbey@netcom.ca Quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
The Extremist text@geocities.com
ansi heads and punk rockers quip draw! Quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
thext nah, 266 The Extremist text@geocities.com thats for
the artists ascii head and christian Weird fungj@luther.cb
bs.org +
do you actually believe we use high rez hea
ds and politically incorrect / mice to draw? Thanatos rsboswell@kih.net - Silent Knight kni
/ ill c
atch that / damn fish! coding head and nice guy
Sylphid madama@sfu.ca
music head and funkmaster
Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com
good luck, bob
lit head and squid Cthulu cthulu@in
fomatch.com titanic
o ansi department
Da Drug k9mm@hotmail.com o Extremist, The
text@geocities.com Etana atcooper@sfu.ca Fire From Heaven fi
refromheaven@usa.net Fatal creamix@geocities.com Flibbles flib@vcn.bc.ca
what are we
Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com filming now, Happyfish abbey@netcom.ca mr. cameron? -
Mosen mosen@tig.com.au Mr. Wrong no email
Pure Voltage purevoltage@hotmail.com Quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
Rage rage@geocities.com Rash unavailable
Sarcasm sarcasm@canbbs.net
ascii department Beepy the Donut unknown@dunkin.com
Pangloss iconmist@hotmail.com jIVE unknown@jivebunny.com
Mosen mosen@tig.com.au
Muton unknown@ufo.com
Pubilus Enigma gmccartn@cln.etc.bc.ca
Weird fungj@luther.cbbs.org
yeah, theyre better not be using any mice! /
vga department and web slave
s Dracomage pyriot@gte.net Evil Ernie nick@dvsprod
uctions.com Ewerx lod@technologist.com Fire From Heaven firefromheaven@usa.n
Infinite Madness infinite@0wnz-u.org Rage rage@geoci
ties.com Silent Knight nihil@bc.rogers.wave.ca
Syncr0w situ@bconnex.net Thanatos rsbosw
ell@kih.net toto man grinch@zipcon.net you wish! Vanon netlord@int
literature division and mouse trapping tracking meet? Agnostic unknown@aliensconquer.com i dont get it. Basic unknown@fortran.n
et Cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com -
Cyradis unknown@weird.com Dracomage pyriot@gte.net
* Lady Blue ldyblu@aol.com
The Laughing Fool fool@norad.xtatix.com * Silver Angel unknown@smgear.com
Skrubly skrubly@rad.edu Zinni
a Kray janderse@max-net.com
matt, forget the tracking division and mindmoving
damn punchcards! Cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
/ Da Drug k9mm@hotmail.com
Dracomage pyriot@gte.net
Fritz cdheim0@service1.uky.edu
Hacker Joe unknown@hacktheplanet.org
Toto Man grinch@zipcon.net
Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com
Melodia ua770@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
Onyx unknown@preciousmetal.com
but theyre Quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
so... oldschool! Sylphid madama@sfu.ca
she really is
stripping in
/ CUseeme.
coding division and hidden spies o what a slut.
Eto eto@globalserve.net whoa!
Mavrik kithe@geocities.com
Platinum platz@geocities.com
Questor cchanb@sfu.ca
Sylphid madama@sfu.ca internet division and strip teasing
Crowkeeper crowkeep@imag.net
Dr. CPU drcpu@vcn.bc.ca
Flibbles flib@vcn.bc.ca
Mavrik kithe@geocities.com
Questor cchanb@sfu.ca
Spectral Knight unknown
sites Sylphid madama@sfu.ca
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1758/mist.html Webpe
The Jade Monkey 604 730-2467 Happyfish / Cthulu WHQ / Net
C1ty iz Burning 418 841-3410 The Extremist CHQ / Net
The Regency 412 687-3066 Halaster USHQ
Infinite Darkness 954 797-0666 Midnight Sorrow Southern HQ / Net
+- 6 node ringdown Midnight Sorrow Southern HQ / Net
Tantalized Dreams 204 632-0684 Javist Winnipeg HQ
+- node 2 204 632-0685 Javist Winnipeg HQ
Neosporin 604 942-9772 Rage Music HQ / Net
Harvest Moon 216 951-7059 QurAn Twingle HQ / Net
Savage Exile! Critical Illusion Underground HQ
Euphoric Dreamspace 604 - The Iconoclast Old Warez HQ
StupidMop 604 929-8034 Geekboy North Shore HQ/Net
Atomique 604 its-down Miataman / HaquisaqMusic HQ
The Dark Domains 604 469-5851 Raven Member
The Undiscovered Point 604 PRI-VATE Dr. CPU Member / Net
Dreams of Dark, Enchanted
Lizards 604 525-6844 Etana Member / Net
Entrance to Obscurity 604 pri-vate Eto Member / Net
Paradoxius 604 931-6984 Pure Voltage Member / Net
Crimson Helm 604 465-4247 Onyx Member / Net
Sneakers 604 501-2395 Crystal Meth Member
Juice 604 522-9797 Infinite Madness Member / Net
Biproducts 408 372-7712 neoNEGRO Site
Power Station 353 041-32568 Madmax Site
Out of Order 510 796-5780 risu Site
Caffeine. 360 336-5976 Prong Site
Blue Moon +618 8332-3403 Pulse Site
thanks for going through this last minute and very red member list! : -thext
were the pimps running this group! /
general administration and sleep heads Cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
Happyfish abbey@netcom.ca Quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
The Extremist text@geocities.com
ansi heads and punk rockers quip draw! Quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
thext nah, 266 The Extremist text@geocities.com thats for
the artists ascii head and christian Weird fungj@luther.cb
bs.org +
do you actually believe we use high rez hea
ds and politically incorrect / mice to draw? Thanatos rsboswell@kih.net - Silent Knight kni
/ ill c
atch that / damn fish! coding head and nice guy
Sylphid madama@sfu.ca
music head and funkmaster
Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com
good luck, bob
lit head and squid Cthulu cthulu@in
fomatch.com titanic
o ansi department
Da Drug k9mm@hotmail.com o Extremist, The
text@geocities.com Etana atcooper@sfu.ca Fire From Heaven fi
refromheaven@usa.net Fatal creamix@geocities.com Flibbles flib@vcn.bc.ca
what are we
Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com filming now, Happyfish abbey@netcom.ca mr. cameron? -
Mosen mosen@tig.com.au Mr. Wrong no email
Pure Voltage purevoltage@hotmail.com Quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
Rage rage@geocities.com Rash unavailable
Sarcasm sarcasm@canbbs.net
ascii department Beepy the Donut unknown@dunkin.com
Pangloss iconmist@hotmail.com jIVE unknown@jivebunny.com
Mosen mosen@tig.com.au
Muton unknown@ufo.com
Pubilus Enigma gmccartn@cln.etc.bc.ca
Weird fungj@luther.cbbs.org
yeah, theyre better not be using any mice! /
vga department and web slave
s Dracomage pyriot@gte.net Evil Ernie nick@dvsprod
uctions.com Ewerx lod@technologist.com Fire From Heaven firefromheaven@usa.n
Infinite Madness infinite@0wnz-u.org Rage rage@geoci
ties.com Silent Knight nihil@bc.rogers.wave.ca
Syncr0w situ@bconnex.net Thanatos rsbosw
ell@kih.net toto man grinch@zipcon.net you wish! Vanon netlord@int
literature division and mouse trapping tracking meet? Agnostic unknown@aliensconquer.com i dont get it. Basic unknown@fortran.n
et Cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com -
Cyradis unknown@weird.com Dracomage pyriot@gte.net
* Lady Blue ldyblu@aol.com
The Laughing Fool fool@norad.xtatix.com * Silver Angel unknown@smgear.com
Skrubly skrubly@rad.edu Zinni
a Kray janderse@max-net.com
matt, forget the tracking division and mindmoving
damn punchcards! Cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
/ Da Drug k9mm@hotmail.com
Dracomage pyriot@gte.net
Fritz cdheim0@service1.uky.edu
Hacker Joe unknown@hacktheplanet.org
Toto Man grinch@zipcon.net
Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com
Melodia ua770@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
Onyx unknown@preciousmetal.com
but theyre Quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
so... oldschool! Sylphid madama@sfu.ca
she really is
stripping in
/ CUseeme.
coding division and hidden spies o what a slut.
Eto eto@globalserve.net whoa!
Mavrik kithe@geocities.com
Platinum platz@geocities.com
Questor cchanb@sfu.ca
Sylphid madama@sfu.ca internet division and strip teasing
Crowkeeper crowkeep@imag.net
Dr. CPU drcpu@vcn.bc.ca
Flibbles flib@vcn.bc.ca
Mavrik kithe@geocities.com
Questor cchanb@sfu.ca
Spectral Knight unknown
sites Sylphid madama@sfu.ca
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1758/mist.html Webpe
The Jade Monkey 604 730-2467 Happyfish / Cthulu WHQ / Net
C1ty iz Burning 418 841-3410 The Extremist CHQ / Net
The Regency 412 687-3066 Halaster USHQ
Infinite Darkness 954 797-0666 Midnight Sorrow Southern HQ / Net
+- 6 node ringdown Midnight Sorrow Southern HQ / Net
Tantalized Dreams 204 632-0684 Javist Winnipeg HQ
+- node 2 204 632-0685 Javist Winnipeg HQ
Neosporin 604 942-9772 Rage Music HQ / Net
Harvest Moon 216 951-7059 QurAn Twingle HQ / Net
Savage Exile! Critical Illusion Underground HQ
Euphoric Dreamspace 604 - The Iconoclast Old Warez HQ
StupidMop 604 929-8034 Geekboy North Shore HQ/Net
Atomique 604 its-down Miataman / HaquisaqMusic HQ
The Dark Domains 604 469-5851 Raven Member
The Undiscovered Point 604 PRI-VATE Dr. CPU Member / Net
Dreams of Dark, Enchanted
Lizards 604 525-6844 Etana Member / Net
Entrance to Obscurity 604 pri-vate Eto Member / Net
Paradoxius 604 931-6984 Pure Voltage Member / Net
Crimson Helm 604 465-4247 Onyx Member / Net
Sneakers 604 501-2395 Crystal Meth Member
Juice 604 522-9797 Infinite Madness Member / Net
Biproducts 408 372-7712 neoNEGRO Site
Power Station 353 041-32568 Madmax Site
Out of Order 510 796-5780 risu Site
Caffeine. 360 336-5976 Prong Site
Blue Moon +618 8332-3403 Pulse Site
thanks for going through this last minute and very red member list! : -thext
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