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------------------ Little logo colly by Mr.Wrong of Mistigris ------------------
Mr.Wrong / Mistigris - NeoSPorin -
- oped by Rage -
I r a to w i l l b e c o m i n g b a c k t h i s s u m m e r !
avaible soon on your favorite bulletin board systems in the 418 ac
Mr.Wrong / Mistigris
Mr.Wrong / Mistigris - DysToPia - +o Decax Unkel ben
Thats all for this month. Since ive become an accomplished father, i have less time to draw ansis but if you want something from me, send me a mail on Tjmor on Kitsch net. I need requests. Greets to the extremist everyone in mist.
Mr.Wrong / Mistigris - NeoSPorin -
- oped by Rage -
I r a to w i l l b e c o m i n g b a c k t h i s s u m m e r !
avaible soon on your favorite bulletin board systems in the 418 ac
Mr.Wrong / Mistigris
Mr.Wrong / Mistigris - DysToPia - +o Decax Unkel ben
Thats all for this month. Since ive become an accomplished father, i have less time to draw ansis but if you want something from me, send me a mail on Tjmor on Kitsch net. I need requests. Greets to the extremist everyone in mist.
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