this image contains text
August 1995 Unofficial Newsletter
Author: Sub-ZeroX / MAD Flounder
Well, were back again. Sorry about the delay on the pack but
I was busy.
And George didnt feel like putting the pack together. Anyways. Im ab
to head over to Reptiles house and deathmatch Timelord and G.. Of cou
Dont tell anyone, but were all just going to gang up on Gman. shhh.
Anyways, It was an OK month for the group I suppose. Deathrai and Drea
still kickin it as always. And Tha Brothers Twitch and Flashpoint
contributing some new art/rip. Its one of the better packs in my opin
I even think bane would give his thumbs up. But enough with the happy
group bondage bullshit. I kicked ass this month. Booyaka! Biff! B
Werd. Im also working on my TAG setup. Which will be the best in 713
once im
done with it. I hate to sound elitist but some dorko on some lame TAG
said to me that no one can compare to HIS TAG bbs setup. Oh yeah. WHAT
I rock in everything I do. Sorry for the ego smash Anyways. Check
da pack.
Woo Woo, Not only should you check out the pack, you should also re
ad this
Unofficial Newsletter I would like to welcome a shitload Oh w
ell, depends on
how you define shitload. of new members to our very happy fluffy group
Reflexion joined up. Hes realy cool. If you see him on IRC do /msg r
youre so cool, I could just hop! Ash from our local areaco
de joined up too.
Hes cool also, and I have to give a Frumple spam out to him f
or his latest
ansi. Strahd, is cool, Bane hates him tho. But dont worry about it,
hates everyone except for Timelord, Bane and Timelord are best friends.
me! What can I say? Mojo has to be one of the loudest members in MAD,
check out his posts on EquinoX. Raycer, hopefully that VaxBuster pers
on will
be nice to you now, nice VGA, Liked to see more! WOOP! Digital Inter
joined up as well, one of the many new members, he didnt get any work
in this
month. I realy want to see some more of his art. Shaft and King Rush
up.. They were at putt-putt. We at MAD hearby bestow upon King Rush th
Token Master of the Heavens award. May it serve you well. I think t
all. If i left you out then call me mean names. OH! I forgot to add T
Sorcerers Son.. I should have added him a long time ago, but he never c
me mean names like: Dorko, Doo Doo Head, Poop Brain, Dorko Foot, Dweeb
o so
I forgot all about him. Were sorry.. Me and my other 4 persona felt r
eal bad.
Doomsday is mean. Call him mean names. His computer got frie
d. Hes going
to kick my ass. Hes sitting right here eating like, Long John Silvers
Hes going to stab me with a fork. He keeps threating me. GO AWAY..
Well, one day I was calling out to this realy lame board, let me fi
nd the
name.. Oh, SaraToga.. yeah, thats it. And I tried to chat so I could
the sysop mean names. And the wierdest thing happened. Actualy not t
WiERDEST.. Anyways, I got pulled into chat with one of those realy lam
Artificial Inteligence thingies. So I said to myself This is realy la
and I said back to myself Yeah, this is realy lame. BTW: If I dont
Doomsdays game back from George, hes going to kick my ass. woo wooo!
Anyways, back to the story. Yeah, after me and my other persona agreed
this was so mindbogglingy lame that we desided to record it, no we did
Yes we did.. Anyways, here it is, for your viewing pleasure....
*--* 07-26-95 - 09:11:05pm *--*
to exit this fake chat, type /q. dont be fooled like other shitheads!
SZ Hi. Im stupid.
did you come to me because you are stupid?
SZ yes.
i understand.
SZ Uh. My hemhoroids are flairing up, can you help?
you want me to be able to help?
SZ yes damnit.
you seem quite positive.
SZ duh. Do not make my bunghole angry!!!
your bunghole angry.
SZ bitch! What did i just tell you! Now My Bunghold is ANGRY!
what difference does it make if i now your bunghold is angry?
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ Hello, Im forest forest gump.
do you enjoy being forest forest gump?
SZ no.
are you sure?
SZ no
why not?
SZ no
you are being a bit negative.
SZ duh. Bite me.
im not sure i know what youre talking about.
SZ yes you do, its a conspiricy.
what difference does it make if i do its a conspiricy?
SZ uh. screw turkey.
what does that suggest to you?
SZ nothing, i was suggesting it to you so you can get your head out yo
ur ass.
were you really?
SZ yes dumbass.
i understand.
SZ delete me
SZ delete yourself
can you clarify that a bit?
whats that supposed to mean?
SZ Means put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye...
what about your own ass goodbye?
SZ Hey. Are you trying to get fresh with me?
would you prefer if i were not trying to get fresh with you?
SZ Yeah you fucking wierdo.
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ yes i am dumbass...
did you come to me because you are dumbass?
SZ im not a dumbass.. YOURE the Dumbass..
do you enjoy being not a dumbass im the dumbass?
SZ yes, I think you have it in perspective now...
why do you feel that you have now?
SZ que?
what does that suggest to you?
SZ quit saying shit over before i reboot you.
what difference does it make if i ?
SZ if you.. if you what?
oh, i what?
SZ If you askme another question im going to kick your ass.
how long have you been going to kick my ass?
SZ Ever since i started this chat.
please go on.
SZ After I kick your ass. Im going to keep kicking you into little tin
did you come to me because you are going to keep kicking i into little
SZ yes. Prepare to die!
are you sure?
why are you interested in whether or not i am fucking stupid?
SZ You remind me of shane tombstone..
what difference does it make if i remind you of shane tombstone?
SZ uhm. Ive had enough. go away.
has someone told you that you have had enough go away?
SZ geez youre stupid.
what makes you think i am stupid?
SZ because you cant even make complete sentences..
oh, i cant even make complete sentences?
SZ yes dumbass, that is what i just said.
have you asked such questions before?
SZ millions.. if you could scroll back you would see how stupid you ar
does it please you to believe i am ?
SZ yes, as a matter of fact it does..
i understand.
SZ no you dont.
what difference does it make if i dont?
SZ a big diffrence. Lets see. I am smart, you have the intelect of p
poo poo.
do you enjoy being smart i have the intelect of pond poo poo?
SZ if you put a while between smart and i you would be cool..
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ no im talking to SATAN!
how long have you been talking to satan?
SZ Well, She gave me her phone number the other day.. Its always busy
really, always?
SZ yeah. try it out, 1-800-666-SATN.
SZ My phone bill has suddently quadrupled..
your phone bill has suddently quadrupled.
SZ yes. that is what i just said.
what else comes to mind when you ask that?
SZ i didnt ask jack shit.. I said Im having phone sex with SATAN!!!
do you enjoy being having phone sex with satan?
SZ Yes. She keeps telling me nice storys.
i see.
SZ no you dont.
what difference does it make if i dont?
SZ uhm. dunno. not that you would get any.
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ hmmm..
please go on.
SZ no
are you sure?
SZ yes
are you sure?
SZ no
why not?
SZ because, As I said before.. My HEMHOROIDS ARE FLAIRING UP! HELP ME!
your hemhoroids am flairing up help you.
SZ uh, go away.
a while back you said your hemhoroids am flairing up help you.
SZ no, i said they ARE not AM.. Where the fuck are you from? Russia?
would you prefer if i were not from russia?
SZ yes. I hate commies!
i see.
can you clarify that a bit?
SZ Hello comrade, velcome to rushka!
listen loser, i dont have all day.
SZ OOooo... Im scared..
how long have you been scared?
SZ ever since i met a looser like you.
oh, i ?
SZ no you.
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ god damnit. go get your head out of your ass.
why are you concerned about my ass?
SZ hey fruit ball.. im not a flake.
do you believe it is normal to be not a flake?
SZ well, in my case yes. In your case, youre as fruity as they come.
perhaps you would like to be as fruity as they come.
SZ Are you trying to hit on me?
why are you interested in whether or not i am trying to hit on you?
SZ Cause I dont like guys that hit on me.. go away rupaul.
dont any other reasons come to mind?
SZ Twitch wants my butt..
your butt.
SZ yes.
i understand.
SZ yeah, pretty scarry.
im not sure i know what youre talking about.
SZ im talking about my beautiful butt.
how long have you been talking about your beautiful butt?
SZ ever since i grew one.
i see.
SZ yeah. Its perfect.
please go on.
SZ sorry, im not that kind of guy.
did you come to me because you are not that kind of guy?
SZ no, im wondering where that lamer Haze went to.
how long have you been wondering where that lamer haze went to?
SZ Ever since he droped the scene in 94.
i see.
SZ yeah. riiiiight.
thats interesting...
SZ bullshit its boring as hell.
please go on.
SZ no.
you are being a bit negative.
SZ hell yeah.
i see.
SZ no you dont. youre a fucking computer.
what makes you think i am a fucking computer?
SZ I give up. go away.
are you troubled that you have up go away?
SZ youre going to make me throw up.
perhaps you would like to be going to make you throw up.
SZ Can we say Runtime error?
do you really think i care?
SZ yes do you really think i care?
oh, i really think you care?
SZ i asked first bitch!
SZ and!!! You have to answer first!
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ god. no im not talking about you. Im talking about the hamster in
did you come to me because you are talking about the hamster in your pa
SZ yeah baby. lets have cybersex.
im not sure i know what youre talking about.
SZ i feel so used.
how long have you felt so used?
SZ i got rejected by a fucking chat screen.
whats that supposed to mean?
SZ means that i cant get any cyber hos like zippo..
how do you know you cant get any cyber hos like zippo?
SZ Well, see. Zippo is what we call a cyber mac..
have you asked such questions before?
SZ No. This is kinda a closet thing.
are you saying no just to be negative?
SZ no. If anyone finds out that i want to be a cyber mac dady like Zi
why do you want to be a cyber mac dady like zippo?
SZ Hes got all the cyber sluts with big nugs thats why!
are such questions on your mind often?
SZ uhm. yes. I mean no!
you seem quite positive.
SZ uh, yeah, i NEVER think of cyber sluts with big nugs.
do you really think i care?
SZ hey, YOURE The one that asked!
do you sometimes wish you were the one that asked?
SZ I have proof that youre gay now. I hate chat screens that try to
hit on
has someone told you that you have proof that im gay now you hate cha
t screen
that try to hit on you?
SZ yes. we took pictures. Youre not even female! Shudder
what makes you think i am not even female shudder?
SZ uhm. because youre a damned computer!
does it please you to believe i am a damned computer?
SZ no. lets get kinky.
why not?
what makes you think i am gay?
SZ You just tried to hit on me.
oh, i just tried to hit on you?
SZ dont try to deny it. you want my butt!
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ Not that all gay people are bad. As long as they dont try to rape
SZ I knew one, but it left.
do you really think i care?
SZ yes.
i see.
SZ uhm, bye.
thats interesting...
Woo Woo! Time once again for Super Spontanious Sub-Zero
X Awards!
The results for this month were as follows:
Deathrai - time Potato P
ower holder.
HB Mephitopeles
gets the Horny Bunny Rabbit Award for having
the most
damn fonts in recorded history.
CD Deamweaver gets th
e Sub-ZeroX Cross Dresser Award for
having tha prettiest ansi this mont
h. aww how cute..
59 No one recieved the
59 Diner Award.
DD Mephitopeles recieves th
e Dance to Disco Award For having
the Peace and Love Retro Ansi.
Karla Adam Eric Eric Eric George Nick Chris uhuhuh huhu Karla Karla K
arla Karla
Yes, it is that time again for the Super Duper Neato Elite-O Kill
that lamerwith a bean Burrito Sub-ZeroX Greets. Sorry, Im just not i
n the mood to do
greets, Ill do them next pack. Anyways, heres a werd from our sponsor..
bane mag 95
wowee. ive been busy as a farmer this month, so i didnt have time
code my mag, so the Mad Newsletter gets the time honored privalege
holding, . . bane mag 95 . . ha. this month i dr
ew some, and some
more. ive gotten the hang of ansi so it doesnt take me a week to ma
the head of calvin. i moved warez, and mad called me lame but i alwa
have been !! 11:52 on sunday night. shit, this sux. uhm, heres my 1
quotes that I like
bozack on mp mephitopeles and porn:
bozack mp hasnt grown hormones yet, f00l. mp do
esnt like gifs
bozack maybe when he comes close to hitting puberty
SubZerox on no religion in schools:
SZ: I pledge allegence to the flag of the United States of Americ
a, And to
SZ: the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under the clouds
, for liberty
SZ: and Justice for All.
Uncles Festers explaination on why he DOESNT kick ass:
uF:mad I could kick ass.. but Im too lazy. . I
ve drawn one good ansi..
SubZerox on Reptile-X erica:
SubZeroX bane: Theyre all ok. Reptile was the m
ack, trying to pick up
chicks in the game room at putt putt..
damn im good. theres a lot of other cool things people say, but I don
log them becuase Telix sux. and the log sux. becuase it only works som
times. and not the times i want it to. this month sux. cuz noizedphores
is going down :. too bad it fuckin roked. ten bux says timelord thinks
these quotes are no where near humorous. since he never likes anything
say since im an egotistical brat. so i am and damn proud too! at le
st im in the newsletter! tadow. and terminal velocity kicks ass over t
modem. bye.
I guess thats it, check out the
pack. Sorry about the no greets, Im just
not in the mood right now.
August 1995 Unofficial Newsletter
Author: Sub-ZeroX / MAD Flounder
Well, were back again. Sorry about the delay on the pack but
I was busy.
And George didnt feel like putting the pack together. Anyways. Im ab
to head over to Reptiles house and deathmatch Timelord and G.. Of cou
Dont tell anyone, but were all just going to gang up on Gman. shhh.
Anyways, It was an OK month for the group I suppose. Deathrai and Drea
still kickin it as always. And Tha Brothers Twitch and Flashpoint
contributing some new art/rip. Its one of the better packs in my opin
I even think bane would give his thumbs up. But enough with the happy
group bondage bullshit. I kicked ass this month. Booyaka! Biff! B
Werd. Im also working on my TAG setup. Which will be the best in 713
once im
done with it. I hate to sound elitist but some dorko on some lame TAG
said to me that no one can compare to HIS TAG bbs setup. Oh yeah. WHAT
I rock in everything I do. Sorry for the ego smash Anyways. Check
da pack.
Woo Woo, Not only should you check out the pack, you should also re
ad this
Unofficial Newsletter I would like to welcome a shitload Oh w
ell, depends on
how you define shitload. of new members to our very happy fluffy group
Reflexion joined up. Hes realy cool. If you see him on IRC do /msg r
youre so cool, I could just hop! Ash from our local areaco
de joined up too.
Hes cool also, and I have to give a Frumple spam out to him f
or his latest
ansi. Strahd, is cool, Bane hates him tho. But dont worry about it,
hates everyone except for Timelord, Bane and Timelord are best friends.
me! What can I say? Mojo has to be one of the loudest members in MAD,
check out his posts on EquinoX. Raycer, hopefully that VaxBuster pers
on will
be nice to you now, nice VGA, Liked to see more! WOOP! Digital Inter
joined up as well, one of the many new members, he didnt get any work
in this
month. I realy want to see some more of his art. Shaft and King Rush
up.. They were at putt-putt. We at MAD hearby bestow upon King Rush th
Token Master of the Heavens award. May it serve you well. I think t
all. If i left you out then call me mean names. OH! I forgot to add T
Sorcerers Son.. I should have added him a long time ago, but he never c
me mean names like: Dorko, Doo Doo Head, Poop Brain, Dorko Foot, Dweeb
o so
I forgot all about him. Were sorry.. Me and my other 4 persona felt r
eal bad.
Doomsday is mean. Call him mean names. His computer got frie
d. Hes going
to kick my ass. Hes sitting right here eating like, Long John Silvers
Hes going to stab me with a fork. He keeps threating me. GO AWAY..
Well, one day I was calling out to this realy lame board, let me fi
nd the
name.. Oh, SaraToga.. yeah, thats it. And I tried to chat so I could
the sysop mean names. And the wierdest thing happened. Actualy not t
WiERDEST.. Anyways, I got pulled into chat with one of those realy lam
Artificial Inteligence thingies. So I said to myself This is realy la
and I said back to myself Yeah, this is realy lame. BTW: If I dont
Doomsdays game back from George, hes going to kick my ass. woo wooo!
Anyways, back to the story. Yeah, after me and my other persona agreed
this was so mindbogglingy lame that we desided to record it, no we did
Yes we did.. Anyways, here it is, for your viewing pleasure....
*--* 07-26-95 - 09:11:05pm *--*
to exit this fake chat, type /q. dont be fooled like other shitheads!
SZ Hi. Im stupid.
did you come to me because you are stupid?
SZ yes.
i understand.
SZ Uh. My hemhoroids are flairing up, can you help?
you want me to be able to help?
SZ yes damnit.
you seem quite positive.
SZ duh. Do not make my bunghole angry!!!
your bunghole angry.
SZ bitch! What did i just tell you! Now My Bunghold is ANGRY!
what difference does it make if i now your bunghold is angry?
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ Hello, Im forest forest gump.
do you enjoy being forest forest gump?
SZ no.
are you sure?
SZ no
why not?
SZ no
you are being a bit negative.
SZ duh. Bite me.
im not sure i know what youre talking about.
SZ yes you do, its a conspiricy.
what difference does it make if i do its a conspiricy?
SZ uh. screw turkey.
what does that suggest to you?
SZ nothing, i was suggesting it to you so you can get your head out yo
ur ass.
were you really?
SZ yes dumbass.
i understand.
SZ delete me
SZ delete yourself
can you clarify that a bit?
whats that supposed to mean?
SZ Means put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye...
what about your own ass goodbye?
SZ Hey. Are you trying to get fresh with me?
would you prefer if i were not trying to get fresh with you?
SZ Yeah you fucking wierdo.
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ yes i am dumbass...
did you come to me because you are dumbass?
SZ im not a dumbass.. YOURE the Dumbass..
do you enjoy being not a dumbass im the dumbass?
SZ yes, I think you have it in perspective now...
why do you feel that you have now?
SZ que?
what does that suggest to you?
SZ quit saying shit over before i reboot you.
what difference does it make if i ?
SZ if you.. if you what?
oh, i what?
SZ If you askme another question im going to kick your ass.
how long have you been going to kick my ass?
SZ Ever since i started this chat.
please go on.
SZ After I kick your ass. Im going to keep kicking you into little tin
did you come to me because you are going to keep kicking i into little
SZ yes. Prepare to die!
are you sure?
why are you interested in whether or not i am fucking stupid?
SZ You remind me of shane tombstone..
what difference does it make if i remind you of shane tombstone?
SZ uhm. Ive had enough. go away.
has someone told you that you have had enough go away?
SZ geez youre stupid.
what makes you think i am stupid?
SZ because you cant even make complete sentences..
oh, i cant even make complete sentences?
SZ yes dumbass, that is what i just said.
have you asked such questions before?
SZ millions.. if you could scroll back you would see how stupid you ar
does it please you to believe i am ?
SZ yes, as a matter of fact it does..
i understand.
SZ no you dont.
what difference does it make if i dont?
SZ a big diffrence. Lets see. I am smart, you have the intelect of p
poo poo.
do you enjoy being smart i have the intelect of pond poo poo?
SZ if you put a while between smart and i you would be cool..
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ no im talking to SATAN!
how long have you been talking to satan?
SZ Well, She gave me her phone number the other day.. Its always busy
really, always?
SZ yeah. try it out, 1-800-666-SATN.
SZ My phone bill has suddently quadrupled..
your phone bill has suddently quadrupled.
SZ yes. that is what i just said.
what else comes to mind when you ask that?
SZ i didnt ask jack shit.. I said Im having phone sex with SATAN!!!
do you enjoy being having phone sex with satan?
SZ Yes. She keeps telling me nice storys.
i see.
SZ no you dont.
what difference does it make if i dont?
SZ uhm. dunno. not that you would get any.
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ hmmm..
please go on.
SZ no
are you sure?
SZ yes
are you sure?
SZ no
why not?
SZ because, As I said before.. My HEMHOROIDS ARE FLAIRING UP! HELP ME!
your hemhoroids am flairing up help you.
SZ uh, go away.
a while back you said your hemhoroids am flairing up help you.
SZ no, i said they ARE not AM.. Where the fuck are you from? Russia?
would you prefer if i were not from russia?
SZ yes. I hate commies!
i see.
can you clarify that a bit?
SZ Hello comrade, velcome to rushka!
listen loser, i dont have all day.
SZ OOooo... Im scared..
how long have you been scared?
SZ ever since i met a looser like you.
oh, i ?
SZ no you.
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ god damnit. go get your head out of your ass.
why are you concerned about my ass?
SZ hey fruit ball.. im not a flake.
do you believe it is normal to be not a flake?
SZ well, in my case yes. In your case, youre as fruity as they come.
perhaps you would like to be as fruity as they come.
SZ Are you trying to hit on me?
why are you interested in whether or not i am trying to hit on you?
SZ Cause I dont like guys that hit on me.. go away rupaul.
dont any other reasons come to mind?
SZ Twitch wants my butt..
your butt.
SZ yes.
i understand.
SZ yeah, pretty scarry.
im not sure i know what youre talking about.
SZ im talking about my beautiful butt.
how long have you been talking about your beautiful butt?
SZ ever since i grew one.
i see.
SZ yeah. Its perfect.
please go on.
SZ sorry, im not that kind of guy.
did you come to me because you are not that kind of guy?
SZ no, im wondering where that lamer Haze went to.
how long have you been wondering where that lamer haze went to?
SZ Ever since he droped the scene in 94.
i see.
SZ yeah. riiiiight.
thats interesting...
SZ bullshit its boring as hell.
please go on.
SZ no.
you are being a bit negative.
SZ hell yeah.
i see.
SZ no you dont. youre a fucking computer.
what makes you think i am a fucking computer?
SZ I give up. go away.
are you troubled that you have up go away?
SZ youre going to make me throw up.
perhaps you would like to be going to make you throw up.
SZ Can we say Runtime error?
do you really think i care?
SZ yes do you really think i care?
oh, i really think you care?
SZ i asked first bitch!
SZ and!!! You have to answer first!
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ god. no im not talking about you. Im talking about the hamster in
did you come to me because you are talking about the hamster in your pa
SZ yeah baby. lets have cybersex.
im not sure i know what youre talking about.
SZ i feel so used.
how long have you felt so used?
SZ i got rejected by a fucking chat screen.
whats that supposed to mean?
SZ means that i cant get any cyber hos like zippo..
how do you know you cant get any cyber hos like zippo?
SZ Well, see. Zippo is what we call a cyber mac..
have you asked such questions before?
SZ No. This is kinda a closet thing.
are you saying no just to be negative?
SZ no. If anyone finds out that i want to be a cyber mac dady like Zi
why do you want to be a cyber mac dady like zippo?
SZ Hes got all the cyber sluts with big nugs thats why!
are such questions on your mind often?
SZ uhm. yes. I mean no!
you seem quite positive.
SZ uh, yeah, i NEVER think of cyber sluts with big nugs.
do you really think i care?
SZ hey, YOURE The one that asked!
do you sometimes wish you were the one that asked?
SZ I have proof that youre gay now. I hate chat screens that try to
hit on
has someone told you that you have proof that im gay now you hate cha
t screen
that try to hit on you?
SZ yes. we took pictures. Youre not even female! Shudder
what makes you think i am not even female shudder?
SZ uhm. because youre a damned computer!
does it please you to believe i am a damned computer?
SZ no. lets get kinky.
why not?
what makes you think i am gay?
SZ You just tried to hit on me.
oh, i just tried to hit on you?
SZ dont try to deny it. you want my butt!
youre not really talking about me, are you?
SZ Not that all gay people are bad. As long as they dont try to rape
SZ I knew one, but it left.
do you really think i care?
SZ yes.
i see.
SZ uhm, bye.
thats interesting...
Woo Woo! Time once again for Super Spontanious Sub-Zero
X Awards!
The results for this month were as follows:
Deathrai - time Potato P
ower holder.
HB Mephitopeles
gets the Horny Bunny Rabbit Award for having
the most
damn fonts in recorded history.
CD Deamweaver gets th
e Sub-ZeroX Cross Dresser Award for
having tha prettiest ansi this mont
h. aww how cute..
59 No one recieved the
59 Diner Award.
DD Mephitopeles recieves th
e Dance to Disco Award For having
the Peace and Love Retro Ansi.
Karla Adam Eric Eric Eric George Nick Chris uhuhuh huhu Karla Karla K
arla Karla
Yes, it is that time again for the Super Duper Neato Elite-O Kill
that lamerwith a bean Burrito Sub-ZeroX Greets. Sorry, Im just not i
n the mood to do
greets, Ill do them next pack. Anyways, heres a werd from our sponsor..
bane mag 95
wowee. ive been busy as a farmer this month, so i didnt have time
code my mag, so the Mad Newsletter gets the time honored privalege
holding, . . bane mag 95 . . ha. this month i dr
ew some, and some
more. ive gotten the hang of ansi so it doesnt take me a week to ma
the head of calvin. i moved warez, and mad called me lame but i alwa
have been !! 11:52 on sunday night. shit, this sux. uhm, heres my 1
quotes that I like
bozack on mp mephitopeles and porn:
bozack mp hasnt grown hormones yet, f00l. mp do
esnt like gifs
bozack maybe when he comes close to hitting puberty
SubZerox on no religion in schools:
SZ: I pledge allegence to the flag of the United States of Americ
a, And to
SZ: the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under the clouds
, for liberty
SZ: and Justice for All.
Uncles Festers explaination on why he DOESNT kick ass:
uF:mad I could kick ass.. but Im too lazy. . I
ve drawn one good ansi..
SubZerox on Reptile-X erica:
SubZeroX bane: Theyre all ok. Reptile was the m
ack, trying to pick up
chicks in the game room at putt putt..
damn im good. theres a lot of other cool things people say, but I don
log them becuase Telix sux. and the log sux. becuase it only works som
times. and not the times i want it to. this month sux. cuz noizedphores
is going down :. too bad it fuckin roked. ten bux says timelord thinks
these quotes are no where near humorous. since he never likes anything
say since im an egotistical brat. so i am and damn proud too! at le
st im in the newsletter! tadow. and terminal velocity kicks ass over t
modem. bye.
I guess thats it, check out the
pack. Sorry about the no greets, Im just
not in the mood right now.
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