this image contains text
-Max- Art Productions Release: 03/93 NFO File by Snow Dog
First off this month, a few words from Vladimir.
1 M/X and CSC has reached what is best described as a member
working relationship. M/X will be providing full art
support for all CSC as well as excepting several CSC sites
as M/X sites. In return, CSC will distribute files and
promote M/X in those hard to reach places like bathroom
scum . .for those who clean their toilets. This is more
than a working relation, but not a merger either. Membership
will remain seperate as will the existing power structure.
Please read the CSC-Chapter 5 for more info . .more will
follow as the deal progresses . .like sex in a buick, you
dont know if you can get around the steering wheel until
you try it firsthand . .
We would like to incourage ALL M/X artists to help us in
this endeavor!
2 Affiliate Sites/Member sites.
With the deal with CSC, M/X should be absorbing several
new boards and the senior staff has decided to cut-off
supported member sites after this point. What do you do
if you are not one of these sites? Well, M/X is willing
to support Affliates. What this means -
A Affiliates have no direct link to M/X, we cannot
claim responsiblity for any of the boards.
B Affiliates will be listed in the M/X packets as
Boards Supporting the M/X Material
D Affiliates will provide their own means for courier
support. In return, VH and SoD are compleately
open to couriers and Sysops for M/X material.
E Affiliates must prove to M/X that they are ALIVE!
No big deal, means you logon to one of the boards
occasionally or leave us e-mail letting us know
that your board still supports M/X material
The Senior members of M/X wish that we could support
EVERY board that applys, but courier and art support
is physically limited . . .We just wanted everyone to
know that, and we are sorry. But in return we would like
to do everything to encourage M/X support . . .
Okay, that out of the way, heres who we are at present:
This -Max- information is current to 15 March 1993....
See also the membership and distribution site ansi files.
1 Senior Members -
Slinger benevolent dictator
Snow Dog usually quite drunk artist co-ord
Vladimir a mellow jerk who runs courier co-ord
2 Artists -
Cianyde Ansi
Cool C. Ansi/VGA
Headhunter VGA/Amiga
Poltergeist Sound/Amiga
Slinger Ansi/VGA
Sector Slayer VGA
Snow Dog Ansi/MOD
Titan MOD
Vladimir VGA
3 Trial Members -
Blade VGA
Blades Ansi
Cemetery Shift Ansi
Wavelength VGA/Coding
4 Couriers -
4 Coders -
Neurosis ASM
Vladimir PAS
Weuf C++
5 Contributing Non-members
Macho Conceptor CoMA
Millenium Falcon Ind.
Mind Rape Damaged Cybernetics
The Magical Gangster iCE
-Max- BBS Support...
Name Status Number Sysop
Symphony of Destruction Home 602.345.6770 Snow Dog
Vladimirian Heights Courier HQ 602.491.8238 Vladimir
The Omerta CSC Project HQ 305.285.0498 The Untimed
The Atomic Dustbin Member Board 713.852.6166 Sirrion
Buccaneers Den West Member Board 916.391.6693 Battle Axe
The Fusion Fortress Member Board 914.534.3235 Galvatron
Primal Scream Member Board 713.879.8182 BudMan
Psychotic Overload Member Board 216.464.9131 Israfel
The Wild Faiths Member Board 514.454.5493 M. Conceptor
My Penis Member +MY.BIG.WANG Organ Donor
BBS at the End of the Universe Affiliate 602.840.5668 Zaphod B.
Children of the Inquisition Affiliate 602.443.8467 Black Prophet
Damage, Inc. Affiliate 206.362.3717 Creeping Death
Distant Lands Affiliate 613.241.7506 Gen. Protocol
The Land of Rape and Honey Affiliate 410..DO.WN.. Flashback
Zero Gravity Affiliate 403..DO.WN.. Warhammer
Light of Day Affiliate 916.457.1537 Wilson
Whiplash Affiliate 206.PRI.VATE Kram
Dark Galaxy Affiliate 909.594.5526 ShockWave
Eve of Reality Affiliate 305.981.9555 Everlast
A brief note of explanation - the distribution of sites above
was decided upon by the senior members of M/X, this is not one mans
desicision. You may noticed that some of the sites have been downgraded
from Member Boards to Affiliates - there is a reason. Being a M/X board
is a little more than sitting around waiting for HD space to be filed and
making requests. First and foremost, we like to support Art BBSs, this
certainly takes precedence over WAREZ boards. We have also considered
participation and board size.
Since we do not charge for being sites, we have to look for what
is best for the group as a whole. Small boards that dont see much traffic,
that are predominately WAREZ related and do not support the group actively
are simply dead-weight. The boards that we down-graded to Affliates were
the boards that simply exist. We do not have contact with the sysops, and
get little feedback on the BBS or M/X. In an effort to reward and support
the boards that do support M/X we have felt this move was inevitable.
-The Senior Staff
Note from Vladimir -
M/X is no longer accepting solicitations for Member Site boards.
If you would like to be listed as a BBS supporting M/X files, please leave
a site application on SoD or VH and note that you would like to be listed
as an affiliate.
*****************************RELEASE INFORMATION******************************
Yet Another Note from Vladimir -
Well guys - that was the last memo that I released. It has everything
pretty much up to date to I figured it was the basis for getting this thing
started. Unfortunately, you will notice that Sirrion is no longer with us.
The Magical Gangster gave me the bad news a few days. It appears that he has
gone over to UAA - Sirrion, you will be missed. Unfortunately the same applies
for Captain Willy. Unconfirmed sources show that he is considering another
group and no longer signs his name M/X . . .someone wanna let us know whats
going on? Geezzz . . .the senior members are always the lsat to know.
In the last couple of days before the release, Mind Walker came
through again. Last month we didnt see a thing, but damn if it wasnt worth
the wait. I personally vote for his atlantis being the best release in this
packet . . .to bad we cant get more out of him . .hehehehe
Special Greets to
Everlast The Untimed - Thanks for setting me up on the dream.
Aftermath - Mike, my accounts still fucked. Wake up!
Kram - Whatever, lets get TRWS rolling again . . .
Lets do lunch in October. Lets bake cookies.
Lets try to keep from having our wives divorce
us because of the computers. Lets end world hunger.
Sought After - You got your logo, the loader is still up
in the air . . .
Pyradical - We greeted you . . . .
Tempus Thales - Waz up man . .? I think Midnight Sorrow hates
me . . .Should we start a club?
The Magical Gangster - Does more for M/X then most M/X members
Sirrion - Sorry to see ya go . .
Slinger - Boiled out three real dozies for the VGA this time.
Zed Nitro - Common guys, lets all beg Zed for a logo! He said
maybe . .but then again we know what that means
in the world of computers . . . .:
MC and CoMA - Good luck, you got a lot of talent. Unfortuantely
thats only half the battle these days.
The 916 crowd - Cool C, Titan and Weuf. Its sorta nice having
a group of PRODUCING artists all in one area. Still
need a 916 VGA artist though . . . .
Myself - How come everyone says Are you the Vladimir from M/X ?
How many Vladimirs are there? Its not like Doom
Master or something like that . . . . .
And absolutely no greets to Snow Dog - everyone knows I know him
and it will just give him one more excuse to make
his release info another page longer than last time. :
UAA/MiNDLESS Merger - I think art-wise it will be a great setup. Never
had an contact with UAA but good luck on MiNDLESS and
their egos.
Oh yeah - the fuckin ansi viewer. I seem to be the only guy who is
so freaked on this. Heres the deal. Sorta a group project, Full Moon was going
to produce the basic shell but some times hes a litte slow getting off his
ass. Well - the shell is compleate though aesthetically worthless and needs
to be spruced up. MY portion of it is done and sitting over here waiting for
the other half from Mr. Moonie . . .
So what does this all mean? We got bushwacked again. In about two
days Im going over to Full Moons and yanking the source form his HD and
compleating it myself . .: Even though he thinks we are gonna get it done
on the 15th and get the release coded and sentout in 20 mintues or so.
Until then -
Note on FidoNet:
God willing - Extreme should be Fido compatible within the
near future. As many know, the only reason VH has not picked up
more national nets than Extreme*Net is simply that it is not Fido
compatible. After much ragging on Strider, the programmer who we
all do appreciate greatly, he has begun the project to compleate
Fido in Extreme. At that point I should be picking up CCi and
CorrosiveNet. CorrosiveNet is a new art network, introduced to me
by TMG that is connected with all the major art boards in the
continental US. Needless to say - we all have our fingers crossed.
Couriers - M/X is looking for Canadian Couriers . .if interested
please Call VH, leave you name and desired password
and an account will be created for you.
We are no longer accepting non-CSC affliated members sites. If you
to be listed as an affliate someone who supprorts our material then please
UL a site application to VH. But once again, we are not accepting sites.
Art this month! - Snow Dog -
We have had some great positive developments this month. On the happy
side is the compound and obvious improvement of our trial members, all of whom
are definitely on the way to full membership.
Welcome this month to Blade, Titan, and Weuf! Great to have you aboard
and glad you could join us. On the not-so-happy side of things, we have dropped
Captain Willy and The Plague due to inactivity.
Art this month has made leaps and bounds in a positive direction. I am
finally beginning to feel good about my ANSI work, which is tough for me to do,
and Slinger has put together a stunning array of VGA artwork for our enjoyment.
Cool C and Blades are both in for member-of-the-month honors for contributing
so much to the packets! Greets all around and thanks a lot!
-Max- is not on their way to being a third group, -Max- IS the third
group. Interested members from other groups are welcome to apply at Max, where
we take our freedom to create seriously and our artwork before politics. Any
Max member is free to do with their time whatever they choose, provided that
work with their name on it shows up by release time. Couriers can do VGA. VGA
artists can do ANSI. Coders can do a MOD. We dont care. You cant control
creative expression, so instead of trying, Max sets it free. And whats more,
dual memberships are acceptable and fine by us!
Nothing much else bears examination at this time, so enjoy the release!
Every type of file is zipped together with its own kind for your convenience.
Snow Dog, Art Director
AND the predictable GREETS!
Maximum fortune and glory to the following individuals:
Mind Rape - good luck with that job.
The Borg - welcome to the Rock Magazine crew!
Mason Storm - in 1997, novice hackers will read about You.
The Doctor and Garbled User - phlegm rules!
The Untimed, Everlast, Guiltrip - Keep cool, you guys are
in a hot state too!
Maximum death and dishonor to the following retards:
Lost Clusters - now users nationwide know youre a loser.
Vinnie Passthedildo - youre not worth a complete sentenc
Pubic Dandruff - actually there is no user by this name.
It sure would be funny if there was!
Later all!
First off this month, a few words from Vladimir.
1 M/X and CSC has reached what is best described as a member
working relationship. M/X will be providing full art
support for all CSC as well as excepting several CSC sites
as M/X sites. In return, CSC will distribute files and
promote M/X in those hard to reach places like bathroom
scum . .for those who clean their toilets. This is more
than a working relation, but not a merger either. Membership
will remain seperate as will the existing power structure.
Please read the CSC-Chapter 5 for more info . .more will
follow as the deal progresses . .like sex in a buick, you
dont know if you can get around the steering wheel until
you try it firsthand . .
We would like to incourage ALL M/X artists to help us in
this endeavor!
2 Affiliate Sites/Member sites.
With the deal with CSC, M/X should be absorbing several
new boards and the senior staff has decided to cut-off
supported member sites after this point. What do you do
if you are not one of these sites? Well, M/X is willing
to support Affliates. What this means -
A Affiliates have no direct link to M/X, we cannot
claim responsiblity for any of the boards.
B Affiliates will be listed in the M/X packets as
Boards Supporting the M/X Material
D Affiliates will provide their own means for courier
support. In return, VH and SoD are compleately
open to couriers and Sysops for M/X material.
E Affiliates must prove to M/X that they are ALIVE!
No big deal, means you logon to one of the boards
occasionally or leave us e-mail letting us know
that your board still supports M/X material
The Senior members of M/X wish that we could support
EVERY board that applys, but courier and art support
is physically limited . . .We just wanted everyone to
know that, and we are sorry. But in return we would like
to do everything to encourage M/X support . . .
Okay, that out of the way, heres who we are at present:
This -Max- information is current to 15 March 1993....
See also the membership and distribution site ansi files.
1 Senior Members -
Slinger benevolent dictator
Snow Dog usually quite drunk artist co-ord
Vladimir a mellow jerk who runs courier co-ord
2 Artists -
Cianyde Ansi
Cool C. Ansi/VGA
Headhunter VGA/Amiga
Poltergeist Sound/Amiga
Slinger Ansi/VGA
Sector Slayer VGA
Snow Dog Ansi/MOD
Titan MOD
Vladimir VGA
3 Trial Members -
Blade VGA
Blades Ansi
Cemetery Shift Ansi
Wavelength VGA/Coding
4 Couriers -
4 Coders -
Neurosis ASM
Vladimir PAS
Weuf C++
5 Contributing Non-members
Macho Conceptor CoMA
Millenium Falcon Ind.
Mind Rape Damaged Cybernetics
The Magical Gangster iCE
-Max- BBS Support...
Name Status Number Sysop
Symphony of Destruction Home 602.345.6770 Snow Dog
Vladimirian Heights Courier HQ 602.491.8238 Vladimir
The Omerta CSC Project HQ 305.285.0498 The Untimed
The Atomic Dustbin Member Board 713.852.6166 Sirrion
Buccaneers Den West Member Board 916.391.6693 Battle Axe
The Fusion Fortress Member Board 914.534.3235 Galvatron
Primal Scream Member Board 713.879.8182 BudMan
Psychotic Overload Member Board 216.464.9131 Israfel
The Wild Faiths Member Board 514.454.5493 M. Conceptor
My Penis Member +MY.BIG.WANG Organ Donor
BBS at the End of the Universe Affiliate 602.840.5668 Zaphod B.
Children of the Inquisition Affiliate 602.443.8467 Black Prophet
Damage, Inc. Affiliate 206.362.3717 Creeping Death
Distant Lands Affiliate 613.241.7506 Gen. Protocol
The Land of Rape and Honey Affiliate 410..DO.WN.. Flashback
Zero Gravity Affiliate 403..DO.WN.. Warhammer
Light of Day Affiliate 916.457.1537 Wilson
Whiplash Affiliate 206.PRI.VATE Kram
Dark Galaxy Affiliate 909.594.5526 ShockWave
Eve of Reality Affiliate 305.981.9555 Everlast
A brief note of explanation - the distribution of sites above
was decided upon by the senior members of M/X, this is not one mans
desicision. You may noticed that some of the sites have been downgraded
from Member Boards to Affiliates - there is a reason. Being a M/X board
is a little more than sitting around waiting for HD space to be filed and
making requests. First and foremost, we like to support Art BBSs, this
certainly takes precedence over WAREZ boards. We have also considered
participation and board size.
Since we do not charge for being sites, we have to look for what
is best for the group as a whole. Small boards that dont see much traffic,
that are predominately WAREZ related and do not support the group actively
are simply dead-weight. The boards that we down-graded to Affliates were
the boards that simply exist. We do not have contact with the sysops, and
get little feedback on the BBS or M/X. In an effort to reward and support
the boards that do support M/X we have felt this move was inevitable.
-The Senior Staff
Note from Vladimir -
M/X is no longer accepting solicitations for Member Site boards.
If you would like to be listed as a BBS supporting M/X files, please leave
a site application on SoD or VH and note that you would like to be listed
as an affiliate.
*****************************RELEASE INFORMATION******************************
Yet Another Note from Vladimir -
Well guys - that was the last memo that I released. It has everything
pretty much up to date to I figured it was the basis for getting this thing
started. Unfortunately, you will notice that Sirrion is no longer with us.
The Magical Gangster gave me the bad news a few days. It appears that he has
gone over to UAA - Sirrion, you will be missed. Unfortunately the same applies
for Captain Willy. Unconfirmed sources show that he is considering another
group and no longer signs his name M/X . . .someone wanna let us know whats
going on? Geezzz . . .the senior members are always the lsat to know.
In the last couple of days before the release, Mind Walker came
through again. Last month we didnt see a thing, but damn if it wasnt worth
the wait. I personally vote for his atlantis being the best release in this
packet . . .to bad we cant get more out of him . .hehehehe
Special Greets to
Everlast The Untimed - Thanks for setting me up on the dream.
Aftermath - Mike, my accounts still fucked. Wake up!
Kram - Whatever, lets get TRWS rolling again . . .
Lets do lunch in October. Lets bake cookies.
Lets try to keep from having our wives divorce
us because of the computers. Lets end world hunger.
Sought After - You got your logo, the loader is still up
in the air . . .
Pyradical - We greeted you . . . .
Tempus Thales - Waz up man . .? I think Midnight Sorrow hates
me . . .Should we start a club?
The Magical Gangster - Does more for M/X then most M/X members
Sirrion - Sorry to see ya go . .
Slinger - Boiled out three real dozies for the VGA this time.
Zed Nitro - Common guys, lets all beg Zed for a logo! He said
maybe . .but then again we know what that means
in the world of computers . . . .:
MC and CoMA - Good luck, you got a lot of talent. Unfortuantely
thats only half the battle these days.
The 916 crowd - Cool C, Titan and Weuf. Its sorta nice having
a group of PRODUCING artists all in one area. Still
need a 916 VGA artist though . . . .
Myself - How come everyone says Are you the Vladimir from M/X ?
How many Vladimirs are there? Its not like Doom
Master or something like that . . . . .
And absolutely no greets to Snow Dog - everyone knows I know him
and it will just give him one more excuse to make
his release info another page longer than last time. :
UAA/MiNDLESS Merger - I think art-wise it will be a great setup. Never
had an contact with UAA but good luck on MiNDLESS and
their egos.
Oh yeah - the fuckin ansi viewer. I seem to be the only guy who is
so freaked on this. Heres the deal. Sorta a group project, Full Moon was going
to produce the basic shell but some times hes a litte slow getting off his
ass. Well - the shell is compleate though aesthetically worthless and needs
to be spruced up. MY portion of it is done and sitting over here waiting for
the other half from Mr. Moonie . . .
So what does this all mean? We got bushwacked again. In about two
days Im going over to Full Moons and yanking the source form his HD and
compleating it myself . .: Even though he thinks we are gonna get it done
on the 15th and get the release coded and sentout in 20 mintues or so.
Until then -
Note on FidoNet:
God willing - Extreme should be Fido compatible within the
near future. As many know, the only reason VH has not picked up
more national nets than Extreme*Net is simply that it is not Fido
compatible. After much ragging on Strider, the programmer who we
all do appreciate greatly, he has begun the project to compleate
Fido in Extreme. At that point I should be picking up CCi and
CorrosiveNet. CorrosiveNet is a new art network, introduced to me
by TMG that is connected with all the major art boards in the
continental US. Needless to say - we all have our fingers crossed.
Couriers - M/X is looking for Canadian Couriers . .if interested
please Call VH, leave you name and desired password
and an account will be created for you.
We are no longer accepting non-CSC affliated members sites. If you
to be listed as an affliate someone who supprorts our material then please
UL a site application to VH. But once again, we are not accepting sites.
Art this month! - Snow Dog -
We have had some great positive developments this month. On the happy
side is the compound and obvious improvement of our trial members, all of whom
are definitely on the way to full membership.
Welcome this month to Blade, Titan, and Weuf! Great to have you aboard
and glad you could join us. On the not-so-happy side of things, we have dropped
Captain Willy and The Plague due to inactivity.
Art this month has made leaps and bounds in a positive direction. I am
finally beginning to feel good about my ANSI work, which is tough for me to do,
and Slinger has put together a stunning array of VGA artwork for our enjoyment.
Cool C and Blades are both in for member-of-the-month honors for contributing
so much to the packets! Greets all around and thanks a lot!
-Max- is not on their way to being a third group, -Max- IS the third
group. Interested members from other groups are welcome to apply at Max, where
we take our freedom to create seriously and our artwork before politics. Any
Max member is free to do with their time whatever they choose, provided that
work with their name on it shows up by release time. Couriers can do VGA. VGA
artists can do ANSI. Coders can do a MOD. We dont care. You cant control
creative expression, so instead of trying, Max sets it free. And whats more,
dual memberships are acceptable and fine by us!
Nothing much else bears examination at this time, so enjoy the release!
Every type of file is zipped together with its own kind for your convenience.
Snow Dog, Art Director
AND the predictable GREETS!
Maximum fortune and glory to the following individuals:
Mind Rape - good luck with that job.
The Borg - welcome to the Rock Magazine crew!
Mason Storm - in 1997, novice hackers will read about You.
The Doctor and Garbled User - phlegm rules!
The Untimed, Everlast, Guiltrip - Keep cool, you guys are
in a hot state too!
Maximum death and dishonor to the following retards:
Lost Clusters - now users nationwide know youre a loser.
Vinnie Passthedildo - youre not worth a complete sentenc
Pubic Dandruff - actually there is no user by this name.
It sure would be funny if there was!
Later all!
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