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Rippers Delusion
wrote by rorshack
This month, unfortunatelly, we first met the thing in the scene, so called
rippers. Rippers are parasite beings, that need to take energy from other
persons to live. Ill tell you two cases.
The first one is Netrunner II netrunner.ii@mandic.com.br. He is a stupid
kid, member of crush.
Well, that child Netrunner II ripped a Suicidal logo, made by me, rorshack,
nearly one year ago. But he ripped it so bad, so bad, that some letters
from the crush logo were missing, and he did it from some other suicidal
letters - but it was horrible! This guy cant even type two blocks !!
Well, in this case, crush founder acid burn told me that netrunner was
out of the group. I hope it is true.
Notes: Some time ago, Netrunner was saying in the BBS Nets that he wanted an
ansi, and he would pay 40 for that.
So, avoid the crush group modding, all crush members and specially
Netrunner II.
A note to Netrunner II: If youre reading this, and you want to give some
excuse or even if you want to tell me why youre so stupid, email me.
The second one is astaroth, of ngd. Im sadly writing this, cause I though
he was a good artist. But he released an artpack with artwork ripped from
the acid info file, from the acid application generator and from the
oblivion menu by lord jazz. And he said he wasnt a ripper.
Well, he engaged a word fight with suicide solution, a maiden member.
Recently, suicide solution released a pack proving by 1+1 that astaroth
was a ripper.
After that, astaroth send him this message, in Aegis Wall:
Terminate image saved 17/Dec/1996 19:49
.:AEGiS WaLL VERSiON 1.o BY NuMBER SiX / aGS95:.
aih o seu merdao de SSolution!
vce eh um merdinha mesmo ein?!
seu bostinha... o negocio eh o seguinte eu RIPPEi sim seu cuh!
ripei 6 ansis na minha vida das quais toh me arrependendo agora!
o problema eh q tem caras q se apaegam a uns detalhees... que eh foda...
tipo esquece as q eu rippei ok? vce pode oia as q eu nao rippei.. as
q eu fiz p/ RUSh e depois vem falar de RiPPar!
vce eh um merdinha q nao sabe nem fazer aScii qnto muito menos ansi!
tah cheio de lamer no mercado.. hehehe.... depois vem me perguntarem como
se indentifica um lamer???.. precisa responder??? oia vce eh um exemplo..
nao sabe faze ANSi so merda e fica enchendo mu saco pois rippei 6 ansis...
vai teh catah mane!.. cm vce eh foda mesmo ein?!
Tipo vai lah na PRoductions e baixa o ascii00.zip
pelo menos e se tiver afim de ser normal... veh se para c eSSa briguinha..
ah.. fiquei sabendo q vce passou isso p/ umas 200 bbeSSeS.. seu merdinha
se vce queria me dar dor de cabeca.. conseguiu..!!!!
Well, at least I hope he learns something.
Note to Astaroth: man, I do not hate you. Suicide solution also doesnt hate
you. But you need to think a little before acting and saying anything.
You claim Suicide Solution to be lame. No, hes NOT. YOU are lame. Suicide
solution isnt the best ansi drawer, but he is trying by HIMSELF. And you?
Youre copying fonts from other artists, YOU ARE NOT CREATING! While suicide
solution is proving to be a great guy and learning more and more each day,
and getting better, YOU are proving to not have ARTISTIC SKILLS.
You must understand the idea of art. Art is not copying. Is creating.
Creating what you CAN create. Ripping will take you nowhere.
Astaroth, email me. I wanna hear what you have to say.
And if you want, we can meet personaly so you can prove that youre not a
lamer, by doing an ansi in front of me. If you want, Suicide Solution can do
the same. And remember, I dont want any kind of fight. I always resolve
my problems by conversation. Thats what I want: Conversation. Understanding.
Best regards to all.
Maiden Founder
wrote by rorshack
This month, unfortunatelly, we first met the thing in the scene, so called
rippers. Rippers are parasite beings, that need to take energy from other
persons to live. Ill tell you two cases.
The first one is Netrunner II netrunner.ii@mandic.com.br. He is a stupid
kid, member of crush.
Well, that child Netrunner II ripped a Suicidal logo, made by me, rorshack,
nearly one year ago. But he ripped it so bad, so bad, that some letters
from the crush logo were missing, and he did it from some other suicidal
letters - but it was horrible! This guy cant even type two blocks !!
Well, in this case, crush founder acid burn told me that netrunner was
out of the group. I hope it is true.
Notes: Some time ago, Netrunner was saying in the BBS Nets that he wanted an
ansi, and he would pay 40 for that.
So, avoid the crush group modding, all crush members and specially
Netrunner II.
A note to Netrunner II: If youre reading this, and you want to give some
excuse or even if you want to tell me why youre so stupid, email me.
The second one is astaroth, of ngd. Im sadly writing this, cause I though
he was a good artist. But he released an artpack with artwork ripped from
the acid info file, from the acid application generator and from the
oblivion menu by lord jazz. And he said he wasnt a ripper.
Well, he engaged a word fight with suicide solution, a maiden member.
Recently, suicide solution released a pack proving by 1+1 that astaroth
was a ripper.
After that, astaroth send him this message, in Aegis Wall:
Terminate image saved 17/Dec/1996 19:49
.:AEGiS WaLL VERSiON 1.o BY NuMBER SiX / aGS95:.
aih o seu merdao de SSolution!
vce eh um merdinha mesmo ein?!
seu bostinha... o negocio eh o seguinte eu RIPPEi sim seu cuh!
ripei 6 ansis na minha vida das quais toh me arrependendo agora!
o problema eh q tem caras q se apaegam a uns detalhees... que eh foda...
tipo esquece as q eu rippei ok? vce pode oia as q eu nao rippei.. as
q eu fiz p/ RUSh e depois vem falar de RiPPar!
vce eh um merdinha q nao sabe nem fazer aScii qnto muito menos ansi!
tah cheio de lamer no mercado.. hehehe.... depois vem me perguntarem como
se indentifica um lamer???.. precisa responder??? oia vce eh um exemplo..
nao sabe faze ANSi so merda e fica enchendo mu saco pois rippei 6 ansis...
vai teh catah mane!.. cm vce eh foda mesmo ein?!
Tipo vai lah na PRoductions e baixa o ascii00.zip
pelo menos e se tiver afim de ser normal... veh se para c eSSa briguinha..
ah.. fiquei sabendo q vce passou isso p/ umas 200 bbeSSeS.. seu merdinha
se vce queria me dar dor de cabeca.. conseguiu..!!!!
Well, at least I hope he learns something.
Note to Astaroth: man, I do not hate you. Suicide solution also doesnt hate
you. But you need to think a little before acting and saying anything.
You claim Suicide Solution to be lame. No, hes NOT. YOU are lame. Suicide
solution isnt the best ansi drawer, but he is trying by HIMSELF. And you?
Youre copying fonts from other artists, YOU ARE NOT CREATING! While suicide
solution is proving to be a great guy and learning more and more each day,
and getting better, YOU are proving to not have ARTISTIC SKILLS.
You must understand the idea of art. Art is not copying. Is creating.
Creating what you CAN create. Ripping will take you nowhere.
Astaroth, email me. I wanna hear what you have to say.
And if you want, we can meet personaly so you can prove that youre not a
lamer, by doing an ansi in front of me. If you want, Suicide Solution can do
the same. And remember, I dont want any kind of fight. I always resolve
my problems by conversation. Thats what I want: Conversation. Understanding.
Best regards to all.
Maiden Founder
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