this image contains text
maiden news wrote by rors
hack number 4 february 97
New year, new look for the news file! A little late
, maybe. :
This months review
Our artpacks are increasing, at the same time that we learn
more and more.
We are getting better dont ask me what can ansi/ascii art
help me in my
life, and well, it is good for now. Its still fun.
About the brazilian scene
I used to say that the brazilian art scene is very weak. Y
es it is, but at
that time, I didnt know other states scene.
Recently, I have started to appear on ansi of ircn
et. Contrary to all other
people opinnion, I think it is a good channel. I always a
ppear on it on
afternoon, usually from 13:00pm - 20:00pm. I have done some
good friends in
The question is, in this channel, I have met many other bra
zilian artists
that I didnt know yet. All of them are artists from
rio de janeiro, a
state near sao paulo my state.
Unfortunatelly, all of those artists seem to already have
a group. : They
are mostly from creators of shadow force csf
and axial force axf.
CSF was also another surprise, because it is a grou
p of ra modding, but they
are also starting to release art packs. And they are a braz
ilian group! I
didnt know that, until the day Ive downloaded one of thei
r artpacks.
CSF artpacks can be found on ftp.cdrom.com
with the name csf-*.*. They also
have a homepage, that can be found at www.geocities.com
Internet Relay Chat IRC
Anyways, I access other irc channels/servers. Here is a lis
t of the channels
and servers used, so you can find me or any maiden
member and lots of other
brazilian scene guys:
irc.neato.org anothernet
On theend, you can find members from theEnd
, the best brazilian demo group
and also a tracking group
irc.stealth.net ircnet
You can find some people on ansi, or maybe some
csf members on csf. CSF
is a brazilian art group. Also try axf, that guys
from axial force are cool
irc.cs.cmu.edu efnet
In this server, besides a huge ansi with lots of a
rtist well, they may be
artists, you can also find aif another brazilian
art group in aif.
Remember that the maiden channel can always be onl
ine on some of this
servers. If I am online in any ofem, so maiden wi
ll be opened.
Whats new on MAIDEN BRAZIL
The new TRACKING division
This month was really great for maiden. We are grow
ing each day, and this
month we have gainned a new division - a divison of tra
cked music. Tracked
music stands for that musics created on PC with instrument
samples included
in the file, that is, MOD music. It normally have the exten
sion of MOD, S3M
or XM, depending on the music number of channels, etc and
the editor used
the tracker.
I have beeing waiting to create a division like this for so
me time, but, as I
am not a musician, I couldnt do anything. Fortunatelly, we
have met some
cool guys in our way that though it was a good idea to star
t such a division.
So, here it is. Get musikd.
Toast, sweden sanctuary
As all other world domination plans I have done until
today, this one includes a wonderful lunchtime. It is
the time to eat, drink and talk about food. And for
your complete satisfaction, I have selected toast,
sysoperated by cathor, to be our swedish sanctu
ary! The a
food is good, the board is wonderful, so, enjoy! And
remember to avoid eating at mc donalds, their french
fries are made of old journal and the hamburger is made
of worms! :
Distribution sites
Artfront, finland
Now we have a distribution site in finland. It is
artfront, opered by insert of phat.
His board is beginning now to get some cool
affiliations, and a maiden distribution site is wha
t I
would call cool. : art.
Graint shot, brazil
Finally another distribution site in brazil. It is
graint shot, operated by dark vender. This
board is in
rio de janeiro, new maidens target in our
domination plans. Muahahahahahahai! :
Contrary to some peoples ideas, rio de janeiro is a
secury city. Rio 2004? Hummmmmmmmmm......
Zero, usa
We have you surrounded. Each day more and more close to
you, we will soon get you. Maiden is gonna get ya, no
matter how far.
Our new distribution site is zero, ran by blaze
more. He .
looks a cool guy and his board too. Thanks man.
Damn, I asked ZERO! ZERO! What is this guy subzero
doing here?!@*
Disembodied voices, usa
Continuing our plans of domination of the world, weve
take over a new distr site, this time in the ocidental
part of the planet. It is disembodied voices, opera
by the great redmist. It is such a great st
art, because
this board seem to be really really good and redmist is
a great guy with great ideas. voices w
ithout body
Blood thirst, brazil rj
Nice, another distribution site in rio de janeiro. This
time is blood thirst, opd by raptor, which
seems to be
24hs a day in irc.
As soon as raptor stops drinking his blood mary, Ill
talk to him so we can setup the affiliation! This guy
doesnt listen to me and aorgsf stopit noh@*@
Soulfreak, argentina
From the brazilian neighbor country, argentina, com
groove walking smoothly, bringing his board sou
with him.
Thinking about it, argentinian are the only guys from
soulth america that I have ever met in IRC or any other
thing related to the scene. Does other countries have
art groups, art boards, etc? Do you know it? If so,
please email me.. dead can dance.
Royal Voomit
Royal voomit joined maiden. What Can I say?
To the ones that dont know him, Ill tell you. He is
of the oldest and best brazilian ansi makers. I have
seen many of his artwork, but I have never saw him
doubt if he existed. Well, now he is here. Best luck
to him.
Trend Kill
Filling the space of the recent-created music division
of maiden, we welcome trend kill, metal mus
ician. Plizz ki
dont think this is trendkill aka painkiller that
ill -
was making something to someone at someplace. This is
not him. : k
We expect him to be the first of a long line of nice
kill k
guys to enter this new division of the group.
Final conclusion
My very own special greetings this month goes to suicid
e solution, our newest
artist to the scene. Hes getting better each day and thi
s month he came
up with a cool logo cluster that shows how much is he impro
ving his skills.
Im very happy to see that it is happening on maiden
. Good luck man.
And the true really ultra special greetings goes to everyon
e in maiden
brazil, that means bugs bunny, soulphur
ee, suicide solution, minotaur and
royalvoomit. Due to you, guys, this pack was re
ally great, really better
than the past months and far better than any other pack
from any brazilian
group. In other words, it rocked with true guitar d
istortion. Thanx guys.
Rorshack rorshack@sili.com.br
maiden news wrote by rors
hack number 4 february 97
New year, new look for the news file! A little late
, maybe. :
This months review
Our artpacks are increasing, at the same time that we learn
more and more.
We are getting better dont ask me what can ansi/ascii art
help me in my
life, and well, it is good for now. Its still fun.
About the brazilian scene
I used to say that the brazilian art scene is very weak. Y
es it is, but at
that time, I didnt know other states scene.
Recently, I have started to appear on ansi of ircn
et. Contrary to all other
people opinnion, I think it is a good channel. I always a
ppear on it on
afternoon, usually from 13:00pm - 20:00pm. I have done some
good friends in
The question is, in this channel, I have met many other bra
zilian artists
that I didnt know yet. All of them are artists from
rio de janeiro, a
state near sao paulo my state.
Unfortunatelly, all of those artists seem to already have
a group. : They
are mostly from creators of shadow force csf
and axial force axf.
CSF was also another surprise, because it is a grou
p of ra modding, but they
are also starting to release art packs. And they are a braz
ilian group! I
didnt know that, until the day Ive downloaded one of thei
r artpacks.
CSF artpacks can be found on ftp.cdrom.com
with the name csf-*.*. They also
have a homepage, that can be found at www.geocities.com
Internet Relay Chat IRC
Anyways, I access other irc channels/servers. Here is a lis
t of the channels
and servers used, so you can find me or any maiden
member and lots of other
brazilian scene guys:
irc.neato.org anothernet
On theend, you can find members from theEnd
, the best brazilian demo group
and also a tracking group
irc.stealth.net ircnet
You can find some people on ansi, or maybe some
csf members on csf. CSF
is a brazilian art group. Also try axf, that guys
from axial force are cool
irc.cs.cmu.edu efnet
In this server, besides a huge ansi with lots of a
rtist well, they may be
artists, you can also find aif another brazilian
art group in aif.
Remember that the maiden channel can always be onl
ine on some of this
servers. If I am online in any ofem, so maiden wi
ll be opened.
Whats new on MAIDEN BRAZIL
The new TRACKING division
This month was really great for maiden. We are grow
ing each day, and this
month we have gainned a new division - a divison of tra
cked music. Tracked
music stands for that musics created on PC with instrument
samples included
in the file, that is, MOD music. It normally have the exten
sion of MOD, S3M
or XM, depending on the music number of channels, etc and
the editor used
the tracker.
I have beeing waiting to create a division like this for so
me time, but, as I
am not a musician, I couldnt do anything. Fortunatelly, we
have met some
cool guys in our way that though it was a good idea to star
t such a division.
So, here it is. Get musikd.
Toast, sweden sanctuary
As all other world domination plans I have done until
today, this one includes a wonderful lunchtime. It is
the time to eat, drink and talk about food. And for
your complete satisfaction, I have selected toast,
sysoperated by cathor, to be our swedish sanctu
ary! The a
food is good, the board is wonderful, so, enjoy! And
remember to avoid eating at mc donalds, their french
fries are made of old journal and the hamburger is made
of worms! :
Distribution sites
Artfront, finland
Now we have a distribution site in finland. It is
artfront, opered by insert of phat.
His board is beginning now to get some cool
affiliations, and a maiden distribution site is wha
t I
would call cool. : art.
Graint shot, brazil
Finally another distribution site in brazil. It is
graint shot, operated by dark vender. This
board is in
rio de janeiro, new maidens target in our
domination plans. Muahahahahahahai! :
Contrary to some peoples ideas, rio de janeiro is a
secury city. Rio 2004? Hummmmmmmmmm......
Zero, usa
We have you surrounded. Each day more and more close to
you, we will soon get you. Maiden is gonna get ya, no
matter how far.
Our new distribution site is zero, ran by blaze
more. He .
looks a cool guy and his board too. Thanks man.
Damn, I asked ZERO! ZERO! What is this guy subzero
doing here?!@*
Disembodied voices, usa
Continuing our plans of domination of the world, weve
take over a new distr site, this time in the ocidental
part of the planet. It is disembodied voices, opera
by the great redmist. It is such a great st
art, because
this board seem to be really really good and redmist is
a great guy with great ideas. voices w
ithout body
Blood thirst, brazil rj
Nice, another distribution site in rio de janeiro. This
time is blood thirst, opd by raptor, which
seems to be
24hs a day in irc.
As soon as raptor stops drinking his blood mary, Ill
talk to him so we can setup the affiliation! This guy
doesnt listen to me and aorgsf stopit noh@*@
Soulfreak, argentina
From the brazilian neighbor country, argentina, com
groove walking smoothly, bringing his board sou
with him.
Thinking about it, argentinian are the only guys from
soulth america that I have ever met in IRC or any other
thing related to the scene. Does other countries have
art groups, art boards, etc? Do you know it? If so,
please email me.. dead can dance.
Royal Voomit
Royal voomit joined maiden. What Can I say?
To the ones that dont know him, Ill tell you. He is
of the oldest and best brazilian ansi makers. I have
seen many of his artwork, but I have never saw him
doubt if he existed. Well, now he is here. Best luck
to him.
Trend Kill
Filling the space of the recent-created music division
of maiden, we welcome trend kill, metal mus
ician. Plizz ki
dont think this is trendkill aka painkiller that
ill -
was making something to someone at someplace. This is
not him. : k
We expect him to be the first of a long line of nice
kill k
guys to enter this new division of the group.
Final conclusion
My very own special greetings this month goes to suicid
e solution, our newest
artist to the scene. Hes getting better each day and thi
s month he came
up with a cool logo cluster that shows how much is he impro
ving his skills.
Im very happy to see that it is happening on maiden
. Good luck man.
And the true really ultra special greetings goes to everyon
e in maiden
brazil, that means bugs bunny, soulphur
ee, suicide solution, minotaur and
royalvoomit. Due to you, guys, this pack was re
ally great, really better
than the past months and far better than any other pack
from any brazilian
group. In other words, it rocked with true guitar d
istortion. Thanx guys.
Rorshack rorshack@sili.com.br
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