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Innovations:TM 1994
Binary Beast here...
Well, we are back and better than before. Hello everyone, Binary
Beast here, thank you for downloading the July release. Despite a
few problems from last month, Im personally pleased with this months
release. With the acquirement of three new members, and reviving our
old World Headquarters, Evil Intentions, we are here to bring you our
lastest innovations. A personal thank toward everyone that remained
in the group and helped us though the tough times. Anyhow, I hope you
will enjoy this months pack as much as I have and still continue to
support Manifest Innvoations.
To begin with, Manifest Innvoations would like to offically welcome our
new artists, Faazy, Legendary, Lethal Outcast, and The Juice. Just
recently joined with the group, these fine individuals have contributed
to this release.
Furthermore, recongition should be awarded to our lone coder, Deranged
Evil, for his contributions to the group. Without him, I personally
dont know where we would be right now.
Finally, I extend my thanks for all those who contributed to this
Binary Beast
Manifest Senior
Innovations:TM 1994
Binary Beast here...
Well, we are back and better than before. Hello everyone, Binary
Beast here, thank you for downloading the July release. Despite a
few problems from last month, Im personally pleased with this months
release. With the acquirement of three new members, and reviving our
old World Headquarters, Evil Intentions, we are here to bring you our
lastest innovations. A personal thank toward everyone that remained
in the group and helped us though the tough times. Anyhow, I hope you
will enjoy this months pack as much as I have and still continue to
support Manifest Innvoations.
To begin with, Manifest Innvoations would like to offically welcome our
new artists, Faazy, Legendary, Lethal Outcast, and The Juice. Just
recently joined with the group, these fine individuals have contributed
to this release.
Furthermore, recongition should be awarded to our lone coder, Deranged
Evil, for his contributions to the group. Without him, I personally
dont know where we would be right now.
Finally, I extend my thanks for all those who contributed to this
Binary Beast
Manifest Senior
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