this image contains text
Kayozz can..
/ : Kayozz Miminc :
/./ / / // . / reets to Kres-1 :
. / / . /. /ariahFAT, brane :
// zibel, karachi :
: Textmode : 80x25 :
// : View in EDIT.COM :
/ // zz
s m o k e m a d b l u n t s
Produced By
::::::::: m i m i c
.. .:::::::::. .. . p r o d u c t i o n s /
/ / / s2n/mt/zz
...featuring the artist... .:. . ..
.-------- C r a i g K a y o z z --------.
-- M i m i c I n c o r p e r a t e d --
...... c r a i g k a y o z z
: : dzzz/a!
: : Craig Kayozz -- // - MimicIncorperated --
: / N T R O D U C T I O N : Welcome To My Colly You Idiots
: .............:...:.. . Welcome to my second Mimic Colly, which is .
probably not as big as M-OZZ01.TXT, but it :.. .
: should be as good. This colly was produced
in the memory of my little thug buddy bugs
.. .: diamond. View this using EDIT.COM only or .
it might look kinda unorganized. Greetings
: go out to Kresile, Karachi, Serial Toon
. Black Jack, Pariah, Dezibel, Brane, Infect :
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-ASTRO.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Crimson Skye comment.. I really like this logo..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Just when you THOUGHT it was safe...
,,, T h i s F i l e W a s L e e c h e d F r o m ...
:....: / /. zzMIMIC .
i n f o g o e s h e r e // //
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-BLEND.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Tung Lo comment.. Too cluttered..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
You just dont mess with perfection..
// zz
/ bL E N D ,,
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-BUGSY.ASC requested nope /
drew for Don Bugsy comment.. Took too long to draw..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Fuck around, and you get cAPPED@!...
Sanity- : :
/ b u g s d i a m o n s e r i e s : x xxxxxxxxxx / /
. ..:..:.. : .. . .... .. . : : -Insanity
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-ACROP.ASC requested nope /
drew for Smoke comment.. It was too long to draw..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Smile with the sinister grin to finish him..
. ..: / :.. .. zz
A / / / O L I S
: -o+b smoke :
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-DEBRS.ASC requested nope /
drew for The Reaper comment.. a little too bubbly..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Im like iodine, see me in the cut...
/ / / / : zz
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-DEZIB.ASC requested nope /
drew for Dezibel comment.. Quite i nice font.. .
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
You just dont fuck with the best....
: .. . : zz ..
:.: ,, ,, / oO
. D e z i b e l / x .
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-GOOEY.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Cat-Dog comment.. The word is too small..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
You stupid foo, go suck it like glue
Z Z Z Z ZZ :::: ......... / / ZZ Z Z Z Z
info in here.. /
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-PULSE.DIZ requested yeah /
drew for Horrid comment.. Little fileid.diz..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Money Aint a Thang.................
: :zz
Impulse BBS Software vx.xx by Horrid
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-LYNXX.ASC requested nope /
drew for Mjolnir comment.. A menu for LynxBBS..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Run, if you sell drugs to they sun..
. -infomation here-
lynx +o mso / //
/ / zz/m!a /
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-NOREG.ASC requested nope /
drew for No-One comment.. Pretty Shitty...
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Kayozz is the Dj you want on yourside
N . O . R . E . HIGHLIFE
/ / / +. 0o /.
this is what happens with a lack of requests: Noreaga - N.O.R.E
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-ONE02.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Vade 79 comment.. README.TXT for v9/ONE..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Flip it back, and you got DOG baby..
/. oO oo /Oo/z
one!v05+p by v9
.:........................................... U ........................:..
.... Start Text Here End Here :
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-PITZZ.ASC requested nope /
drew for Freak Show comment.. Login for some local guy..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
infect kayozz- is the man
p i t z o f h e l l f i r e l o g i n
/ / handle:
password: /
-,- SYSOP : . // //
// // zz
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-STACK.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Infect- comment.. Welcome Screen for SO..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
PhuzioN unf unf, jizz jizz, oh what a relief it is
: :. .: .. oOo oO /oOo
: / / ./ /. o
// // //-// zz
.. . : stack overflow
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-SUNSH.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Merlinz comment.. This is a piece of shit..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
*** Topic in ansi is : Wizy is not a brother, i repeat not a brother
i dont like this ascii at all.. ill do you another one /
/ zz
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-TOIL1.ASC requested nope /
drew for Myself.. comment.. Little Generic Menu..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
massm snoop dogg is a tree-like bitch with a low sperm count.
. massm yes, you can quote me
/ / / / / :: t o i l e t ? !
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-DVOID.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Shultas comment.. I got leech on Da Void..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
h0locaust massm rules :
: / / zz
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-WAR01.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Unholy Child comment.. for Warez and Ruckus..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Im too tired to do mroe quotes.
/ / zz
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-WAR02.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Unholy Child comment.. WAR.NFO Layout..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Sex is better then drugs?
/ / . / zz
/ w a r e z // r u c k u s /
a n d //
: r e l e a s e i n f o r m a t i o n or whatever :
ill make it bigger, if you like this
and add more!
. Mimic Incorperated: Smoke Mad Blunts .
Produced by Craig Kayozz on 08/28/98 /
/ zz
: / S m o k e M a d B l u n t s
kresile and kayozz ...
s m o k e m a d b l u n t s
/ : Kayozz Miminc :
/./ / / // . / reets to Kres-1 :
. / / . /. /ariahFAT, brane :
// zibel, karachi :
: Textmode : 80x25 :
// : View in EDIT.COM :
/ // zz
s m o k e m a d b l u n t s
Produced By
::::::::: m i m i c
.. .:::::::::. .. . p r o d u c t i o n s /
/ / / s2n/mt/zz
...featuring the artist... .:. . ..
.-------- C r a i g K a y o z z --------.
-- M i m i c I n c o r p e r a t e d --
...... c r a i g k a y o z z
: : dzzz/a!
: : Craig Kayozz -- // - MimicIncorperated --
: / N T R O D U C T I O N : Welcome To My Colly You Idiots
: .............:...:.. . Welcome to my second Mimic Colly, which is .
probably not as big as M-OZZ01.TXT, but it :.. .
: should be as good. This colly was produced
in the memory of my little thug buddy bugs
.. .: diamond. View this using EDIT.COM only or .
it might look kinda unorganized. Greetings
: go out to Kresile, Karachi, Serial Toon
. Black Jack, Pariah, Dezibel, Brane, Infect :
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-ASTRO.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Crimson Skye comment.. I really like this logo..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Just when you THOUGHT it was safe...
,,, T h i s F i l e W a s L e e c h e d F r o m ...
:....: / /. zzMIMIC .
i n f o g o e s h e r e // //
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-BLEND.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Tung Lo comment.. Too cluttered..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
You just dont mess with perfection..
// zz
/ bL E N D ,,
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-BUGSY.ASC requested nope /
drew for Don Bugsy comment.. Took too long to draw..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Fuck around, and you get cAPPED@!...
Sanity- : :
/ b u g s d i a m o n s e r i e s : x xxxxxxxxxx / /
. ..:..:.. : .. . .... .. . : : -Insanity
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-ACROP.ASC requested nope /
drew for Smoke comment.. It was too long to draw..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Smile with the sinister grin to finish him..
. ..: / :.. .. zz
A / / / O L I S
: -o+b smoke :
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-DEBRS.ASC requested nope /
drew for The Reaper comment.. a little too bubbly..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Im like iodine, see me in the cut...
/ / / / : zz
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-DEZIB.ASC requested nope /
drew for Dezibel comment.. Quite i nice font.. .
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
You just dont fuck with the best....
: .. . : zz ..
:.: ,, ,, / oO
. D e z i b e l / x .
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-GOOEY.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Cat-Dog comment.. The word is too small..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
You stupid foo, go suck it like glue
Z Z Z Z ZZ :::: ......... / / ZZ Z Z Z Z
info in here.. /
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-PULSE.DIZ requested yeah /
drew for Horrid comment.. Little fileid.diz..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Money Aint a Thang.................
: :zz
Impulse BBS Software vx.xx by Horrid
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-LYNXX.ASC requested nope /
drew for Mjolnir comment.. A menu for LynxBBS..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Run, if you sell drugs to they sun..
. -infomation here-
lynx +o mso / //
/ / zz/m!a /
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-NOREG.ASC requested nope /
drew for No-One comment.. Pretty Shitty...
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Kayozz is the Dj you want on yourside
N . O . R . E . HIGHLIFE
/ / / +. 0o /.
this is what happens with a lack of requests: Noreaga - N.O.R.E
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-ONE02.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Vade 79 comment.. README.TXT for v9/ONE..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Flip it back, and you got DOG baby..
/. oO oo /Oo/z
one!v05+p by v9
.:........................................... U ........................:..
.... Start Text Here End Here :
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-PITZZ.ASC requested nope /
drew for Freak Show comment.. Login for some local guy..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
infect kayozz- is the man
p i t z o f h e l l f i r e l o g i n
/ / handle:
password: /
-,- SYSOP : . // //
// // zz
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-STACK.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Infect- comment.. Welcome Screen for SO..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
PhuzioN unf unf, jizz jizz, oh what a relief it is
: :. .: .. oOo oO /oOo
: / / ./ /. o
// // //-// zz
.. . : stack overflow
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-SUNSH.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Merlinz comment.. This is a piece of shit..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
*** Topic in ansi is : Wizy is not a brother, i repeat not a brother
i dont like this ascii at all.. ill do you another one /
/ zz
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-TOIL1.ASC requested nope /
drew for Myself.. comment.. Little Generic Menu..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
massm snoop dogg is a tree-like bitch with a low sperm count.
. massm yes, you can quote me
/ / / / / :: t o i l e t ? !
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-DVOID.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Shultas comment.. I got leech on Da Void..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
h0locaust massm rules :
: / / zz
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-WAR01.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Unholy Child comment.. for Warez and Ruckus..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Im too tired to do mroe quotes.
/ / zz
-,- -- Head on a stick / / MOKE / AD ./ / ONG
o / /
Ascii Informational // / // //
filename ZZ-WAR02.ASC requested yeah /
drew for Unholy Child comment.. WAR.NFO Layout..
.,l, .. . .. . . .. . . . .
Sex is better then drugs?
/ / . / zz
/ w a r e z // r u c k u s /
a n d //
: r e l e a s e i n f o r m a t i o n or whatever :
ill make it bigger, if you like this
and add more!
. Mimic Incorperated: Smoke Mad Blunts .
Produced by Craig Kayozz on 08/28/98 /
/ zz
: / S m o k e M a d B l u n t s
kresile and kayozz ...
s m o k e m a d b l u n t s
log in to add a comment.