this image contains text
M I M I C - 1 4
hey everybody.. wisekid here, just keeping active by putting a few asciis
ive done into a nice little text file for the masses.
once again my email is - jediarts@mobsters.com - for anyone who wants ascii
.... peace, wisekid!
- meaningless - its meaningless - its meaningless - its meaningless -
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says cryp2nite ::/::::::::: :::
::::: / / // :::::wk
::::: c r y p 2 n i t e ::::: :::::
- i take the hold - i take the hold - i take the hold - i take the hold -
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says technical ::/::::::::: :::
// / / wk/
-its mindlessness -its mindlessness -its mindlessness -its mindlessness-
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says classical ::/::::::::: :::
- i bled for days - i bled for days - i bled for days - i bled for days -
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says evasively ::/::::::::: :::
/ / wk
- uselessness - its uselessness - its uselessness - its uselessness -
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says dark sides ::/::::::::: :::
- i make my weapons - make my weapons - make my weapons - take the hold -
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says 152 2x ::/::::::::: :::
: . / ./. o n e
: / : f i v e
/ t w o
:::::::::: // ::::::::::wk
- -----:::::-152--/- o n e f i v e t w o -/--152-:::::----- -
.--M I M I C----------.
//------------1 4------
lyrics stolen from static-X
wisekid owns me
greets to shore boy posse - im fucken cold right now.
i love wrestling! talk to me about wrestling!
find me in mimic ascii efnet
ill see you guys later. /
hey everybody.. wisekid here, just keeping active by putting a few asciis
ive done into a nice little text file for the masses.
once again my email is - jediarts@mobsters.com - for anyone who wants ascii
.... peace, wisekid!
- meaningless - its meaningless - its meaningless - its meaningless -
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says cryp2nite ::/::::::::: :::
::::: / / // :::::wk
::::: c r y p 2 n i t e ::::: :::::
- i take the hold - i take the hold - i take the hold - i take the hold -
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says technical ::/::::::::: :::
// / / wk/
-its mindlessness -its mindlessness -its mindlessness -its mindlessness-
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says classical ::/::::::::: :::
- i bled for days - i bled for days - i bled for days - i bled for days -
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says evasively ::/::::::::: :::
/ / wk
- uselessness - its uselessness - its uselessness - its uselessness -
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says dark sides ::/::::::::: :::
- i make my weapons - make my weapons - make my weapons - take the hold -
::: ::::::::/:: ascii says 152 2x ::/::::::::: :::
: . / ./. o n e
: / : f i v e
/ t w o
:::::::::: // ::::::::::wk
- -----:::::-152--/- o n e f i v e t w o -/--152-:::::----- -
.--M I M I C----------.
//------------1 4------
lyrics stolen from static-X
wisekid owns me
greets to shore boy posse - im fucken cold right now.
i love wrestling! talk to me about wrestling!
find me in mimic ascii efnet
ill see you guys later. /
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