this image contains text
KPN SSSSS7 7 7 7 7 ,ydy, , 7b, b, 7b, b, 7 , 7, 7 lb, ,y,7 , ,ydb, 7by,,d7777, 7b,..,,yyyyyyyyyySS l 7 l , 7 ,l lb, ,y,7 7 ,b, 7by,,d7777, ,b, yyyyyyyyyb, l ,b, 7yy ,yy,, , l 7 7 SS, ,yyyyyySS ,yy ,dl ,d ll ,d l d,dl 7b ll . 7b b, yb,. 7, b, 7byyyyyyyyy,. b, Sby, i b,. b, Syydbyb, 4 yy4
4 KpnMMc
Hi, this pic was done by Kingpin Octopus of Mimic /
greets to all the ppl i know and especially to those who
know me . Here are some of em Black Jack, Jason, Johan,
Bmxmen, X-rocker, Mr.Wrong, Genick, Cia, Hrg, Hood, to all
Mimic guys. /
4 KpnMMc
Hi, this pic was done by Kingpin Octopus of Mimic /
greets to all the ppl i know and especially to those who
know me . Here are some of em Black Jack, Jason, Johan,
Bmxmen, X-rocker, Mr.Wrong, Genick, Cia, Hrg, Hood, to all
Mimic guys. /
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