this image contains text
- -- sOf -------------------------- tHIs fILe wAs aBUsEd bY tHe aBOve -- -
D A R T / / A / G N A N
/ l /
sCf -T!
t W i S T E D .:::: .:::: gROOVY pEOPLE pRODUCTiONS95
..... :::::::::-rLF/-T! :::::
d A R A G N A N d E V i A O R h O W i R E r E L i E f
: C A R F A C E A L - o N E A N G O w E B E R :
::::: H R E A z :::::
a f e l l o w i n m a t e o f t h i s i n s a n e c r e w
.l // .
l /
/ // p r o d u c t i o n s
a n d t h e e v e r l a s t i n g 2 4 h r p a r t y g r o u p
: G F O R C E : E C R O F G :
tG /
p R E S E N t S
--------------- / / / // /---cRiME pAYS!--- -- -
/tR! -T!/ // / // / / / /
DArtagnan pROdUCtiON 2!
/ //-wk!: :
--- Oh lord, can this be true? YES it is, dtn is .......
back and hopefully active again. Im not going ......:
to sit here and bullshit about how busy Ive .......
been, you know its not true, I know its not .......
true im just lazy 8. : :
For all of you that know me, I took over : :
leadership of TwisteD and well did a pretty : :
piss poor job of keeping it pumping those :.....:
releases out. So now im releasing under two .......
labels I hope blkjack doesnt care :. So in : :
answer to some of your questions.. YES Twisted :.....:
is still around and if you wish to apply for .......
membership to Twisted then send an email with
sample attached to twisted@artlover.com, we .
will review your application and write you back .
ASAP. *** NOTE *** OLD SCHOOL need ONLY apply. . ...:.... .
Now on a personal note, Ive another child on to .
be born in the month of May its a boy, Im stoked
so if you dont see anything from me within the
next month or so. Im sure my sleepless nights of
a newborn crying will be the cause.
Thats it from me, until the next colly.
Oh yeah, this ascii col is dedicated to ...........
scorpik/Absolute! WHERE ARE YOU MAN?!?! 8 Im still
listening to your tunes dude. MAKE MORE!
t w i s t e d :::: :
:::: N D E ::::
:::: aSCii ................. ::::
:::: ............ liGHtfOrce ::::
:::: aerO sOuls ............ ::::
:::: ............ bLACk hOle 4 ::::
:::: 5 diStAnt sAnity ........ ::::
:::: ..........dArk diSAStEr 6 ::::
:::: 7 mEMbErs Only .......... ::::
:::: .................. mENu 8 ::::
:::: 9 dARkUS ................ ::::
:::: ................ PRiVCD ::::
:::: PHXiSO ................ ::::
:::: .............. MiMiC ::::
:::: MiMiC ............... ::::
:::: .............. MiMiC 4 ::::
:::: 5 cOnspriacy lOgo .... ::::
:::: .....cOnspriacy lOgo 6 ::::
:::: 7 bLACk jACk ............ ::::
:::: ............... cAt-dOg 8 ::::
:::: 9 hARDY ................. ::::
:::: ............... rEMORSE ::::
:::: lAME .................. ::::
:::: ................ cHRIST :::: . .. .....
:::: :::: m i m i c
. : . logo number
. / / / text : aSCii
for : DArtagnan
c r i m e p a y s :
a, -- aSCii aRt sECtiOn ------.
......7 . F
.....::*w d enter what ever crap /
::::: :::: w F . you want to here...
::::.::L FJ :
** JL
w1 lj ----------- -- - ----- ----
. : . logo number
. / / / text : LiGHTfORCE
for : zOLTRIX
c r i m e p a y s :
l i g h t f o r c e - -- --- -+- -
l l l l l l
.. j lj lj j j j :
l l .
l lj l l l l l
dtnj lj lj ljj lj lj lj lj .
. : . logo number 3
. / / / text : aEROSOULS
for : hASHIE
c r i m e p a y s :
.......l l *w.
.....:::: j jo
::::: :::: l JF JF
::::.::: l -dtn
....... lj l
:::::.... l 7
...... :::: l.*w
:::::: :::: w
:::::: :::: l l L F
:::::: :::: lj lj j**
. : . logo number 4
. / / / text : bLACk hOLE
for : iCEMAN
c r i m e p a y s :
... .. F .
l l d Y
j F
l J
l l l JL
dtnlj..j..lw1 lj
. .. . ... . ......x bLACk hOLe x...... :
: l ll ll l :
:....: j .
: l :
: l l l :..
.. lj lj j lj :
. : . logo number 5
. / / / text : dISTANT sANITY
for : pSYK
c r i m e p a y s :
L ..........
W .. :::: :::x* ....
J :::: :::::l .......... .......... :::: - 2000 -.
*LF... :::: :::::::! ......:::::::::: :::::::::::........
.-- P :::: ::::........Q. ::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::
J F :::: ::::::::
-- @-- K ----- diStANt sANIty ---------- :::.::::::: -
sysop: psyk :::: ::::::: F . /
:::: :::::: JF a 0l lj l / /
coss.. :::: :::::: JFJ . / /
:::: :::::: Qw
blah blah :::: ::::::l 0
:::.:::::: l 0lj ljlj
. : . logo number 6
. / / / text : dARK dISASTER
for : **UNKNOWN**
c r i m e p a y s :
J ,. , JF
*LF gF3L j. / F@
P ,F 0 LKJ F
d J F
J F 0 @F
@ K / K dtn
l l l l
l l l lj j j
l ljl l l ljl l
j lj lj lj lj lj
accidents always happen in the dark....
. : . logo number 7
. / / / text : mEMBERS oNLY
for : zOLTRIX
c r i m e p a y s :
l l l l l l j .
/ j / j jl
j :
: dtn
l l .
l l l
l l l l l l l .
lj lj lj lj lj lj lj
-- -+-- - members only - -- :::::.::::: :::::::::.::::::::.::::
. : . logo number 8
. / / / text : mENU
for : kAYOZZ
c r i m e p a y s :
/ l l l . / /
- - -- --------- / j l ------------
l ! dtn
--------------l l l l ------- -- - -
/ / lj lj lj lj /
. : . logo number 9
. / / / text : dARKUS
for : dARKUS
c r i m e p a y s :
l l l l Y
j . l
l l l l l l
j lj lj lj lj ljdtn
. : . logo number
. / / / text : PRiVCD
for : PRiVCD
c r i m e p a y s :
:::: ::::::::::: ::::::: a, L
::::.:::::::::: ::::,4 a dtn
:::: :::: ::: . F W
a d J
PRiVCD Proudly . , F *LF
Presents JL
w1J F
@ K
. : . logo number
. / / / text : Phoenix ISO
for : PHXiSO
c r i m e p a y s :
..... ::: - -+- P h O E n I x i S o -+- - :::
::: ::::: Rackkin, machv, :::
::: blah blah or nuke :::
::: this part.. :::
::: l l l l l l Y yeeehaaaw : :::
::: j l : :::
::: lj l j :::
::: : . w. :
::: : P o :
::: JF JF :
::: lj l l l l ll Pm*w. *o* .:
::: lj lj lj lj lj P w :::
::: 3r :::
::: dtn :::
::: sLAPPiNG yOu wITh iSos sINCe 99 F , ,- :::
. : . logo number
. / / / text : cSC
for : cOnspiracy
c r i m e p a y s :
:::::::::: :::::::::: c O N S p I r A C y
:::::::::: :::::::::: Continuation Of Non
:::::::::: :::::::::: Stop PIRACY
/ - -- -------- - ----dtn- -+
. : . logo number 3
. / / / text : CSC
for : cOnspiracy
c r i m e p a y s :
.-dtn- a, ----------- a,------------------------------ /------.
a a /
/ F F .x cONSPiRACy x. /
F d 7 F d
J *w J Continuation Of Non Stop PIRACY!
-- w1 L F w1 ------------------------------------/---
. : . logo number 4
. / / / text : mIMIC
for : mIMIC cREW 2
c r i m e p a y s :
l l
/ / lj
l l lj
: dtn :
. : . logo number 5
. / / / text : mIMIC FileID
for : mIMIC cREW 2
c r i m e p a y s :
-dtn.::::----.:::------ 2 -----.
.::::. ::.:::::. p r e s e n t s
mIMiC .:::::::::. On ??/??/00
---------- file name here ----------
. : . logo number 6
. / / / text : mIMIC pROdUCtIOns
for : mIMIC cREW 2
c r i m e p a y s :
M i M i C .::::. ::.:::::. P R o D U C t i O N S
. : . logo number 7
. / / / text : bLACK jACK
for : bLACK jACK
c r i m e p a y s :
l l l l Y
j lj j
l dtn
l l l l l .... .
lj j ljj lj l l l Y
.l. lj j
l l l l
j ljj lj
. : . logo number 8
. / / / text : CatDog
for : CatDog
c r i m e p a y s :
a, JL,w
a ,c,
F gF3L
----------- F d ,F 0 JF -------------------------------------------
J d JF
JL m
w1 / ......
l l l
---------------------- ---dtn------------------
l l l
j lj lj
. : . logo number 9
. / / / text : hARDY
for : Cat-Dog
c r i m e p a y s :
.. h A R D Y ... ...
..... lj l .d...
. l l. t :
. lllj lj lj n :
. : . logo number
. / / / text : rEMORSE
for : rEMORSE aSCii
c r i m e p a y s :
l l l l l jl
j j / jl j
l l l
l l l l l l l
dtn lj lj lj lj lj lj lj
. : . logo number
. / / / text : Lame
for : Lame :
c r i m e p a y s :
.: :. l
. : ./ j
l : . : l
l :...: :
dtn j lj lj
. : . logo number
. / / / text : Christ
for : Black Jack
c r i m e p a y s :
::.:::::::::: ::::::::::: dtn :::: :::::................. ::::
j E S U S ? ? ? ? :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::
y o u h a v e j u s t v i e w e d
/ / / / / / //- c r i m e
. / / / p a y s
/ /nUP!
P l e a s e t a k e y o u r e m p t y p o p c o r n
b a g s t o t h e t r a s h c a n b e f o r e
y o u l e a v e t h e t h e a t r e .
H o p e y o u e n j o y e d t h e s h o w
// M i M i C /
tR!/ / / / / / / /-T!
/ M i M i C //
: . w! :
. l . l l/ l -/
l / / // /
l / / / l l ./
l l
- ----sTZ!/sE 96----------------------/---------/----
.- l l- /--------------------------------------------------------.
E-Mail: sys-admin@hempseed.com
Http:// cOMING sOOn
IRCNet: aSCii aNSi
EFNet: aSCii
ICQ: Ask me for it, I dont give it out to everyone
Current Groups: Twisted, Mimic, G-Force, Conspiracy,
Previous Groups: Whale, Honey, Over The Top, RBSiSO, CB4,
Requests: EVERYONE Please do me some Conspiracy, dtn Network,
dtn and DArtagnan logos for me, Thank you in
.- ll l/l/l,l l--. /-------------/-------------------.
Greetings and Respects in *NO* particular order........................
Count Zero, Kurgan, U-man, Mogue, Tango, Relief, Scarface, Princip, 243
Gozz, Qen, Wraith, Zoltrix, Genghis Khan, Hotwire, Speed Devil, Folar
Boheme, Bohemoth, Rasta, Rancid, Psyche, Muse, Dvize, Acidkid, Sal-one
Daffy Duck, Devistator, Whirlwind, Sigma, Trooper, Whodini, Necromancer
Treach, H2o, Baffle, Distler, Ramirez, Mark Ryder, Candyman, MFM, PCP
Danzig, Axeblade, Fatal, Cybergod, Tommy, Harpoon, Java, Chrombacher
Dew, Lacoste, Manta, Juan, Kid Curry, Lord, Hijack, 2fast, Nike, Franky
Crisp, Flash, Don Dog, Stain, Fungus, Cesspool, Javis, Shock-G, Wise-k
Stezotehic, Ramone, Red Demon, Karma, Shapechanger, B, Warchild, Slime
Screem, Vietcong, Ecs, Recall, Zinko, Pride, Trance, Gunda, Grimlock
Dmg, Shadower, Exocet, Vinzi, Acidflash, Javis, Zues, Misfit, LordChoas
Ranx, Strauss, Trivial, Dino, Threaz, Ensam, Boone, Desoto, Xcluziwe
Rapid, Newt, Agony, Sandman, Stash, Nemesis, Crusader, Splatter, phobia
MicFlair, Hash, Demolee, Daytona, Soxius, Artic Cat, Radavi, Exile
Squale, Mess, Cyberlife, Black Jack, Fury, Enzo, Diablo, Warhammer
i know i forgot many of you, im sorry
well actually im not .. but im tired :
bitch at me @ sys-admin@hempseed.com
./ l/ l/ /.
ll /lll /lll /
./ C R i M E P A Y S
- TwiSteD --- APR/15/00 --- MiMiC -
- -- eOf -------------------------- Groovy People Productions -- --- -
D A R T / / A / G N A N
/ l /
sCf -T!
t W i S T E D .:::: .:::: gROOVY pEOPLE pRODUCTiONS95
..... :::::::::-rLF/-T! :::::
d A R A G N A N d E V i A O R h O W i R E r E L i E f
: C A R F A C E A L - o N E A N G O w E B E R :
::::: H R E A z :::::
a f e l l o w i n m a t e o f t h i s i n s a n e c r e w
.l // .
l /
/ // p r o d u c t i o n s
a n d t h e e v e r l a s t i n g 2 4 h r p a r t y g r o u p
: G F O R C E : E C R O F G :
tG /
p R E S E N t S
--------------- / / / // /---cRiME pAYS!--- -- -
/tR! -T!/ // / // / / / /
DArtagnan pROdUCtiON 2!
/ //-wk!: :
--- Oh lord, can this be true? YES it is, dtn is .......
back and hopefully active again. Im not going ......:
to sit here and bullshit about how busy Ive .......
been, you know its not true, I know its not .......
true im just lazy 8. : :
For all of you that know me, I took over : :
leadership of TwisteD and well did a pretty : :
piss poor job of keeping it pumping those :.....:
releases out. So now im releasing under two .......
labels I hope blkjack doesnt care :. So in : :
answer to some of your questions.. YES Twisted :.....:
is still around and if you wish to apply for .......
membership to Twisted then send an email with
sample attached to twisted@artlover.com, we .
will review your application and write you back .
ASAP. *** NOTE *** OLD SCHOOL need ONLY apply. . ...:.... .
Now on a personal note, Ive another child on to .
be born in the month of May its a boy, Im stoked
so if you dont see anything from me within the
next month or so. Im sure my sleepless nights of
a newborn crying will be the cause.
Thats it from me, until the next colly.
Oh yeah, this ascii col is dedicated to ...........
scorpik/Absolute! WHERE ARE YOU MAN?!?! 8 Im still
listening to your tunes dude. MAKE MORE!
t w i s t e d :::: :
:::: N D E ::::
:::: aSCii ................. ::::
:::: ............ liGHtfOrce ::::
:::: aerO sOuls ............ ::::
:::: ............ bLACk hOle 4 ::::
:::: 5 diStAnt sAnity ........ ::::
:::: ..........dArk diSAStEr 6 ::::
:::: 7 mEMbErs Only .......... ::::
:::: .................. mENu 8 ::::
:::: 9 dARkUS ................ ::::
:::: ................ PRiVCD ::::
:::: PHXiSO ................ ::::
:::: .............. MiMiC ::::
:::: MiMiC ............... ::::
:::: .............. MiMiC 4 ::::
:::: 5 cOnspriacy lOgo .... ::::
:::: .....cOnspriacy lOgo 6 ::::
:::: 7 bLACk jACk ............ ::::
:::: ............... cAt-dOg 8 ::::
:::: 9 hARDY ................. ::::
:::: ............... rEMORSE ::::
:::: lAME .................. ::::
:::: ................ cHRIST :::: . .. .....
:::: :::: m i m i c
. : . logo number
. / / / text : aSCii
for : DArtagnan
c r i m e p a y s :
a, -- aSCii aRt sECtiOn ------.
......7 . F
.....::*w d enter what ever crap /
::::: :::: w F . you want to here...
::::.::L FJ :
** JL
w1 lj ----------- -- - ----- ----
. : . logo number
. / / / text : LiGHTfORCE
for : zOLTRIX
c r i m e p a y s :
l i g h t f o r c e - -- --- -+- -
l l l l l l
.. j lj lj j j j :
l l .
l lj l l l l l
dtnj lj lj ljj lj lj lj lj .
. : . logo number 3
. / / / text : aEROSOULS
for : hASHIE
c r i m e p a y s :
.......l l *w.
.....:::: j jo
::::: :::: l JF JF
::::.::: l -dtn
....... lj l
:::::.... l 7
...... :::: l.*w
:::::: :::: w
:::::: :::: l l L F
:::::: :::: lj lj j**
. : . logo number 4
. / / / text : bLACk hOLE
for : iCEMAN
c r i m e p a y s :
... .. F .
l l d Y
j F
l J
l l l JL
dtnlj..j..lw1 lj
. .. . ... . ......x bLACk hOLe x...... :
: l ll ll l :
:....: j .
: l :
: l l l :..
.. lj lj j lj :
. : . logo number 5
. / / / text : dISTANT sANITY
for : pSYK
c r i m e p a y s :
L ..........
W .. :::: :::x* ....
J :::: :::::l .......... .......... :::: - 2000 -.
*LF... :::: :::::::! ......:::::::::: :::::::::::........
.-- P :::: ::::........Q. ::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::
J F :::: ::::::::
-- @-- K ----- diStANt sANIty ---------- :::.::::::: -
sysop: psyk :::: ::::::: F . /
:::: :::::: JF a 0l lj l / /
coss.. :::: :::::: JFJ . / /
:::: :::::: Qw
blah blah :::: ::::::l 0
:::.:::::: l 0lj ljlj
. : . logo number 6
. / / / text : dARK dISASTER
for : **UNKNOWN**
c r i m e p a y s :
J ,. , JF
*LF gF3L j. / F@
P ,F 0 LKJ F
d J F
J F 0 @F
@ K / K dtn
l l l l
l l l lj j j
l ljl l l ljl l
j lj lj lj lj lj
accidents always happen in the dark....
. : . logo number 7
. / / / text : mEMBERS oNLY
for : zOLTRIX
c r i m e p a y s :
l l l l l l j .
/ j / j jl
j :
: dtn
l l .
l l l
l l l l l l l .
lj lj lj lj lj lj lj
-- -+-- - members only - -- :::::.::::: :::::::::.::::::::.::::
. : . logo number 8
. / / / text : mENU
for : kAYOZZ
c r i m e p a y s :
/ l l l . / /
- - -- --------- / j l ------------
l ! dtn
--------------l l l l ------- -- - -
/ / lj lj lj lj /
. : . logo number 9
. / / / text : dARKUS
for : dARKUS
c r i m e p a y s :
l l l l Y
j . l
l l l l l l
j lj lj lj lj ljdtn
. : . logo number
. / / / text : PRiVCD
for : PRiVCD
c r i m e p a y s :
:::: ::::::::::: ::::::: a, L
::::.:::::::::: ::::,4 a dtn
:::: :::: ::: . F W
a d J
PRiVCD Proudly . , F *LF
Presents JL
w1J F
@ K
. : . logo number
. / / / text : Phoenix ISO
for : PHXiSO
c r i m e p a y s :
..... ::: - -+- P h O E n I x i S o -+- - :::
::: ::::: Rackkin, machv, :::
::: blah blah or nuke :::
::: this part.. :::
::: l l l l l l Y yeeehaaaw : :::
::: j l : :::
::: lj l j :::
::: : . w. :
::: : P o :
::: JF JF :
::: lj l l l l ll Pm*w. *o* .:
::: lj lj lj lj lj P w :::
::: 3r :::
::: dtn :::
::: sLAPPiNG yOu wITh iSos sINCe 99 F , ,- :::
. : . logo number
. / / / text : cSC
for : cOnspiracy
c r i m e p a y s :
:::::::::: :::::::::: c O N S p I r A C y
:::::::::: :::::::::: Continuation Of Non
:::::::::: :::::::::: Stop PIRACY
/ - -- -------- - ----dtn- -+
. : . logo number 3
. / / / text : CSC
for : cOnspiracy
c r i m e p a y s :
.-dtn- a, ----------- a,------------------------------ /------.
a a /
/ F F .x cONSPiRACy x. /
F d 7 F d
J *w J Continuation Of Non Stop PIRACY!
-- w1 L F w1 ------------------------------------/---
. : . logo number 4
. / / / text : mIMIC
for : mIMIC cREW 2
c r i m e p a y s :
l l
/ / lj
l l lj
: dtn :
. : . logo number 5
. / / / text : mIMIC FileID
for : mIMIC cREW 2
c r i m e p a y s :
-dtn.::::----.:::------ 2 -----.
.::::. ::.:::::. p r e s e n t s
mIMiC .:::::::::. On ??/??/00
---------- file name here ----------
. : . logo number 6
. / / / text : mIMIC pROdUCtIOns
for : mIMIC cREW 2
c r i m e p a y s :
M i M i C .::::. ::.:::::. P R o D U C t i O N S
. : . logo number 7
. / / / text : bLACK jACK
for : bLACK jACK
c r i m e p a y s :
l l l l Y
j lj j
l dtn
l l l l l .... .
lj j ljj lj l l l Y
.l. lj j
l l l l
j ljj lj
. : . logo number 8
. / / / text : CatDog
for : CatDog
c r i m e p a y s :
a, JL,w
a ,c,
F gF3L
----------- F d ,F 0 JF -------------------------------------------
J d JF
JL m
w1 / ......
l l l
---------------------- ---dtn------------------
l l l
j lj lj
. : . logo number 9
. / / / text : hARDY
for : Cat-Dog
c r i m e p a y s :
.. h A R D Y ... ...
..... lj l .d...
. l l. t :
. lllj lj lj n :
. : . logo number
. / / / text : rEMORSE
for : rEMORSE aSCii
c r i m e p a y s :
l l l l l jl
j j / jl j
l l l
l l l l l l l
dtn lj lj lj lj lj lj lj
. : . logo number
. / / / text : Lame
for : Lame :
c r i m e p a y s :
.: :. l
. : ./ j
l : . : l
l :...: :
dtn j lj lj
. : . logo number
. / / / text : Christ
for : Black Jack
c r i m e p a y s :
::.:::::::::: ::::::::::: dtn :::: :::::................. ::::
j E S U S ? ? ? ? :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::
y o u h a v e j u s t v i e w e d
/ / / / / / //- c r i m e
. / / / p a y s
/ /nUP!
P l e a s e t a k e y o u r e m p t y p o p c o r n
b a g s t o t h e t r a s h c a n b e f o r e
y o u l e a v e t h e t h e a t r e .
H o p e y o u e n j o y e d t h e s h o w
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E-Mail: sys-admin@hempseed.com
Http:// cOMING sOOn
IRCNet: aSCii aNSi
EFNet: aSCii
ICQ: Ask me for it, I dont give it out to everyone
Current Groups: Twisted, Mimic, G-Force, Conspiracy,
Previous Groups: Whale, Honey, Over The Top, RBSiSO, CB4,
Requests: EVERYONE Please do me some Conspiracy, dtn Network,
dtn and DArtagnan logos for me, Thank you in
.- ll l/l/l,l l--. /-------------/-------------------.
Greetings and Respects in *NO* particular order........................
Count Zero, Kurgan, U-man, Mogue, Tango, Relief, Scarface, Princip, 243
Gozz, Qen, Wraith, Zoltrix, Genghis Khan, Hotwire, Speed Devil, Folar
Boheme, Bohemoth, Rasta, Rancid, Psyche, Muse, Dvize, Acidkid, Sal-one
Daffy Duck, Devistator, Whirlwind, Sigma, Trooper, Whodini, Necromancer
Treach, H2o, Baffle, Distler, Ramirez, Mark Ryder, Candyman, MFM, PCP
Danzig, Axeblade, Fatal, Cybergod, Tommy, Harpoon, Java, Chrombacher
Dew, Lacoste, Manta, Juan, Kid Curry, Lord, Hijack, 2fast, Nike, Franky
Crisp, Flash, Don Dog, Stain, Fungus, Cesspool, Javis, Shock-G, Wise-k
Stezotehic, Ramone, Red Demon, Karma, Shapechanger, B, Warchild, Slime
Screem, Vietcong, Ecs, Recall, Zinko, Pride, Trance, Gunda, Grimlock
Dmg, Shadower, Exocet, Vinzi, Acidflash, Javis, Zues, Misfit, LordChoas
Ranx, Strauss, Trivial, Dino, Threaz, Ensam, Boone, Desoto, Xcluziwe
Rapid, Newt, Agony, Sandman, Stash, Nemesis, Crusader, Splatter, phobia
MicFlair, Hash, Demolee, Daytona, Soxius, Artic Cat, Radavi, Exile
Squale, Mess, Cyberlife, Black Jack, Fury, Enzo, Diablo, Warhammer
i know i forgot many of you, im sorry
well actually im not .. but im tired :
bitch at me @ sys-admin@hempseed.com
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./ C R i M E P A Y S
- TwiSteD --- APR/15/00 --- MiMiC -
- -- eOf -------------------------- Groovy People Productions -- --- -
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