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manyquestions7ACONTROLLEDSTUDYIN. RANDOMINITY.7,. ,dbutnoanswers. instereowhereavailable.S. 7 77 , 77 77.,d b. 777 .ad b. 77.4 7 .ad 7.4 .ad7 ... mimic7.4 .b 7.4 .b, 7 .47 .. 7 7 .. 7 7.4 .. nnnnnnn4 .. 7 7,ad i dedicate this ascii to quality control. 7 d .7b 7 . b.7b,*7 b. b.7 b,. b.7 b. 7 b .47 . 7 7 ,, .47 1000 b. ,dba,.*77 .4b, 77 void b. dba,.*7 .4b moments 7 dba,.4b 7 7 da,7 b 77*77 7 d 7 . 77 running *77 7,d 7 d . 7 out of .,.*7 d7 d 7*,d b time.... .47 ,d .,d d .47 ........,d 7 .d7 d 7 .d7.ad ............................. 7.ad7,d b.b.77 ,d7.b.b.7 d7,db.b. 7 . b.b. . /b. lba, b.b. . /b. :ba, b.b.bnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn../b.. b.b.b. b.b.7b. b.b.7 b. b.b.7 7 .47.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn7 .,ad7 .47.47 .,ad7 .47.477bad7 .47.47 APYOURHAN 7SS7 .47.47 CLAPYOURHANDS 7**77 .47.4 CLAPYOURHANDS .,,. 7nnnnnnnnnn7 .47.4b CLAPYOURHANDS db,
7 .47.47 , APYOURHAN ,db7 7.47 db,...,d7 ,ad 4 d ,ad b 77 b, 7**7 baadb. ,,. 7 what b. b meworry? 7**7b 7ba,..,d 7 ,, 77 ,d db,.,d b 7. 7 7b 7 7.4b, 7b 7 7.4b 7 .47 d7 d 47 7 d7 7.mmm, b ba,.7 7.4 --
b b, 77 7.4 .
b b .47.4--drifting like a
b,,,,,,,,,,,, .47.4 s t o n e d dog
.47.4b. :
7.4b. -- , -- ,
7.4b , : ,
..........b.7 , ,
b.b.7 - .
b.b.. :
b.b.. /
7**7b.b.. / ---7 7b.b.. -- b.b.. : :
b. .db.b.
i hope youve enjoyed our time together.
7 .47.47 , APYOURHAN ,db7 7.47 db,...,d7 ,ad 4 d ,ad b 77 b, 7**7 baadb. ,,. 7 what b. b meworry? 7**7b 7ba,..,d 7 ,, 77 ,d db,.,d b 7. 7 7b 7 7.4b, 7b 7 7.4b 7 .47 d7 d 47 7 d7 7.mmm, b ba,.7 7.4 --
b b, 77 7.4 .
b b .47.4--drifting like a
b,,,,,,,,,,,, .47.4 s t o n e d dog
.47.4b. :
7.4b. -- , -- ,
7.4b , : ,
..........b.7 , ,
b.b.7 - .
b.b.. :
b.b.. /
7**7b.b.. / ---7 7b.b.. -- b.b.. : :
b. .db.b.
i hope youve enjoyed our time together.
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