this image contains text
Thats really entertaining. Seriously. Read it. Thats the best conversation
ive ever had on mimic. Ive even edited the colors for better understanding.
And god knows im a lazy bastard.
- David
The greatest conversation on mimic.
Featuring :
+-- david as aeternam
+-- robin as drshizuma
+-- jeff as black jack
+-- lame as lame
The plot: David talked to a girl in his city bus. And his dick was out of his
Start of mimic buffer: Fri Jun 09 20:35:14 2000
this town and meeting new people
blkjack Where ya moving out to? :
lame Edmonton!
blkjack In latest news
lame Ill give you the url for the apartment :
lame Heh, SO i am hearing
blkjack David how could you NOT notice?!
david i didnt
david thats all
blkjack Did you walk all the way to the busstop like that?
blkjack What the fuck?!
lame hahahah
david no
david i crouched when i entered the bus
david thats prolly when it got off
blkjack I see...
blkjack Man
blkjack You know what wouldve been perfect? If she had
grabbed your dick started licking it.
blkjack But she didnt, sucka.
lame haha
blkjack David, man
blkjack I didnt know your actual dick was hanging out.
blkjack Man
blkjack You dumb dumb ass :
*** blkjack is now known as jeff
lame Was it actually hanging out? not just visible?
robin huh?
*** jeff is now known as jeff
jeff WOO
david my shirt was in my pants
jeff It was visible.
jeff His dick was HANGING OUT OF HIS PANTS
jeff How could this happen?!
david i told you
robin ...
david i crouched
robin did this happen?
david and since my fly was unzipped
robin or is jeff playing games?
david and theres no buttons on my boxers
david ..it got off
lame http://www.bestplacetolive.com/template.cfm?cid296
lame check out the cool virtual tour
robin heh
david thats prolly why she giggled or whatever
robin ...
robin what the hell?
david robin: scroll up
robin i saw jeff saying first
robin so like.
david my fly was unzipped
david i entered the bus
david kinda crouched
david and my dick got off
david ... and i noticed when i got off the bus
robin is this a joke?
robin hahaha
lame did you sit down?
robin dear god.
lame or just crouch the whole way
robin and nobody in the bus stared at you?
robin or lauged?
robin laughed..
jeff Or went
david i dont remember
robin ...
jeff Excuse me sir, your cock is hanging out of your
robin and you had a conversation with this girl?
david robin: yeh
robin while your dick was hanging out?
david i was standing up
jeff Hahahah
lame hahaahahaha
robin what the fuck..
david she was sitting in front of me
robin this is the weirdest crap ever.
jeff How could you not notice?
david and i was standing up in front of her
david jeff: i noticed
david i told you
robin hahahaha
jeff AFTER
robin standing infront of her
jeff I wouldve noticed the second I felt my dick come out
of my pants.
robin with your dick out..
robin oh man..
robin david, this could be very good for you, or very bad..
robin heheh
jeff Yea
jeff Did she wink
jeff and/or lick her lips?
david no
robin oh man
lame If your cock was hanging out of your pants, HOW CAN YOU
jeff lame: EXACTLY
david she had this weird look on her face
lame its mind -boggling
robin yeh david, you are uncircumsized
david lame: i didnt notice
david stress, i guess
jeff David probably has a numb dick from jerking off too
robin like you are extra-sensitive to the temputures
robin man
lame well, at least you didnt get a boner
robin hahaha
robin lame maybe he did
jeff lame: Oh man
david i didnt
jeff That wouldve been the worst.
lame that would have been the best
jeff When you were talking to her, Daivd
robin if he didnt notice he had it out, he may of not
noticed that either.
jeff Was she looking at your face?
david jeff: no
david i dont really remember though
jeff robin: how could you not notice?!
jeff Dude, blind people notice that shit
robin man i would be traumatized..
jeff Anyone can sense it.
jeff robin: Me too
david i didnt have a boner
jeff Davids taking it pretty well.
robin yeh..
david jeff: i just realized it
jeff JUST?
david yeh
david well
jeff AS soon as I got off the bus I wouldve been like OH
robin maybe you are mistaken?
david that she saw me.
david when i got off the bus
david i thought about it
david got it back in my pants.
lame AS soon as My dick popped out of my pants, I would be
like, oh no, my dick
jeff lame: me too
david so yeh
david i got it back in my pants
david then like
jeff Oh well, maybe she didnt notice my dick inches away
from her face.
robin how did your dick get out of your pants?
david robin: my fly was unzipped
robin yeh
david and i had to crouch kinda
robin and?
jeff ..and his boxers button is missing.
david when i got in the bus
robin hahaha
david and my shirt was in my pants :
lame man, you must have flung that thing
david flung?
jeff Yea
robin david must have a numb dick
jeff How violently did you crouch?
david numb?
jeff Did you like, duck roll or something?!
david i just crouched man
david because i kinda missed a stair
jeff Hahahah
lame did you have a boner at the time?
david lame: no
lame :
robin this is why i wear tight underwear
jeff Tight?
david so yknow
* jeff cringes
robin heh
david i got it back on
jeff I wear boxers...
david came back home
david drank a coke can
david and everything was back on the rack
jeff The actual can?
lame I cant get the image of a french kid falling on to the
bus, poking his dick out, and than talking to a girl.
lame out of my head
david not a girl
david the girl.
jeff Things to do @ Wal-Mart while the spouse
is taking his / her
jeff sweet
jeff time!
jeff 1. Get boxes of condoms and randomly put
them in
jeff peoples carts when they dont realize
robin i am just surprised this girl did not act compleatly
jeff Guys, it was a THE girl.
robin she must of seen a lot of dick
david robin: she sounded weird though
lame hahahaha
david robin: shut the fuck up
jeff Yea
lame david: maybe its a good thing
david maybe
lame maybe shell ask to see it again.
david but.. im thinking about it.
*** robin changes topic to 7 days until pack release, 24!!
robin heh
david that was the fail in my plan
david i didnt think about the
jeff Seeing a dick randomly out in the open wasnt a big
deal to her apparently
robin david dont think anymore
jeff She must get it a lot
lame jeff: must be a french thing
robin thinking at the point will get you in trouble.
jeff Yea, a french thing
jeff :
david that was the fail in my plan
david i didnt think about the
david maybe my dick will fall off my boxers
jeff Hahah
robin heheheh
david so yeh. ill ask her, monday
jeff Ask her what?!?!
david if she saw my dick when it was out of my pants
robin about?
robin no!!
jeff Hahahhahaha
david why not?
robin dont ask her!
jeff Dont do that!
lame Hahahahahahhahahahahah
robin act like in never happened!
robin and if she points it out..
robin say so?
jeff Hey girl, I was wondering... uhm, did you see my dick
out of my pants on the bus the other day?
robin hehehehe
jeff Why yes David, may I suck it.
robin jeff no way man.
robin yeh
lame Than shell just call you City Bus Penis Boy....
robin you cant ask her if she saw!
david why not?
robin that is the worst thing to do!
jeff Yea, shes like...
david theres nothing wrong in going
jeff David, i saw your dick.
jeff So what baby?
david My dick was out of my pants last thursday. Did you
david lame: i dont know
david yeh
robin david nonono
david i wont ask her
lame than its like, uh, I was just kidding
david lame: not really
jeff 19:25:05 david My dick was out of my pants
last thursday. Did you notice? Thats the motherfucking mimic
24 fileid.diz quote.
robin carry on with just doing the same thing.
david i could go mib style with her
david with the red flash
david or whatever
jeff Hahah
robin wait..
david *RED FLASH*
jeff Man, Quebec is fucked up.
lame I think youve flashed her enough
robin was this the 1st time you talked to her?
david hahaha
robin or like, today?
david ahahahha
jeff lame: AHHAHahahahahha
david hahah
david hahahah lame
jeff hahaahaha
robin ...
david hhfkjhfghaaha
robin not that funny.
lame heh.
jeff Yea it was, that was great.
jeff Im loling.
robin ...
robin !.
david im rotfling
jeff Im roflmaoing
david so yeh
david what should i do?
lame Im masturbating.
robin ...
lame er wait...
david not talk about it?
jeff david: Dunno, youre fucked now.
robin david wait..
robin let me know something here.
jeff Wait, you have a 9 inch monster frenchman dick, right?
jeff So the fact that she saw it is no big deal, right?
robin i heard frenchies have small dicks
jeff robin: yea, Id imagine that too.
jeff All those years of assfucking has genetically altered
their penis length to be skinnier.
robin david okay. you talked to her, like for the first
time yesterday
robin is this when it had happened?
robin or.
robin was it today?
jeff Yesterday
david robin: yesterday
jeff HEh
david when i talked to her
robin okay
jeff The only day he talked to her
jeff ..and it happened.
robin so the first time you talked to her
robin you had your dick hanging out.
robin heh
jeff Thats hurtin
david yeh.. it wasnt that great of a first impression, eh?
robin i dunno..
lame At least it cant get worse, right?
david :
robin david i would say ignore it..
david robin: should i talk to her monday?
david and hope she didnt notice?
jeff David
robin go ahead yeh
lame david: she didnt run away crying, so obviously she
didnt mind too much
jeff Call her!
robin and if she points shit out.
jeff lame: Heh
robin you better pretend it didnt happen. :
robin heh
jeff girl: AHHH!! PENIS!
robin OR
jeff david: WHERE? WHERE?
david should i go
david it was my tie
robin if you like this better... act like you dont care.
david or my belt
robin because you already seem to not care much about it.
david robin: i do care
david i fucked up my first impression
robin not as much as the average person
david how come?
robin you didnt fuck up, it is fucked up. :
lame haha
david what tells you im not freaking out here?
jeff Uhm, girl.. incase you were wondering.. that
wasnt my dick on Thursday.. it was a fake dick.. I did it to,
uh, impress you!
lame Dirk diggler
lame style
robin dav and.. you could be wrong
robin so i wouldnt say anything.
lame Did you see her today?
david no school
lame ah.
david anyway
david monday i wont put my shirt in my pants
david and wear two pairs of boxers
david and zip my fly
lame I think just having your pants done up is the main point
to work on.
robin maybe get rid of your dick too
jeff Yea
robin to be safe
jeff cut it off
jeff Just to be safe
lame then he would just have a stump hanging out
robin re-attach it when you really need it.
jeff hahaha
david maybe kind missle is like me
david thats why he did a detachable penis tune
robin yes..
david so yeh. i fucked up, eh?
robin no
lame nah
robin not exactly
robin it is a twist of fate david
jeff What do you guys mean no?
jeff His dick was hanging out
jeff Thats NEVER happened to me.
lame jeff: maybe if it did, youd meet french chicks too
jeff Hrm, maybe.
david lame: lets say you talk to a girl you wanted to talk
to for like, 4months. shes sitting in front of you. and your
dick is hanging out of your pants.
david what would you do
lame how thats a good thing, I odnt know...
david hey. stop doing those french chicks jokes
lame david: Uh. Move.
lame to edmonton
robin its just a twist of fate david
robin it happened...
david robin: i dont give a fuck, it happened
david what can i do?
robin you have no controll now. :
jeff Oh well, David
robin i think this will take a life of its own.
jeff Youre okay unless she saw your tattoo of the word
Robin on the side of your shaft.
jeff cause if she saw that, youre fucked.
lame david: just try it again, to see what she does.
robin ..
david if i end up going out with her, when ill get my
pants off, shell prolly say something im experiencing deja
vu or whatever
robin you guys have shit advice.
david yeh
david robin is the man
david richard is a faggoth
david but a faggoth with pants
david :
robin sometimes when youre building up to one point..
david you know how i felt?
robin like, unexpected shit can happen
david i felt like in brad : the game
robin its like the universe invested in that moment.
david yeh i know
lame david: if she doesnt care, it probably shows that
she likes you
david lame: she did care
david she had this weird look on her face
robin at this point, i can not really see you not hearing
from her again
lame by care, I mean get completely grossed out, or laugh in
your face, or run away, etc.
robin it could be bad or good
robin i dunno.
lame Of all the days...
jeff I dunno Rob
jeff Remember the first time we met?
robin ????
robin yeh what about it?
jeff You were in the chair at the institute.
jeff Reading
jeff Well, imagine I was walkiung up to you I had my
dick hanging out of my pants.
jeff ..and I never noticed.
david thats what i think too
jeff ..and my dick was just swinging around I was like
Hey Rob, whats up!?
robin hurm
jeff ..and then imagine I turned suddenly and my dick
smacked you in the eye you yelled out AHH, MY EYE!
jeff and I bent down to help you, and in the process I
thrust my dick into your open mouth?
jeff ..and then imagine we had a homoerotic experience?
robin i think i would of had an other mental breakdown
david so yeh
david god
david waiting for the good occasion wasnt good.
david i cant believe my dick was out of my pants.
lame I dont think anyone can.
lame Im taking this girl to the movies tomorrow.
david thats cool
lame Yea, I dont know what she thinks of me though
lame I fell with my head in her lap last friday
lame Fell asleep that is
david you know what to do
david zip your fly
lame I dont think I will ever forget to zip my fly after
*** Retrieving mimic info...
david why? :
lame no reason :
david op me
lame We dont need protection against anything anybody might
lame op me
david erm.. yeh
david :D
lame heh
*** jeff sets mode: +oo david lame
*** jeff sets mode: +v wkz
jeff bbiaf
jeff Ident with the bots
*** david changes topic to 7 days until pack release, 24!!
david guys
jeff You fags :
david it was.. a joke!
david she didnt see my dick
david but. this is our secret.. eh? :
lame heh.
End of mimic buffer Fri Jun 09 20:35:14 2000
ive ever had on mimic. Ive even edited the colors for better understanding.
And god knows im a lazy bastard.
- David
The greatest conversation on mimic.
Featuring :
+-- david as aeternam
+-- robin as drshizuma
+-- jeff as black jack
+-- lame as lame
The plot: David talked to a girl in his city bus. And his dick was out of his
Start of mimic buffer: Fri Jun 09 20:35:14 2000
this town and meeting new people
blkjack Where ya moving out to? :
lame Edmonton!
blkjack In latest news
lame Ill give you the url for the apartment :
lame Heh, SO i am hearing
blkjack David how could you NOT notice?!
david i didnt
david thats all
blkjack Did you walk all the way to the busstop like that?
blkjack What the fuck?!
lame hahahah
david no
david i crouched when i entered the bus
david thats prolly when it got off
blkjack I see...
blkjack Man
blkjack You know what wouldve been perfect? If she had
grabbed your dick started licking it.
blkjack But she didnt, sucka.
lame haha
blkjack David, man
blkjack I didnt know your actual dick was hanging out.
blkjack Man
blkjack You dumb dumb ass :
*** blkjack is now known as jeff
lame Was it actually hanging out? not just visible?
robin huh?
*** jeff is now known as jeff
jeff WOO
david my shirt was in my pants
jeff It was visible.
jeff His dick was HANGING OUT OF HIS PANTS
jeff How could this happen?!
david i told you
robin ...
david i crouched
robin did this happen?
david and since my fly was unzipped
robin or is jeff playing games?
david and theres no buttons on my boxers
david ..it got off
lame http://www.bestplacetolive.com/template.cfm?cid296
lame check out the cool virtual tour
robin heh
david thats prolly why she giggled or whatever
robin ...
robin what the hell?
david robin: scroll up
robin i saw jeff saying first
robin so like.
david my fly was unzipped
david i entered the bus
david kinda crouched
david and my dick got off
david ... and i noticed when i got off the bus
robin is this a joke?
robin hahaha
lame did you sit down?
robin dear god.
lame or just crouch the whole way
robin and nobody in the bus stared at you?
robin or lauged?
robin laughed..
jeff Or went
david i dont remember
robin ...
jeff Excuse me sir, your cock is hanging out of your
robin and you had a conversation with this girl?
david robin: yeh
robin while your dick was hanging out?
david i was standing up
jeff Hahahah
lame hahaahahaha
robin what the fuck..
david she was sitting in front of me
robin this is the weirdest crap ever.
jeff How could you not notice?
david and i was standing up in front of her
david jeff: i noticed
david i told you
robin hahahaha
jeff AFTER
robin standing infront of her
jeff I wouldve noticed the second I felt my dick come out
of my pants.
robin with your dick out..
robin oh man..
robin david, this could be very good for you, or very bad..
robin heheh
jeff Yea
jeff Did she wink
jeff and/or lick her lips?
david no
robin oh man
lame If your cock was hanging out of your pants, HOW CAN YOU
jeff lame: EXACTLY
david she had this weird look on her face
lame its mind -boggling
robin yeh david, you are uncircumsized
david lame: i didnt notice
david stress, i guess
jeff David probably has a numb dick from jerking off too
robin like you are extra-sensitive to the temputures
robin man
lame well, at least you didnt get a boner
robin hahaha
robin lame maybe he did
jeff lame: Oh man
david i didnt
jeff That wouldve been the worst.
lame that would have been the best
jeff When you were talking to her, Daivd
robin if he didnt notice he had it out, he may of not
noticed that either.
jeff Was she looking at your face?
david jeff: no
david i dont really remember though
jeff robin: how could you not notice?!
jeff Dude, blind people notice that shit
robin man i would be traumatized..
jeff Anyone can sense it.
jeff robin: Me too
david i didnt have a boner
jeff Davids taking it pretty well.
robin yeh..
david jeff: i just realized it
jeff JUST?
david yeh
david well
jeff AS soon as I got off the bus I wouldve been like OH
robin maybe you are mistaken?
david that she saw me.
david when i got off the bus
david i thought about it
david got it back in my pants.
lame AS soon as My dick popped out of my pants, I would be
like, oh no, my dick
jeff lame: me too
david so yeh
david i got it back in my pants
david then like
jeff Oh well, maybe she didnt notice my dick inches away
from her face.
robin how did your dick get out of your pants?
david robin: my fly was unzipped
robin yeh
david and i had to crouch kinda
robin and?
jeff ..and his boxers button is missing.
david when i got in the bus
robin hahaha
david and my shirt was in my pants :
lame man, you must have flung that thing
david flung?
jeff Yea
robin david must have a numb dick
jeff How violently did you crouch?
david numb?
jeff Did you like, duck roll or something?!
david i just crouched man
david because i kinda missed a stair
jeff Hahahah
lame did you have a boner at the time?
david lame: no
lame :
robin this is why i wear tight underwear
jeff Tight?
david so yknow
* jeff cringes
robin heh
david i got it back on
jeff I wear boxers...
david came back home
david drank a coke can
david and everything was back on the rack
jeff The actual can?
lame I cant get the image of a french kid falling on to the
bus, poking his dick out, and than talking to a girl.
lame out of my head
david not a girl
david the girl.
jeff Things to do @ Wal-Mart while the spouse
is taking his / her
jeff sweet
jeff time!
jeff 1. Get boxes of condoms and randomly put
them in
jeff peoples carts when they dont realize
robin i am just surprised this girl did not act compleatly
jeff Guys, it was a THE girl.
robin she must of seen a lot of dick
david robin: she sounded weird though
lame hahahaha
david robin: shut the fuck up
jeff Yea
lame david: maybe its a good thing
david maybe
lame maybe shell ask to see it again.
david but.. im thinking about it.
*** robin changes topic to 7 days until pack release, 24!!
robin heh
david that was the fail in my plan
david i didnt think about the
jeff Seeing a dick randomly out in the open wasnt a big
deal to her apparently
robin david dont think anymore
jeff She must get it a lot
lame jeff: must be a french thing
robin thinking at the point will get you in trouble.
jeff Yea, a french thing
jeff :
david that was the fail in my plan
david i didnt think about the
david maybe my dick will fall off my boxers
jeff Hahah
robin heheheh
david so yeh. ill ask her, monday
jeff Ask her what?!?!
david if she saw my dick when it was out of my pants
robin about?
robin no!!
jeff Hahahhahaha
david why not?
robin dont ask her!
jeff Dont do that!
lame Hahahahahahhahahahahah
robin act like in never happened!
robin and if she points it out..
robin say so?
jeff Hey girl, I was wondering... uhm, did you see my dick
out of my pants on the bus the other day?
robin hehehehe
jeff Why yes David, may I suck it.
robin jeff no way man.
robin yeh
lame Than shell just call you City Bus Penis Boy....
robin you cant ask her if she saw!
david why not?
robin that is the worst thing to do!
jeff Yea, shes like...
david theres nothing wrong in going
jeff David, i saw your dick.
jeff So what baby?
david My dick was out of my pants last thursday. Did you
david lame: i dont know
david yeh
robin david nonono
david i wont ask her
lame than its like, uh, I was just kidding
david lame: not really
jeff 19:25:05 david My dick was out of my pants
last thursday. Did you notice? Thats the motherfucking mimic
24 fileid.diz quote.
robin carry on with just doing the same thing.
david i could go mib style with her
david with the red flash
david or whatever
jeff Hahah
robin wait..
david *RED FLASH*
jeff Man, Quebec is fucked up.
lame I think youve flashed her enough
robin was this the 1st time you talked to her?
david hahaha
robin or like, today?
david ahahahha
jeff lame: AHHAHahahahahha
david hahah
david hahahah lame
jeff hahaahaha
robin ...
david hhfkjhfghaaha
robin not that funny.
lame heh.
jeff Yea it was, that was great.
jeff Im loling.
robin ...
robin !.
david im rotfling
jeff Im roflmaoing
david so yeh
david what should i do?
lame Im masturbating.
robin ...
lame er wait...
david not talk about it?
jeff david: Dunno, youre fucked now.
robin david wait..
robin let me know something here.
jeff Wait, you have a 9 inch monster frenchman dick, right?
jeff So the fact that she saw it is no big deal, right?
robin i heard frenchies have small dicks
jeff robin: yea, Id imagine that too.
jeff All those years of assfucking has genetically altered
their penis length to be skinnier.
robin david okay. you talked to her, like for the first
time yesterday
robin is this when it had happened?
robin or.
robin was it today?
jeff Yesterday
david robin: yesterday
jeff HEh
david when i talked to her
robin okay
jeff The only day he talked to her
jeff ..and it happened.
robin so the first time you talked to her
robin you had your dick hanging out.
robin heh
jeff Thats hurtin
david yeh.. it wasnt that great of a first impression, eh?
robin i dunno..
lame At least it cant get worse, right?
david :
robin david i would say ignore it..
david robin: should i talk to her monday?
david and hope she didnt notice?
jeff David
robin go ahead yeh
lame david: she didnt run away crying, so obviously she
didnt mind too much
jeff Call her!
robin and if she points shit out.
jeff lame: Heh
robin you better pretend it didnt happen. :
robin heh
jeff girl: AHHH!! PENIS!
robin OR
jeff david: WHERE? WHERE?
david should i go
david it was my tie
robin if you like this better... act like you dont care.
david or my belt
robin because you already seem to not care much about it.
david robin: i do care
david i fucked up my first impression
robin not as much as the average person
david how come?
robin you didnt fuck up, it is fucked up. :
lame haha
david what tells you im not freaking out here?
jeff Uhm, girl.. incase you were wondering.. that
wasnt my dick on Thursday.. it was a fake dick.. I did it to,
uh, impress you!
lame Dirk diggler
lame style
robin dav and.. you could be wrong
robin so i wouldnt say anything.
lame Did you see her today?
david no school
lame ah.
david anyway
david monday i wont put my shirt in my pants
david and wear two pairs of boxers
david and zip my fly
lame I think just having your pants done up is the main point
to work on.
robin maybe get rid of your dick too
jeff Yea
robin to be safe
jeff cut it off
jeff Just to be safe
lame then he would just have a stump hanging out
robin re-attach it when you really need it.
jeff hahaha
david maybe kind missle is like me
david thats why he did a detachable penis tune
robin yes..
david so yeh. i fucked up, eh?
robin no
lame nah
robin not exactly
robin it is a twist of fate david
jeff What do you guys mean no?
jeff His dick was hanging out
jeff Thats NEVER happened to me.
lame jeff: maybe if it did, youd meet french chicks too
jeff Hrm, maybe.
david lame: lets say you talk to a girl you wanted to talk
to for like, 4months. shes sitting in front of you. and your
dick is hanging out of your pants.
david what would you do
lame how thats a good thing, I odnt know...
david hey. stop doing those french chicks jokes
lame david: Uh. Move.
lame to edmonton
robin its just a twist of fate david
robin it happened...
david robin: i dont give a fuck, it happened
david what can i do?
robin you have no controll now. :
jeff Oh well, David
robin i think this will take a life of its own.
jeff Youre okay unless she saw your tattoo of the word
Robin on the side of your shaft.
jeff cause if she saw that, youre fucked.
lame david: just try it again, to see what she does.
robin ..
david if i end up going out with her, when ill get my
pants off, shell prolly say something im experiencing deja
vu or whatever
robin you guys have shit advice.
david yeh
david robin is the man
david richard is a faggoth
david but a faggoth with pants
david :
robin sometimes when youre building up to one point..
david you know how i felt?
robin like, unexpected shit can happen
david i felt like in brad : the game
robin its like the universe invested in that moment.
david yeh i know
lame david: if she doesnt care, it probably shows that
she likes you
david lame: she did care
david she had this weird look on her face
robin at this point, i can not really see you not hearing
from her again
lame by care, I mean get completely grossed out, or laugh in
your face, or run away, etc.
robin it could be bad or good
robin i dunno.
lame Of all the days...
jeff I dunno Rob
jeff Remember the first time we met?
robin ????
robin yeh what about it?
jeff You were in the chair at the institute.
jeff Reading
jeff Well, imagine I was walkiung up to you I had my
dick hanging out of my pants.
jeff ..and I never noticed.
david thats what i think too
jeff ..and my dick was just swinging around I was like
Hey Rob, whats up!?
robin hurm
jeff ..and then imagine I turned suddenly and my dick
smacked you in the eye you yelled out AHH, MY EYE!
jeff and I bent down to help you, and in the process I
thrust my dick into your open mouth?
jeff ..and then imagine we had a homoerotic experience?
robin i think i would of had an other mental breakdown
david so yeh
david god
david waiting for the good occasion wasnt good.
david i cant believe my dick was out of my pants.
lame I dont think anyone can.
lame Im taking this girl to the movies tomorrow.
david thats cool
lame Yea, I dont know what she thinks of me though
lame I fell with my head in her lap last friday
lame Fell asleep that is
david you know what to do
david zip your fly
lame I dont think I will ever forget to zip my fly after
*** Retrieving mimic info...
david why? :
lame no reason :
david op me
lame We dont need protection against anything anybody might
lame op me
david erm.. yeh
david :D
lame heh
*** jeff sets mode: +oo david lame
*** jeff sets mode: +v wkz
jeff bbiaf
jeff Ident with the bots
*** david changes topic to 7 days until pack release, 24!!
david guys
jeff You fags :
david it was.. a joke!
david she didnt see my dick
david but. this is our secret.. eh? :
lame heh.
End of mimic buffer Fri Jun 09 20:35:14 2000
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