this image contains text
7 Smudgeboys ,,,.....,, ?. ?7 j7 ? ?7 j7 .,db. j7 ..,gSWg,. j7 .,gSS. / ,Sb. /,1IIIII*S1: 1WgIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIgg1 ?III1 ?WWIII ?IIIl?I ?W :1 II1 ?II1 :7 jI II:Ib /**?P?7.dS* 7? b. /P 1 . j qS*.,a 7b,. **adPiibP* , ?Wg,.,di ,q, ggggggggg .?IIiiiiiiigggiiiiiiiP jP jb ? b ?IIYYYYYYjY jb ?ggggg b 1b.?P,dIgg1YIIIIII*Siii jb ?P b ?b ?I,gII1II:II8i.81: jb ?P ggggggggg ?b?II dIIIIII IIIIIb ?1 ?P
?P 7iIIIP.?II1 : ?
?P 7IIS*.j1,*SIIII1
b ?P 1III111111IIbgg1III:
b ?P j ?IIP ?II1
b ? j . II?SSS*.:.*SPP,j ShrimpMimic
b j dQ::11aaaggII1SggggdP 1:
P j :1:b ?IIIP,1 .P j 111h ?I?PjP d: jP jP :b.?IIII I1 j jP d 1b.II: b ?P jjP dP SII*SSS*1 ib ?P jP dP iI ,. ., b ? jP dP :b ?IIIII 1 ?b jP 1P ?88b?: jP P j:1:P 1 jP 1: 1: 1 gggg : :1 i b i1 : ?b ?: l 1 ?b ?b *SSSS* j 1 1 jb ?b .,g *SSS* ,b ?b ? ? b ? . ?g gggp ? jb ?P ? jb . ?P b ? jb .
P j b ? jb j
P j b ? jb jS
P j b . jb ,dSi
jP ., ,. jb .,gS*
j .,gSS SWg. ,dSS*
,aSSP* ?S*SSSb. 1SS/,.
.SSP ,b ?S . ?SS1. *SS. :lSSb. *Sb ?jb SSSl.. ? *P.. ?SSS. b jb ?.jSSP .,g* .,g*Spb *S!a. .jP ,dSSP*, S* .,* .,* .g ..b ?Sg. ?b. P ,!SSP ,d P .,* .,gP*. ?b SS: b ?* jS .dSSP ,gggg . .,aS. b ? jSS1 ?b .,dS* . jP?SSb. *?aaSS: ? ,*.,g ? ?SSP .,gSSg, ?S*?SS1: ?. ? ?b. ?S: SS**SSSb : *SS1: ? ? *b. ?S P /SS g. *b . . a Y P jSS* : b. . . .* .d 1
Sa Male Domination. ,d
Jesus christ, WHERE do they get these names? :
Special thanks to TheGuardian, who gave me the idea of drawing a headless nude
man, and to Pariah, whose elite coloring method influenced me when coloring thisASCiis background.
Im not quite happy with the picture as much as Im happy with the font. I canttell why, heh :.
Thats it actually. Check out this log:
Shrimp I got your ascii ready.. SMuDGeBoY cool!!! send plz
*** DCC send of SMP-MLD.ANS to SMuDGeBoy completed.
SMudgeboy woww
smudgeboy this r0x!!@!@*!*@!@*!@*!@*!@*!@ u rule man thx!!
Shrimp heh.. Its not THAT good, but whatever
smudgeboy ftp://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx l:shrimp p:xxxxxx u can download
everything u want just dont give it 2 any1 else
And now I can leech everything I want. Drawing for warez-pups sure does pay off:no matter how poor is the art you make for them, theyll always be happy. Hah.
TGuardian muh penis is like a blossuming flower in the spring time.. like a
mushroom, blooming infront of your very eyes. like the beginning
of the summer, opening to a whole new experience
?P 7iIIIP.?II1 : ?
?P 7IIS*.j1,*SIIII1
b ?P 1III111111IIbgg1III:
b ?P j ?IIP ?II1
b ? j . II?SSS*.:.*SPP,j ShrimpMimic
b j dQ::11aaaggII1SggggdP 1:
P j :1:b ?IIIP,1 .P j 111h ?I?PjP d: jP jP :b.?IIII I1 j jP d 1b.II: b ?P jjP dP SII*SSS*1 ib ?P jP dP iI ,. ., b ? jP dP :b ?IIIII 1 ?b jP 1P ?88b?: jP P j:1:P 1 jP 1: 1: 1 gggg : :1 i b i1 : ?b ?: l 1 ?b ?b *SSSS* j 1 1 jb ?b .,g *SSS* ,b ?b ? ? b ? . ?g gggp ? jb ?P ? jb . ?P b ? jb .
P j b ? jb j
P j b ? jb jS
P j b . jb ,dSi
jP ., ,. jb .,gS*
j .,gSS SWg. ,dSS*
,aSSP* ?S*SSSb. 1SS/,.
.SSP ,b ?S . ?SS1. *SS. :lSSb. *Sb ?jb SSSl.. ? *P.. ?SSS. b jb ?.jSSP .,g* .,g*Spb *S!a. .jP ,dSSP*, S* .,* .,* .g ..b ?Sg. ?b. P ,!SSP ,d P .,* .,gP*. ?b SS: b ?* jS .dSSP ,gggg . .,aS. b ? jSS1 ?b .,dS* . jP?SSb. *?aaSS: ? ,*.,g ? ?SSP .,gSSg, ?S*?SS1: ?. ? ?b. ?S: SS**SSSb : *SS1: ? ? *b. ?S P /SS g. *b . . a Y P jSS* : b. . . .* .d 1
Sa Male Domination. ,d
Jesus christ, WHERE do they get these names? :
Special thanks to TheGuardian, who gave me the idea of drawing a headless nude
man, and to Pariah, whose elite coloring method influenced me when coloring thisASCiis background.
Im not quite happy with the picture as much as Im happy with the font. I canttell why, heh :.
Thats it actually. Check out this log:
Shrimp I got your ascii ready.. SMuDGeBoY cool!!! send plz
*** DCC send of SMP-MLD.ANS to SMuDGeBoy completed.
SMudgeboy woww
smudgeboy this r0x!!@!@*!*@!@*!@*!@*!@*!@ u rule man thx!!
Shrimp heh.. Its not THAT good, but whatever
smudgeboy ftp://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx l:shrimp p:xxxxxx u can download
everything u want just dont give it 2 any1 else
And now I can leech everything I want. Drawing for warez-pups sure does pay off:no matter how poor is the art you make for them, theyll always be happy. Hah.
TGuardian muh penis is like a blossuming flower in the spring time.. like a
mushroom, blooming infront of your very eyes. like the beginning
of the summer, opening to a whole new experience
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