this image contains text
,, db
,. : db
:y. ,ai ,. l ..
ly. y. yy *
l 7 dyb d .
: L l 7.47l :,.,d: dL L..
7P *myL l
7 .,
When winter leaves her branches bare
And icy breezes chill the air
The freezing snow lies everywhere
My darling, will we still be there?
,, db
,. : db
:y. ,ai ,. l ..
ly. y. yy *
l 7 dyb d .
: L l 7.47l :,.,d: dL L..
7P *myL l
7 .,
When winter leaves her branches bare
And icy breezes chill the air
The freezing snow lies everywhere
My darling, will we still be there?
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